After the spiritual pressure, the broken face mask on Grimmjow's cheeks moved to the forehead, the turquoise eye shadow extended to the temples, the ears also turned into blue-green leopard ears, and the short blue hair also changed from short to long, hanging down. to the waist.

A treasure-colored shirt was replaced by bone armor, and the forearm also grew upside-down bone spurs. After a pair of human palms were covered with bone armor, they resembled the claws of a leopard, extremely sharp.

"Claw of the Panther King!"

The Reiatsu was released, Grimmjow did not hesitate, his claws slashed across his chest, and two huge blue light scars appeared, full of attack and pressure.

"Ice phantom!"

In the sky, Hitsugaya Toshiro saw the blue claw marks coming, and he didn't have time to think about it. After the skill was activated, an ice phantom that looked exactly like him appeared in front of him and hit the blue claw marks.

"Crack clap..."

The ice phantom and the blue claw marks dissipated at the same time, and Hitsugaya Toushiro also retreated to Urahara Kisuke with Matsumoto Ranju.

Grimmjow didn't pursue him, but dodged to the side of the five shattered subordinates. After checking their injuries, his inner worries eased a lot.

Most of the broken faces have the ability to regenerate at a super speed. As long as they are not fatally injured, they can recover in a very short time.

And although his five subordinate officials, Reiatsu, were much weaker, they did not suffer life-threatening injuries after all, so there was no threat to their lives.

With a wave of his claws in the air, the black voice reappeared, and Grimmjow stared at Hitsugaya Toshiro on the ground, with a gleam of light in his eyes.

The five subordinate officers behind him swayed and stood up, supporting each other and entering the black cavity one after another. Although Hitsugaya Toushiro wanted to prevent them from escaping, he silently stood in the original place after considering that his own sworn solution would not last long. The ground didn't move, and Ichigo Kurosaki, the acting **** of death, was pulled by Kisuke Urahara by his side, preventing him from rushing towards Grimmjow in the air.

With Kurosaki Ichigo's current Reiatsu, it is not the sixtieth blade at all. Grimmjow's opponent can only truly defeat Grimmjow in the state of returning to the blade after he masters the blur.

When all the subordinates under his command entered the black chamber, Grimmjow stepped back into the black chamber. After taking a last look at Kurosaki Ichigo and Hitsugaya Toshiro, the black chamber was closed, and Grimmjow's terrifying Reiatsu disappeared from the world. world.

At the same time, Lai Luo arrived at the battlefield belatedly with the completely released Hirinmaru in his hand.

The moment he saw the Zanpakutō in Lei Luo's hand, Hitsugaya Toshiro's heart trembled, and the ice wheel pill in his hand couldn't stop shaking, as if he was resisting something...

Chapter 368 Glacier Rift

At this time, Lai Luo, because he was already familiar with the real **** of Hing Lun Pill, has slightly changed his body shape.

The most obvious thing is that Lai Luo's originally dark hair has turned white at this time, and many parts of his body are covered with thin ice, just like body armor.

And as Laylo moved, there were often snowflakes falling where he passed.

"Captain, that young man in the sky should be the source of the captain-level Reiatsu that we felt in Seorei-tei."

"But the Zanpakutō in his hand..."

Although he was aware of the inexplicable captain-level Reiki at the moment of entering the world, Matsumoto Ranju still stared at the Zanpakutō itself, and was so close to the Zanpakutō's Reiki. Big eyes.

Matsumoto Ranju looked at his captain subconsciously, but found that Hitsugaya Toushiro was shaking all over, and even the **** forgot to lift it.

"team leader…"

He stretched out his hand and shook it in front of Hitsugaya Toshiro, intending to wake him up.

"That Zanpakutō is not Hingrenmaru, it's just close to the spiritual pressure of Hingrenwan!"

Hitsugaya Toushiro came back to his senses, first lifted the swastika, and then looked at the ice wheel pill in his hand.

Matsumoto Ranju naturally knew what the captain was thinking, and as a vice-captain, she also understood some of the regulations of the central forty-sixth room, she said immediately after hearing the words.

"Well, that Zanpakutō must not be Hinomaru, Captain, you don't need to worry too much..."

That said, but the two of them knew in their hearts that this matter could only be hidden for a while. When Aizen launched the battle against Kuza-cho, the young man in the sky just showed up and took out the Zanpakutō, and at that time, he appeared again. The matter of a handful of ice wheel pills can't be hidden.

While frowning, a scene that has been hidden in Hitsugaya Toshiro's memory quietly emerges...

It was a duel between two gods of death. One of them was Hitsugaya Toshiro, and the other was a little-known **** of death.

When the two fought, you came and I, but the other party's spiritual pressure was obviously not as good as Hitsugaya Toshiro, so he was beaten to the ground logically in the end, and since then, Hitsugaya Toshiro never saw the same death **** again. .

There is only one reason why Hitsugaya Toshiro recalls these things, that is, that Shinigami, like him, has the same Zanpakutō, and the purpose of their duel is to decide who can really own the ice wheel pill. Become the master of the strongest ice-type Zanpakutō recognized by Seoreitei.

That time, he won and became the owner of Hirinmaru, and later became the captain of the 10th Division of the 13th Division of Gotei's 13th Division.

But now, from the young man in the air, he once again felt the breath of Hinglunwan, and the other party was still the one who mastered the complete solution of Hinglunwan.

"What should I do? Another duel? The loser will give up the ice wheel pill and suffer the punishment of the central forty-sixth room..."

Thinking of the other **** of death who disappeared, although he didn't say it, Hitsugaya Toshiro knew the situation of that person very well, so now his heart is full of contradictions.

In the next few days, Hitsugaya Toshiro did not return to Seiringei. He made an excuse and stayed at Kurosaki Ichigo's house. Anyway, Captain Reaper is usually quite busy. It's rare to be busy a few times a year.

Therefore, Seireitei did not interfere too much with Hitsugaya Toshiro's stay in the world, and because of the special status of Kakuza Town, the deputy **** of death, Ichigo Kurosaki, was not lightly injured, so there was a captain of the **** of death sitting in Kakuza Town. It was also the acquiescence of the captain of the 13th Division of Gotei.

In the past few days, Hitsugaya Toshiro often accompanied Kurosaki Ichigo to the Urahara store. After observation, he had confirmed that the Zanpakutō in Lai Luo’s hand must be another Hirinmaru.

"Why, the Zanpakutō in other people's hands are at most twins, I'm better, the strongest ice-type Zanpakutō is a triplets..."

Knowing that there will occasionally be twin Zanpakutō in Seiringei, and they will be held by different people, so the Central Forty-sixth Room has already stipulated that once there is an incident of twin Zanpakutō being held differently in the Shinigami, both parties involved. The true owner of Zanpakutō must be chosen through a duel.

There are winners and losers in a duel, the winner owns the Zanpakutō, and the loser will be executed!

"What to do? Is history going to repeat itself again?"

Although Hitsugaya Toshiro did not agree with the regulations of the forty-sixth central room, but he was the captain of the tenth division, and there was no way to disobey the central forty-sixth room.

"No matter what, I want to stop this from happening!"

Hitsugaya Toushiro came to Lai Luo and wanted to speak, but he didn't know what to say.

"You're trying to talk about the ice wheel pill, right?"

In the past few days, Lai Luo also discovered the abnormality of Hitsugaya Toshiro. After thinking about it, he already understood what he was worried about.

"But I'm not a **** of death! What do the regulations of the forty-sixth central room have to do with me?"

This is Lei Luo's inner monologue. However, if he says so, then his relationship with the **** of death will collapse. In order to maintain the uniqueness of the strongest Zanpakutō in the ice-type, and to maintain the majesty of the central room forty-six, the guardian The thirteenth division of the court will definitely put Laylo's name and Aizen together.

Maybe before Aizen started the war, the Gotei Thirteenth Division would bring Laylo to the flag.

At this stage, Lai Luo does not intend to take the thirteenth division of the Reaper. There is insufficient information. The upper limit of the ability of the old man Yamamoto is unknown. It's better to animate other villains to help him deal with some strong players before taking action.

Most importantly, Lai Luo didn't know how to make the King's Key. Without the King's Key, Lai Luo would have no way to reach the Spirit King's Palace. go in?

"My Zanpakutō is not Hirinmaru, it's Glacier Rift"

"I have already discussed with the store manager Urahara that he will help me transform the Glacier Rift and change its spiritual pressure, at least so that no one other than you can tell the relationship between the two Zanpakutō. "

Urahara Kisuke also did not agree with some of the regulations of the central room forty-six, so after knowing that Da Lai Luo really had another ice wheel pill, he agreed to Lai Luo's request without much thought.

In the past few days, Urahara Kisuke was on the one hand treating Kurosaki Ichigo's injury, and on the other hand, he was studying how to transform the ice wheel pill in Lai Luo's hand.

After all, Hitsugaya Toshiro is the captain of the Shinigami, and everyone is familiar with the Reiatsu of his Zanpakutō, just like Matsumoto Ranju, as long as you feel it at close range, you can easily tell whether the Zanpakutō in Lai Luo’s hand is Hirinmaru. .

However, with the help of Urahara Kisuke, Lai Luo was confident that he could change the Reiatsu that said that the other death captains would not notice.

"This is the best way, I don't want anyone to die because of Hairenwan, and the person who can get Hairenwan's approval will definitely not be a bad person, but there is no absolute! If you let me know that you used Hairenwan to do something bad for Seoringei If it doesn't matter, then don't risk your life, and I will take back the Bing Lun Pill in your hand!"

Chapter 369 Abnormal

In the wooden warehouse of the Urahara store, in front of Laylo was the remodeled Hirinmaru, which had undergone considerable changes in both appearance and Reiatsu.

"Now even Hitsugaya Toushiro may have a hard time noticing that this weapon is Hirinmaru."

Lai Luo had to admire Kisuke Urahara's ability to completely change the shape and Reiatsu of a Zanpakutō in such a short period of time.

"It's not good! It's not good! There are a lot of big ghosts appearing in Kakuza-cho!"

As soon as he walked out of the warehouse, a burst of yelling came into Lai Luo's ears immediately, Tsumiya Yu, who had rushed back from outside, ran into his room and took out a machine gun wrapped in bandages.

Just as he was about to run out the door, he suddenly saw Laylo coming from the backyard. Without saying a word, Tsumuwuyu grabbed Laylo and dragged Laylo out of the shop involuntarily.

"What are you still doing, the entire Kongza Town is about to blow up, patrolling the Shinigami, the bottle, the white-haired dwarf melon, and even the injured household fighting!"

"Let's hurry up, or the vacant town will be over!"

As soon as he went out, Lai Luo felt dozens of spiritual pressures, of which the closest one was only a few hundred meters away.

There is a huge void there. Under the white mask is an incomparably huge dark body, and there is an equally huge void near the chest.


Around it, there are nearly a dozen patrolling gods of death who are constantly roaming and attacking this Kilian-level Void.

Although it is the lowest existence in the Great Void, its spiritual pressure is not something that ordinary patrolling death gods can easily kill. In the face of the attack of more than a dozen patrolling death gods, this Jili An-level Great Void did not respond. The Reiatsu is completely out of the same order of magnitude.

"Everyone, hold on, and when Captain Hitsugaya settles the battle on his side, he will come back to help us!"

A patrolling death shouted loudly, and then a ghostly-like light shot out of his hand and hit the mask on Daxu's head, and the ghostly attack overflowed with spiritual pressure in the explosion.

However, the momentum of this attack seemed huge, but the effect was not significant, leaving only a black spot on this big virtual mask.


Perhaps it was painful, or perhaps tired of the harassment of these patrolling gods of death, this Kilian-level big phantom turned his head to look over, the position of the mouth on the mask cracked, and the black phantom flashes slowly condensed.

"The virtual flash of the Kilian-level Daxu, the general patrolling death can't bear it at all!"

Tsumuwuyu didn't hesitate when he saw this, he threw Lei Luo with a flick of his hand, and jumped into the air, the machine gun in his hand spewed out countless spiritual bullets, hitting Daxu's mask continuously.

"Crack clap..."

A trace of cracks appeared on Daxu's mask, and when the spiritual light bomb hit the black virtual flash, it detonated the black virtual flash that had condensed many spiritual sons.


In the explosion of the spiritual child, the big virtual head was instantly blown up.

Those patrolling death gods who thought they were going to die let out a sigh of relief and thanked Tsumuwu Yu from a distance. Without stopping, they rushed to the next place where Da Xu was.

Falling from the sky, Tsumuwuyu glanced at Laylo.

"I heard that you have a captain-level Reiatsu? Now that there are not enough people in Kakuza-cho, it's time for you to show your captain-level strength."

Tsumuwuyu carried the spirit machine gun, motioned for Lei Luo to perform well, and then walked away without looking back.

In another place, Hitsugaya Toshiro once again solved the opponent's big virtual, but before he could rest, another Kirian-level big virtual had come to reality from the virtual circle.

"Damn it! Isn't it hard for Killian to get out of the virtual circle? Why are there so many here!"

Before it was too late for Hitsugaya Toshiro to think, the newly-appeared Daxu opened his mouth again, and the unique light of the black illusory flash began to flicker...

In order to solve the big void in front of him as soon as possible, Hitsugaya Toshiro opened the **** solution early, so the efficiency of killing monsters is much faster, but there are too many monsters, and his **** solution has a time limit. There is simply no way to stop Daxu from raging in Kakuza-cho.

In the current Kakuza Town, this situation is almost everywhere in the city. All the patrolling Shinigami, plus Hitsugaya Toshiro, Urahara Kisuke and others can't stop the large number of big voids from destroying Kakuza Town.

Because of Aizen's betrayal, there is a big purge going on inside Seiringei, and many gods of death have been restricted from moving because of their contact with Aizen. If not, how could so many Kylian leave the virtual circle and enter the world to escape? Over the surveillance of Seiroi Tei!

"Damn Aizen!"

The matter of Hinamori has already made Aizen hated by Hitsugaya, and with this incident, Hitsugaya can't wait to catch Aizen, and then immediately smash his body into ten thousand pieces!

"I hope Seoringi can quickly notice the situation in Kakuza-cho!"

Hitsugaya Toshiro prayed in his heart, because there were too many reasons for Kilian, they couldn't open the gate of crossing the realm at all, let alone go to rescue soldiers.

call out!

At this moment, a laser suddenly shot from a distance, and effortlessly pierced through the mask of Kirian.


Looking at the silhouette of the laser gradually condensing in front of him, Hitsugaya Toshiro couldn't help frowning.

Killing a Kirian so easily, and even he didn't notice how Laylo did it, plus what happened to Hinaruwan before, Hitsugaya Toshiro suddenly felt a special feeling in his heart-jealousy!

This kind of feeling makes Hitsugaya Toshiro very uncomfortable. He shares the same Zanpakutō with him, and the solution is earlier than he is used to. The shot just now also shows that Lei Luo seems to have other things that they don't know. ability!

"Who is this human being?! What is the purpose of his approach to Urahara Kisuke?!"

After these few days of contact, Hitsugaya Toushiro has already had a comprehensive understanding of Urahara Kisuke, and at the same time, he has also developed a lot of interest in the unknown human reason for him taking in Lai Luo.

"Wow! Who is that human? Killing Kilian in one fell swoop!"

"Even if it's Captain Death, it's probably like this!"

"Didn't you see Captain Hitsugaya's face? Something must have happened between them!"

Compared to Hitsugaya Toushiro's more zealousness, those patrolling Death Gods who were only low-level Death Gods surrounded Lai Luo in the center, and in their eyes, a light called worship kept flickering.

"Captain Hitsugaya, there are still a lot of Daxu wandering around in the empty town, please let those patrolling death gods work quickly!"

Lei Luo said and walked away, leaving everyone with a very handsome back.

Another battlefield.

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