Lai Luo looked at this scene and smiled embarrassingly, it seemed that he still underestimated the combat power of the Blackbeard Pirates.

In the face of a giant with terrifying brute strength, it is obviously not the best choice to fight with one's own small body, therefore, the Godzilla fairy mode is activated!


With the sound of a long beast roar, everyone in the battle turned their attention to the location of Lai Luo, which was a phantom of a monster surrounded by red lotuses!

"What monster is that?"

Whether it was the Alliance of Peacekeepers, Margao and his party, or the Blackbeard Pirates, they were all shocked. They had never seen this monster with an aura of extreme destruction all over its body!

"Brother Yi, tell everyone to evacuate!"

The first to return to God, Anilu hurriedly turned into Thor, grabbed the soldiers of the Peacemaker Alliance beside him, turned into a thunderous light and passed away.

The destructive power possessed by Laylo in the form of Godzilla is beyond the imagination of human beings!

Taking advantage of the neutrality of the evacuation of the crowd, the huge half-black and half-red phantom kept compressing and staring, and was finally taken back by Lei Luo. At this time, his skin had all turned into a red lotus, and the stream beneath it was flowing. The muscles and veins of the violent blood, like the terrifying power, can be seen at a glance.


A steaming white breath was exhaled from Laiduo's mouth with a low sullen roar, and the unbearable high temperature made the sea boil.

However, the most frightening thing was that when he opened his eyes again, the endless flowing fire light replaced his eyes, and the rich and terrifying aura of destruction instantly filled the world!

Without the slightest sound, Lai Luo's figure suddenly appeared in front of the wolf.

"Hey, big man, do you know how much pain you made me just now!"


The simple and unpretentious fist swiped, without half the power, and even hit the wolf with no pain or itch.

Is this kid bluffing?

Seeing that Lei Luo's attack was completely different from the aura that permeated his body, Shiliu and the others couldn't help frowning, but even so, they still did not relax their vigilance.

"Hey, the cadres of the Peacekeepers, your leader will not find out that he is invincible, so he pretends to be like this, intending to scare off the Blackbeard Pirates?"

"That's right, since you're going to escape, don't take us with you, we're going to avenge my father!"

Hearing the clamor of the crowd around him, Anilu gave them a blank look, and Master Yi shook his head helplessly.

This is the sadness of the weak. They cannot understand or feel what the strong do.


Sensing that something was wrong, Titch's arm shook, and the space in front of him suddenly vibrated at an extremely fast frequency, and then it exploded, dividing him and Margao.

"Qingzhi, you still haven't shot!"

Blackbeard's roar resounded throughout the sea, and the hidden fear instantly overturned the suspicion of the weak.


A biting cold wind suddenly hit, and the originally clear sky suddenly rolled with dark clouds, and crystal snowflakes fell from the sky, landing on the sea.

When snowflakes meet water, they should melt, but these snowflakes are not like this, but the moment they touch the sea, they disintegrate in an instant, releasing ultra-low temperatures at the absolute zero level. Everything on it freezes.

A single thought is enough to change the climate and environment, and a cold figure suddenly appeared in everyone's mind - the former Admiral Aokiku Kuzan!

"What are you guys waiting for? The wolf is already dead, so why don't you take this opportunity to escape!"

Seeing that his cadres had actually surrounded Laylo, whose body was covered with a layer of hoarfrost, Blackbeard cursed angrily.

These idiots, haven't they discovered that the frozen Lei Luo is just an afterimage?

"You want to leave the Ice Age with just one move of Qingzhi, isn't that taking me too seriously?"


A desolate scream came, and the coquettish nine-tailed fox was instantly ignited by flames. On top of its head, stood Lei Luo who looked down at everyone.

Nine-tailed fox, born with nine tails, has nine lives, but Katrin, who has five tails left, turned into a charred skeleton in an instant, covered by frost.

"Laylo, if you continue to shoot, Margo will die because of you!"

Seeing his subordinates being killed one by one, Tickey's figure appeared in front of Margao, who was accidentally frozen into an ice sculpture. He only needed to squeeze so lightly, and another torn corpse would be added to the ice layer. .

call out!

Laylo raised his hand, and a golden beam shot out, smashing the head of Van Oka who escaped at the end.

"You can try moving."

This is Lai Luo's answer. He hates being threatened the most. Since someone does this, let's compare who has more chips!

With the death of another companion, Shiliu and the others didn't even dare to look back.

In the battle just now, none of them used all their strength, the purpose was to test Lei Luo's strength first, but who would have thought that this kid didn't play cards according to common sense, and he made a big move when he came up.


The shaking fruit ability was activated, and the space in Blackbeard's palm continued to vibrate, and that hand was getting closer and closer to Margao.

At this moment, he deeply understood that if he was the one who was timid first, he would end up with no escape.


Lai Luo sighed, raised his hand to see two more laser beams, and then said, "I said, you'd better not move!"


Looking at Pizarro and Choate who had completely lost their vitality, Blackbeard finally chose to compromise.

Seeing this, Lai Luo scorned the black beard below and just flicked his finger with a chuckle, and the ice sculpture that blocked Margo was cracked inch by inch.

However, at the moment when Margao was unblocked, a blue bird completely carved out of ice appeared out of thin air in front of Lai Luo.

"Come on!"

Tickey didn't dare to hesitate for a second, and the shaking fruit ability was activated instantly. With him as the center, all the ice layers began to shake, and the frequency became faster and faster.

With a loud bang, the Ice Age shattered, bursts of turbulent waves slapped the sea recklessly, and an earth-shattering tsunami hit in an instant!

After a long time, the wind and waves were calm, and there were only two ships covered with golden light and a somewhat dissatisfied figure left on the sea.

"Che, are you still getting away? However, Titch, you have to remember that when you meet me next time, you won't be so lucky!"

"Boss, where's the blond guy?"

Chapter 316: Brother Ming's Defeat

"Boss, where's the blond guy?"

After surviving the tsunami caused by Tiki without any risk, Anilu's exclamation suddenly came.

Blonde guy? No, little brother!

Suddenly finding that the sea below was empty, Lai Luo's figure instantly turned into a golden light and shot straight to the bottom of the sea.

"You guys go back first, I have something to look for some old friends."

After a long time, Lai Luo, who stuck his head out of the sea, looked coldly at the place where Titch was before.

There was no trace of Margo in the depths of the sea, so there was only one possibility. Titch just took advantage of the chaos and took Margo to escape.

On the second day, the Navy Headquarters released a major news that shocked the whole world.

"People like Akainu are really not interesting, and finally gave me a life card of Aokiji."

After returning to the base camp, Lai Luo complained a few words, carefully put the small card in his hand into his pocket, and then turned his attention to the calendar on the wall.

However, just as Lai Luo saw today's date, he always felt that something important was about to happen today.

"Boss, Hai Xia Jinping came to visit."

Under the guidance of Gedges, Jinbei, who looked a little anxious, walked up to Lai Luo.

"Jinpei, didn't I send Tina and Leiju to guard Fishman Island, why are you so panicked?"

For some reason, Lai Luo always felt that Shiping's visit this time had something to do with his own unease.

"Leader Laylo, the Straw Hats fought against Doflamingo in Dressrosa, I hope you can help."

Jinbei knelt down in front of Lai Luo with a plop. The Straw Hats had a great debt to reshape the entire fish-man island. He would never turn a blind eye to the lives and deaths of Luffy and others, but now the fish-man island still needs his protection.

Luffy vs Ming brother?

Before Lei Luo could clarify his intentions, a thunderstorm burst into the outside of the house, which was filled with silent anger. This person was Enilu.

Well, the thing that I feared the most still happened!

Lai Luo himself never imagined that when he was still an admiral in the navy, he had promised Ai Nilu that Luffy would settle accounts, but then luck would get him, especially now that the Peacemaker Alliance is still friendly with the Revolutionary Army. Neluhu comes, and the consequence must be that the former allies meet with each other.

"That's all, Anilu, this time, you can go with me. There are some things, maybe after you see it with your own eyes, your thoughts will improve."

At this moment, Dressrosa, Gates, who is the live commentator of the arena, is running wildly with a weak Luffy on his back.

In the shrinking birdcage, the ordinary people headed by Franky relied on the Kailoushi Castle and tried their best to prevent the birdcage from shrinking. On the other side, Zoro and Fujitora were all too. It is so.

"A group of defeated soldiers, just want to die!"

Brother Ming sneered, and the surrounding buildings slowly blurred into sharp threads, covering the warriors who came to stop him in the shape of a giant net.

A tragic cry of grief continued, but Brother Ming did not stop. The speed of the bird cage's contraction was also increasing. Everyone's life was at stake, but Luffy's distance could be restored.

"Hehehe, kill her, Rebecca!"

There are countless transparent silk threads on Ming Ge's fingertips, while binding Viola in front of him, he is also urging the long knife in Rebecca's hand to continuously approach Viola's heart.

"No, who can help me!"

Rebecca desperately tried to stop her advancing body, but she tried her best, but it didn't help, she could only watch the tip of the knife get closer and closer to Viola's chest.


At this critical moment, a sturdy figure sprang out from an extremely tricky angle, smashing the long knife in Rebecca's hand with one end.


At that moment, the entire Dressrosa was shouting the name of this man, this is the hope of all of them, and will soon KO Doflamingo, the devil's straw hat Luffy!


Behind the smiling brother Ming, several big trees suddenly transformed into spikes of silk thread spirals, which penetrated Luffy's body in the blink of an eye, and blood poured out.

"Is this the recovery from the ten minutes they fought so hard for you? That's ridiculous!"

During the speech, Brother Ming pointed abruptly at the ruins on one side with his left hand, and then there was a scream in an instant.

"Luo, it's not your turn yet, you'd better not move!"

Luffy, who was seriously injured, and Luo, who fell into a stupor again, who else can stop Brother Ming's massacre?

"Fourth gear! Rubber eraser, Great Ape King Gun!"

I don't know when, Luffy's figure appeared in the air, and that huge right fist the size of a house was completely tainted by the overlord's domineering.

"How dare you fight me in the air? It's time for all this to end! 16 sacred bullets to kill God!"

Brother Ming laughed wildly, and everything on the entire island turned into sharp threads at the moment when his words fell, which merged and condensed into sixteen sharp spears shining with the golden light of God.


The attacks of the two collided, and the ripples of energy continued to spread, and the huge wave formed easily lifted everyone watching the battle. This was the last blow of the two kings who tried their best!

"Did you see it? Brother Ming is just like you before, brutal and indiscriminate, and in the end, it is natural that everyone will resist."

In the distance in the air, two figures, one gold and one blue, looked at the sunglasses that had fallen to the ground and appeared with many cracks. They had already seen the end of the battle before everyone else.

Dressrosa is like the empty island before, and Brother Ming is no different from Anilu. Both of them claim to be gods and rule their own country at will, even if this country was not originally theirs. owned territory.

However, the powerful strength has already blinded the hearts of the two of them, and the mentality of being a superior person and despising everything will eventually lead them to a path of tyrants.

"Hmph, I've never attacked a seriously injured person, so I'm lucky for Straw Hat Lufei."

Anilu snorted lightly and turned into a flash of lightning.

Lai Luo, who was in this situation, just smiled, and then fell into the area surrounded by a sea of ​​fire.

This is exactly where Sabo used the ability to burn the fruit to kill Badgers just now.

"Lei Luo, why are you here?"

Just as Laidlaw landed, Sabo turned his head and asked.

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