Lei Luo suddenly appeared, holding the transformed Bing Lun Pill in his hand. At this time, the Bing Lun Pill had a slender blade with a cold light unique to ice crystals. The handle of the blade was blue and white. sassy.

With a single slash, a large number of ice blades appeared, shattering Kilian, who was fighting the patrolling Death God, into a pure spiritual child...

Chapter 370 The Summoning of Captain Yamamoto

While Laylo was fighting in Kakuza-cho, Seoreitei, where the Shinigami headquarters was located, was always busy.

Because Aizen led the other two captain-level Reaper to defect from the virtual circle, the purge of the 13th Division of Reaper has not ended until now.

During this period, everyone in Seiroitei was in danger, especially the thirteenth division where Aizen was located, the third division where Ichiginmaru was located, and the ninth division where Tosenyao was located. Because of the defection of their respective captains, these three divisions have also become the focus of Seoringei's investigation.

From the vice-captain to the apprentice Reaper, as long as it is found that Reaper's career is a little vague and difficult to explain, they will be imprisoned in the endless **** under the Seireitei until the investigation team of Seireitei investigates everything. If they are found out, they will be punished or released.

It was also during this period that the investigation team discovered the abnormality of the central forty-sixth room, the highest authority of the Seireitei.

After Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai Warring States led many death captains to forcibly broke into the central room 46, it was found that all members of the central room 46 had already died, and the murderer also locked the blue who defected from the virtual circle after some investigation. dye.

This result made the old man Yamamoto's face very ugly, because from the results of the investigation, it can be determined that the members of the central forty-six room have been dead for a long time. It was controlled by Aizen using the name of Room 46.

Seriously terrified!

The old man Yamamoto felt a cold sweat as he recalled the big and small things that happened in Seoringei, especially some orders issued by the central forty-sixth room.

In the Kakuza-cho battlefield, after Lai Luo joined the battle, the situation on both sides of the battle changed immediately. Originally, Kilian was squeezing the battle range of Death by virtue of his numerical advantage.

After all, there is only one Shinigami captain in the world at this stage, and even with Kisuke Urahara, Ryotsusai is no more than three or four Shinigami captains.

And if dozens of Kirian-level Daxu appeared in the world at one time, as long as one-third of them were divided to contain them, then the other Daxu would be enough to make Kakuza-cho lively.

If Lai Luo did not have the Fruit of Light, perhaps his addition would not have a great impact on the battle situation, but who gave Lai Luo the ability of the Fruit of Light!

In the face of the speed of light, the fast Shunpo crowned by the Death God is scum, and Laylo relies on the super-speed movement of his light fruit, and he can often rush from one battlefield to another within a few breaths. The place.

And Lei Luo's strength is also there. To deal with the Kilian-level Daxue, Lei Luo never uses a second move. Often, he can end a battle in one place in the shortest time.

After all the Kilians who had invaded Kuza Town were dead, and the many patrolling gods of death combined, it turned out that Lai Luo, who joined the battle last, was the one who killed the most Kilian!

"He's too good!"

"That's Kylian! Da Xu! He killed him so easily!"

"God! Is this still human? This is more like a **** of death than our **** of death!"

This is the evaluation of those patrolling death gods to Lai Luo after the battle of Killian's invasion of Kakuza!

It was also from this moment that Lai Luo's name spread among the patrolling Shinigami in Kakuza Town, and became another human being who surpassed Kurosaki Ichigo!

Sitting in the backyard of the Urahara store, Laylo basked in the sun and enjoyed his quiet nap time.

As for Tsumuya Yu and Hanagari Jinta, two young people, after the Kilian invasion, they turned away from their previous arrogance and saw Lai Luo's eyes full of red hearts.

Especially Tsumuya Yu, who sneaked into Laylo's room several times in the middle of the night, intending to occupy Laylo's body!

But who is Laylo! How can you let a little girl succeed!

However, since a large number of Kilian invaded Kakuza-cho once, it seems that the gap between the virtual circle and the world has changed. Originally, there were only a lot of empty Kakuza-machi, and since then, there have been large voids from time to time. Sometimes There will even be a big void that surpasses Kilian's level!

And the impact of the previous battle was not so simple, perhaps because of stimulation, Hitsugaya Toshiro rarely appeared in the world since that battle, and he followed Urahara Kisuke day by day, and held hands with Kurosaki Ichigo. Lingtiezhai stayed in the wooden warehouse and couldn't come out.

However, such a phenomenon is not without merit. Matsumoto Ranju, who followed Hitsugaya Toshiro to the world, was often bored and came to Lai Luo because of the absence of the captain. The relationship between the two became a lot closer.

With such a top-notch beauty by her side, eating meat and drinking with her, and occasionally getting a little cheap, Lai Luo's life can be considered comfortable.

However, Tsumuwuyu was not so happy. After Lai Luo showed her heroic appearance, her little heart was tightly grasped by Lai Luo, otherwise she would not have walked into Lai Luo's room in the middle of the night and wanted to offer her this heart. Green little apple.

Since then, Lai Luo has become a battlefield between a little loli and mature beauties!

Although Matsumoto Ranju doesn't have any love for Lai Luo, who makes her just like to be free and loose...

The days went by day by day, and faced with the big emptiness that occasionally broke into the world, Laylo would often help them solve it at the request of the patrolling death.

Often at this time, Tsumuya Yu, who has long since become Lai Luo's little tail, will hold a spirit machine gun and cheer for Lai Luo's formation not far away...

The first team of the 13th Division of the Gotei Division.

"Captain, the present Kakuza-cho just sent back a piece of information."

The deputy captain of the first team, Minister Jiro, stood respectfully in front of Yamamoto Genryuzhai Warring States, holding a piece of information just passed down from the world.

"There is a Vastod-level Daxu in Kakuza-cho! And it's still in humanoid form, and its abilities are similar to those of the Shinigami, and it has the ability to release spiritual pressure similar to Swastika..."

"The deputy **** of death, Ichigo Kurosaki, was injured, and his companion, Orihime Inoue, was kidnapped by the broken face, and the broken face claimed to be Aizen's subordinate, and the arrest of Orihime Inoue was to make the broken jade completely awaken..."

"Kakuza Town was invaded by a large number of Kirian-level Daxu, and the patrolling death was killed and injured..."

"A human has a swastika, and the Reiatsu faintly surpasses Hitsugaya Toshiro, and this human is working in Urahara Kisuke's shop..."

One message after another was uttered from the mouth of Minister Jiro, and until the last message was read, a super-strong Reiatsu suddenly erupted from the old man Yamamoto, and most of the team buildings of the first team were destroyed in an instant.

When a group of death gods belonging to the first team rushed out of the collapsed house, everyone vaguely heard the voice from their captain.

"Let Hitsugaya Toshiro, Urahara Kisuke, and Uretsusai come to Seoreitei to see the old man!"

"Right! And that human..."

Chapter 371 The Captain's Invitation

On a commercial street in Kakuza-cho, Lai Luo had Tsumuya Yu hanging on his left hand, and Matsumoto Ranju on his right. Among the three, Lai Luo was handsome, Matsumoto Ranju was hot, Tsumuya Yu was small and lovely, and let's go. It attracted the attention of many pedestrians on the commercial street.

"Here and here... The cones in this store are super delicious for you, Lai Luo, do you want to eat it, I'll buy one for you."

"And here, their love clothes are very beautiful, Lai Luo, let's buy a set too..."

"And there's..."

Along the way, Tsumuwuyu always dragged Lai Luo into a store on the left and into a store on the right, completely leaving the other mature beauty to one side.

Lai Luo is also helpless, and often returns an apologetic smile to Matsumoto Ranju.

At this moment, a black shadow fell from the sky and appeared in front of the three of them.

This man was wearing a black death tyrant outfit, with a high hat and a mask on his face.

Matsumoto Ranju saw the attire of the person who came, and his expression became positive, and he said, "Is it the Seiringei who has a mission to find me?"

The visitor's voice was low, and he glanced at the three of Lai Luo.

"The commander-in-chief has an order to ask Urahara Kisuke, Uretsusai, Hitsugaya Toshiro, Matsumoto Ranki, and Lai Luo to go to Seirei Tei immediately."

After he finished speaking, the Death God messenger left in a blink of an eye, without the slightest slack.

"Huh, Captain Yamamoto summoned, it should be because of the information sent back by the captain before."

At this time, in the Urahara store, Naruhara Tetsusai walked into the wooden warehouse, and saw Ichigo Kurosaki and Toshiro Hitsugaya lying weakly on the ground. Holding Ling Tie Zhai came in and asked, "Tie Zhai, what's the matter? The training of Yihu and Hipangu is at a critical juncture, so don't talk about it if it's not a big deal."

"Captain Yamamoto wants to see us."

Gurutsusai stretched out his finger and pointed at everyone present.

"Oh, Yamamoto? What could it be?"

By the time Lai Luo and the others returned, Urahara Kisuke had already opened the gate to Seirei Garden in the backyard, and then the six people filed in and entered the Soul Realm.

first team match

Lai Luo and others came to the council hall, and met old man Yamamoto sitting in the council hall under the leadership of the deputy captain of the first team.

In the council hall, an old death **** wearing a death tyrant costume and leaning on a cane in his right hand is sitting on the top chair. Apart from that, there are no other seats in this council room. The position of the Thirteenth Division.

Where there is him, other death gods can only stand!

At this time, the captain of the thirteenth division, the three old men put aside the stack of documents in their hands, and looked at Lei Luo with a serious expression,

"You are Leroy."

Yamamoto's voice was not angry and arrogant. Even if he didn't fight now, Lai Luo could feel the depressing Reiatsu from the body of the old **** of death in front of him.

"I still underestimate the strongest **** of death. The hidden spiritual pressure in his body actually makes me feel powerless from the bottom of my heart..."

"Don't be nervous, Captain Hitsugaya has given a detailed introduction to your situation in the information sent back."

"Having a Zanpakutō, and being able to unravel the Pakuto sword, the Reiatsu is almost as close as a captain-level death god! Kill Kirian easily..."

The old man Yamamoto's face did not change, he looked at Lai Luo and said, "I also really want to meet the old man. Maybe I can make you a proxy death **** like Kurosaki Ichigo. What do you think?"

"Captain Yamamoto, I'm afraid your proposal..."

"Ding, the task is triggered: get the approval of Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai and the Warring States period and become the deputy **** of death. The task rewards god-level lottery points *1"


The voice of the system rang in Lai Luo's ear, making Lai Luo's refusal speechless for a while. His purpose was to kill the Spirit King, which was a contradiction with the God of Death. Now it's even better. The system actually made him a member of the God of Death. …

The most embarrassing thing is that Lai Luo has already said half of his words!

"That, your proposal is exactly what I hoped, and it is my honor to be the agent of Death."

With a change of tone, Lei Luo said without blushing.

"Hahaha, well, there is my vice-captain of the first team, and Minister Jiro will compete with you. If you can beat him, or draw a tie with him, I will appoint you to be another acting death god."

In the first team's martial arts field, all the gods of death who saw Captain Yamamoto and his party bowed respectfully, and Yamamoto nodded in response. It could be seen that old man Yamamoto's prestige in Seiringei was incomparable.

The old man Yamamoto seemed to have a feeling, and suddenly turned his head and asked: "Lei Luo, where did your spiritual power come from? As far as humans are concerned, your ability to control spiritual children is usually only learned by a quencher, are you a Hecha? Like Tou and Orihime Inoue, is it because of their contact with Kurosaki Ichigo that they awakened their abilities?"

Following behind the old man Yamamoto, Lai Luo heard this and shook his head.

"I don't know the source of my ability. I only know that when I wake up one morning, I can suddenly see the ghost and death wandering in the city."

"As for the Zanpakutō, it was a weapon that was suddenly separated from the body during an attack by Xu. It was only after the Zanpakutō appeared that I was able to freely control the spiritual pressure in my body..."

"As for Ichigo Kurosaki, I don't know him, but I should have had contact with him. After all, they are all people living in Kakuza Town."

After listening to Lai Luo's words, the three old men didn't say anything.

Before they knew it, the group had arrived at the martial arts field in the first team, and walked to an open space. The old man Yamamoto motioned to Minister Jiro and Lai Luo to prepare to start a contest between the two.

When the crowd dispersed, Lai Luo and Sparrow Minister Jiro also took out their own Zanpakutō.

As soon as Lei Luo's Zanpakutō appeared, the gods of death surrounding him let out a burst of exclamation.

The shape of the Zanpakutō in Lai Luo's hand is the same as that of Kurosaki Ichigo, all of which are different from ordinary Zanpakutō, and because of Kisuke Urahara's transformation, as long as Lai Luo is willing, he can maintain the original state of Zanpakutō. Do not lift.

After Captain Yamamoto called out the start, Jiro, the head of the sparrow, opened his mouth and whispered, and a ghost with a level lower than 30 was released by him.

"Ice thorns and needles!"

Swinging the Zanpakutō, countless tiny ice needles flew out from in front of Lai Luo, smashing the ghosts and spirits shot by Minister Jiro. The remaining ice needles remained unabated, and stabbed into the feet of Minister Jiro. among the paved slabs.

Provincial Minister Jiro shouted hello. From the situation just now, he knew that Lai Luo did have some strength, so he stopped making tentative attacks and put the Zanpakutō on his chest, and the spiritual pressure in his body skyrocketed, depending on the situation. , he is ready to raise the Reiatsu and let go of the attack.

At this moment, countless icicles suddenly grew on the ground under his feet. Unprepared, Jiro Sparrow could only give up the spiritual pressure he had accumulated and jumped aside, while Lai Luo was already prepared, the moment he jumped up. , a dodging came to his back, and the Zanpakutō was lined up on the neck of the provincial minister Jiro.

"Okay, stop."

The old man Yamamoto was a little surprised, "You can hide the Reiatsu in the attack that has already been launched, and let the head of the sparrow Jiro not be able to make a difference, but the control ability of the Reiatsu is not inferior to the captain-level Reaper at all."

"From now on, you are another Death God's agent."

Back in the first team's meeting room, before everyone spoke, the old man Yamamoto had already completed his confession to Lai Luo.

"Nagajiro, tell Ukitake to have him prepare a death certificate."

"Yes! Captain!"

Provincial Minister Jiro was ordered to leave, and the old man Yamamoto learned about the situation of Kakuza Town in detail from Hitsugaya and his party, and then drank the crowd and stayed in the council hall to think about it.

Chapter 372

The next morning, Lai Luo woke up early and looked around lazily. The morning in Seoringei was the same as in this world, and the sun also rose from the east.

After a simple wash, and satisfied with the Five Zang Temple, Lei Luo went out and walked out.

Just after arriving outside the tenth team's dormitory, a young death **** hurried over from a distance, and when he came to Lai Luo's side, he immediately took out something from his arms.

"Lei Luo, this is the proxy death pass that Captain Fukuba asked me to give you. With this, you are the proxy death. You can come and go freely in the Seiring Ting and the present world."

The young **** of death briefly introduced the function of the token to Lai Luo, and after that, he turned around and walked in the direction he came from without stopping too much.

The Gotei Thirteenth Division had the habit of doing morning exercises. If the captain hadn't made special arrangements for these gods of death, they wouldn't have left the team building in the morning.

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