The door and windows creaked as the wind blew.

Shangguan Mo's wind eagle landed in the dedicated parking lot in his yard.

Watanabe Mousse, who returned to Tangyin Village, immediately prepared to report the mission to Zhiyujing.

Originally, a B-level escort mission did not need to be like this, but because of this escort mission, the giant Root was brought out. This is a terrifying ninja force that can destroy Tangyin if you are not careful, so Watanabe Mousse had to treat it with caution.

"Do you want to go with me?"

He looked back at Shangguan Mo, with a look of inquiry in his eyes.

Shangguan Mo shook his head.

"You go, just report the mission, I won't go."

He has discussed the necessary preparations with Watanabe Mousse, and then just wait for things to ferment.

Watanabe Mousse nodded slightly, and then rushed straight to Zhi Yujing's house.

"Be honest! Don't run around in the village, Xiaolong, don't take the little guys to dig holes! The foundation of the village is almost hollowed out by you!"

Shangguan Mo turned his head and stared at the "loving" earth dragon beast and admonished.

A wolf and a dog were jumping around the earth dragon beast, hoping that the big brother would take them out to play, and the earth dragon beast was also sticking to the left and right, and was very intimate with the wolf and the dog.

Only the wind eagle raised his head with a proud face, as if he disdained to play with these little guys, but his bowl-sized green pupils secretly glanced at the earth dragon beast, the earth beetle, and the little gray and the little yellow who were chasing and playing.


——Xiao Jiazi, be careful that they will trample you to death! Come and play with me..."

"So sour..."

Shangguan Mo couldn't help laughing when listening to Feng Ying's words.

He didn't take the E-level summoned beasts such as Dilong Beast with him on this escort mission. With their strength, they were of little help to Shangguan Mo. It would be better for them to stay at home to guard the house.

"I haven't seen them for more than half a month. These guys are more affectionate than me when they meet again..."

Shangguan Mo felt a little jealous.

"You are bullying me because I have no friends, right..."


Shangguan Mo returned to his room.

Although he acted very calm and confident in front of others, he actually felt a sense of urgency in his heart.

His current summoned beast is not yet mature. The C+ level summoned beast that he had high hopes for, Gray Wolf, is now in its infancy and cannot exert the elite ninja strength it should have.

According to the normal growth cycle, it will take at least one year for Gray Wolf to enter maturity.

Originally, Shangguan Mo was not in a hurry. He just wanted to grow up. He also needed time to grow up. However, this escort mission accidentally exposed the inner ghost in the village, and then involved the giant Root.

Although he said that he didn't care, he was actually a little anxious in his heart.

Danzo, an ambitious and ruthless politician and careerist, was not an honest child who only took a beating without fighting back. He was an old man who ate his own people without spitting out bones, and controlled all the dark forces in Konoha.

With the size of Tangyin, it was undoubtedly an egg hitting a stone to want to collide with the Root, so Shangguan Mo could only rely on his own summoned beast.

Many battles also exposed a problem of Shangguan Mo, that is, the fighting style was single and the offensiveness was not enough.

Now he has a lot of summoned beasts.

Dilongmon is the big brother of all summoned beasts, but now it has become a ruthless hole-drilling machine for entertainment only.

Not to mention the earth beetle and the iron hedgehog, which are now generally left at home by Shangguan Mo to eat and wait for death. The earth beetle is okay, it is small and easy to carry. Shangguan Mo will bring it with him sometimes when he remembers it. After all, it is his only defensive spiritual beast and has the ability to release earth wall magic, which may play a role at a critical moment.

The blazing ant queen is a tool person who works hard to lay eggs. It usually needs a lot of organic matter to supplement and is not convenient to carry.

So he usually only takes the real dog and the gray wolf with him when he goes out. The abilities of these two guys can play a decisive role at certain times, but they are more auxiliary and cannot be used as Shangguan Mo's frontal combat power.

As a flying spiritual beast, the wind eagle is currently Shangguan Mo's main output point, but the means are relatively single.

Cheng Yaojin still has three axes, and the wind eagle has only two attack skills over and over again, and the ability is still too single.

The self-explosive fly is purely used by Shangguan Mo as a perception spiritual beast. For the power of the explosion of the one-hundredth explosion talisman, Shangguan Mo has already

I don't expect them to achieve the luxurious effect of the 600 billion detonating talismans of Xiaonan, the rich woman, in the future.

"Next time I go out, I'd better bring some flaming worker ants. For unprepared ninjas, they can exert quite terrifying power!"

Shangguan Mo thought secretly.

No one will guard against an ant without chakra, but once the enemy is prepared, these ants will not be able to exert any effect. Often a large number of them will die in one ninjutsu. The attack method is more extreme, which means that if they fail, they will die.

But the challenges that Shangguan Mo will face next are getting bigger and bigger. He urgently needs a summoned beast that can provide him with powerful combat power.

Shangguan Mo suddenly remembered that his urea bag containing synthetic materials has always been kept by the guy Dilongmon. He wants to synthesize the summoned beast later, and he is worried that the bastard will take the little guys out to play.

So he hurriedly shouted to the outside.

"Xiaolong, bring me your urea bag."

Then he opened the synthesis panel and prepared to confirm the quality of these materials again. After so long, he had forgotten the materials and quality he had found in the garbage dump before.

Not long after, the earth dragon beast with a bag on his shoulder opened the telescopic door and crawled in, lying down obediently, and then put down the urea bag.

"Let's go..."

It suddenly sent out a very weak thought. If Shangguan Mo hadn't distinguished it carefully, he would have thought he had heard it wrong.

"Good guy, you can talk too?"

Shangguan Mo patted its head in surprise, and felt a little happy in his heart.

The earth dragon beast with relatively low intelligence can also communicate with him intermittently through thoughts. This is a good thing, indicating that his spiritual beast has been subtly changing and even evolving.

"Go and play!"

He smiled and patted the earth dragon beast, and at the same time took the bag under it.

At the moment when Shangguan Mo picked up the urea bag on the ground, his synthesis interface suddenly flashed by itself, and the page changed from transparent standby to high brightness in operation. The glowing white page in his sight immediately attracted Shangguan Mo's attention.

He was about to take a good look, but the page suddenly became dim.

Shangguan Mo was a little puzzled. Why was he playing hard to get here?

Then he turned around and saw the Earth Dragon Beast that had just left his palm and was about to leave the room.

A flash of inspiration flashed through his mind, and Shangguan Mo showed a look of surprise on his face, calling the Earth Dragon Beast back again.

"Xiaolong, come here."

Taking a deep breath, Shangguan Mo felt a sense of anticipation in his heart.

Although he was eager to go out and play happily with his friends, the Earth Dragon Beast naturally could not refuse Shangguan Mo's request, and turned back and put his head against Shangguan Mo.

When his palm touched the Earth Dragon Beast, the synthesis panel really lit up again.

Shangguan Mo's eyes lit up and he looked over quickly.

[Urea Bag] + [Earth Dragon Beast] = ? ? ?

[Compatibility] 50%

[Material: Urea Bag, Quality (White)]

[Creature: Earth Dragon Beast, Level (E)]

[Synthesis Success Rate] 70%

[Synthesis or Not]

"My summoning beast can be synthesized twice!"

Shangguan Mo was shocked and couldn't help but exclaimed.

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