The wound was so painful that the child was killed.

If you want to know how painful it is to lose one's offspring, then Zuo Xun must be the only one in the ninja world who can answer it.

At this time, he only felt that his lower body and lower abdomen were pierced by the sharp blade again and again.

All the blood in his body rushed to the wound under him, dyeing his lower body scarlet.

The heart-wrenching pain almost made him lose his mind. He could only lie there and cover his lower body tightly, his body shaking like a sieve.

The full moon was in the sky, and the moonlight in late winter was as cool as water and sprinkled on the earth like silk.

The sky above Zuo Xun suddenly became darker, and the moonlight that stubbornly penetrated through the branches was suddenly completely blocked.

He didn't notice a giant eagle flying in the sky.

Through the gaps between the broken branches, Shangguan Mo looked at the miserable Zuo Xun below, and suddenly a chill rose in his heart.

He didn't expect that even if Gray Wolf's curse ability could only cause one-tenth of the damage, he still stabbed Zuo Xun seriously.

"Let's end it..."

Shangguan Mo patted the head of the wind eagle with a complicated look.

This technique of Gray Wolf is certainly very useful for dealing with enemies, but if it is used on himself, Shangguan Mo feels terrified just thinking about it.

Not long after,

A wind ball spit out from the mouth of the wind eagle, tearing through the dense branches below like layers of silk nets, and directly hit Zuo Xun.

With a bang, the painful groan below stopped abruptly.

"There are still a few Root ninjas left. They should come here immediately after hearing the noise here."

Watanabe Mousse lay on the back of the wind eagle and looked up at Shangguan Mo.

A cold murderous intent flashed in his eyes. He knew the meaning of Watanabe Mousse's words very well. It was nothing more than killing everyone.

Anyway, he had offended Danzo, so he might as well kill all the Root ninjas and see if he could temporarily bury the matter.

"Xiaofeng! Fly higher and find my teammates first!"

Shangguan Mo gave orders to the wind eagle.




The next morning,

In the clouds.

A goshawk was flying fast, heading towards the direction of the country of soup.

Tian Feng and Watanabe Toneri, who were intact, stayed to continue escorting the caravan of Hebian Pu back.

Watanabe Mousse's injuries were a bit serious and needed to be treated by medical ninjas in time. Shangguan Mo took him back on the wind eagle.

"At present, it seems that there should be only Zuo Xun as the traitor in the village. He also has a trusted subordinate in the village, a child I watched grow up, and he is definitely not a member of Konoha!"

Watanabe Mousse's eyes were a little heavy.

"What's his name?"

Shangguan Mo raised his eyebrows and turned to look at him.


"Do you want me to spare his life?"

Shangguan Mo said lightly.

"He is a simple-minded ninja, but he was bewitched by Zuo Xun..."

Watanabe Mousse explained with some difficulty.

"It's useless for you to tell me. The leader of Tangyin Village is Master Chiyujing, not me..."

Hearing Shangguan Mo say this, Watanabe Mousse suddenly fell silent. He is a smart man, how could he not hear the evasion in Shangguan Mo's words.

Shangguan Mo looked coldly at the sky in front of him. The first fight with the root of Konoha not only did not make him feel scared, but instead made him feel a kind of blood boiling in his heart.

"The Darkness of the Ninja Realm..."

In the original work, this title was used as a joke, but it broke into Shangguan Mo's life in an extremely unexpected way.

Absurd and unreal!


One day later.

At the border between the Land of Fire and the Land of Hot Water, a wind eagle flew through the sky with a roar.

Compared to before, Watanabe Mousse's face was now slightly nervous.

After a day of flying, his face seemed to be a little paler, but he seemed to be afraid of being close to home, and he remained silent.

It was only about four or five o'clock in the morning, and the sky was not yet bright. Only a touch of sea blue appeared on the edge of the distant sky.

"What's wrong, Captain Watanabe?"

Shangguan Mo couldn't stand it anymore. He was fine when he set out, but now he seemed like a different person.

Watanabe Mousse had a gloomy face and didn't know what he was thinking. The atmosphere was a little stuffy.

After a long time, he sighed.

"I'm sorry, Master Zhi Yujing, for causing great trouble to the village..."

Shangguan Mo, who was sitting cross-legged on top of Fengying, turned his head and looked at him.

"What do you mean by trouble?"

"That's Mu

Ye! The strongest of the five great nations, Konoha! The Root is still controlled by Danzo, a radical who is well-known in the ninja world. There are twelve Root Ninjas, including two Jonin. With his character, he will definitely take revenge! "

Watanabe Mus's face was filled with deep worry.


Shangguan Mo sneered directly, causing Watanabe Mus to look at him in confusion.

"Now you know you are worried and scared, but you didn't show any mercy when you killed people!"

Watanabe Mus looked at him angrily.

"At that time, I didn't know that their goal was the next leader of Yugakure. I just thought that those people were targeting me, so I killed the leader of the Root Jonin!"

Shangguan Mo raised his eyebrows and said.

"What's the difference?"

Watanabe Mus said lightly.

"If I had known that they mistakenly thought I was going to be the next leader of Yugakure, I might have chosen to go back to Konoha with them!"

"Just don't want those people to hurt the village? "

Shangguan Mo was a little confused.

Watanabe Mousse did not speak.

But sometimes silence is the best answer.

With a sigh, Shangguan Mo's next words made the haze in his heart dissipate a little.

"Don't worry too much. Sending people to secretly control other small countries' ninja villages is already a taboo in the ninja world. If everyone does it like Danzo, then what is the need for us small countries that survive in the cracks of the five major countries to exist? So Danzo will never come to trouble us in Tangyin with a big fanfare! "

Shangguan Mo knew clearly that with the strength of the five major countries, it would be easy to wipe out these small ninja villages in the ninja world.

As for why they didn't do this, there are naturally reasons.

Why the countless small countries in the ninja world can survive to this day is nothing more than two factors.

First, to act as a buffer zone between the conflicts between the major countries.

Second, to avoid the destruction of their own country, choose to let the small country become the main battlefield of the war!

Watanabe Mousse showed a thoughtful look.

"If everyone does this like Danzo, won't the ninja world be in chaos? But we can also make preparations for both. On the one hand, we will send more people to the border of the Land of Hot Springs to guard against the sudden attack of the Root, and on the other hand, we will be prepared to expose Danzo's scandal. Konoha is not a monolithic entity. If the strongest Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen learns this news, what do you think he will think? "

Shangguan Mo said with a smile.

Watanabe Mousse's eyes lit up.

"He will definitely think that Danzo is developing his own power and preparing to impact the position of Hokage!"

Shangguan Mo nodded approvingly.

"After you return to the village, you can send your trusted ninjas to secretly spread this matter in the Land of Fire, and you can even find ordinary people to promote it in Konoha Village! In this way, in order to wash away this suspicion, Danzo will definitely not attack our Tangyin with great fanfare. Even if he secretly sends people here, we still have hundreds of ninjas in Tangyin, so there is nothing to be afraid of!"

Watanabe Mousse's breathing began to become rapid. He had to admit that Shangguan Mo's method was definitely very useful!


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