Chapter 318 Waste resources (seeking flowers)

Master of Forbidden Art: Ryuun, you guy, too Damn it, you actually eat delicious meals in front of so many of us.

Izuna: That’s…, that’s…, it’s too Damn it.

Dazhuzi: Well, what’s the situation here, why is it so lively! Lord Madara: Hashirama, you have already told what I want to say.

Big pillar: Madara, you guys are here too.

Master of Forbidden Surgery: Big Brother, Ryuun, he…he…Big Pillar: Hmm, Tobirama, Ryuun, what happened to him? Is there something wrong with him? Lord Madara: Yes, did Ryuun encounter something unexpected? Master of Forbidden Spell: Ryuun He actually eats such a delicious barbecue in front of us, I am a little greedy, no, I should say that I am greedy.

Izuna: Brother, me too, I already smell the smell of meat, it’s too fragrant.

Lord Madara: Ryuun, you guy, you are openly gluttonous here.

Lord Madara: Yes, you must have an explanation for this matter. Ryuun in the sky: What explanation is that what I eat is not meat, but loneliness. You have to find out about this! Lord Madara: Oh, loneliness! Lord Madara! : It seems that your little days are… quite comfortable! Ryuun in the sky: It’s alright! Ryuun in the sky: By the way, where are you two now? Big pillar: Haha…, Ryuun, A Madara, I am still two-thirds away from the destination.

Dazhuzi: Madara, Ryuun, you two, come and listen to me.(Read more @

Lord Madara: Yo! Not bad, Zhu is still three-thirds away from the destination, but it’s a pity that I’m a little bit more than you.

Lord Madara: It seems that the first place in this one is destined to be me.

Big pillar: Damn it! Ah Madara, I must catch up with you! Lord Madara: Then I want to see how you catch up to me.

Lord Madara: Ryuun, you picked the one with the farthest distance, and it looks like you are going to lose.

Ryuun in the sky: That’s not necessarily true.

Just after Ryuun finished sending the subtitles, he slapped the pterosaur next to him with his hand.

Ryuun in the sky: Have you seen it? I will ride this big guy straight ahead, so I don’t have to lose.

Big pillar: Damn it, Ryuun, you guy cheating! Lord Madara: Yes, Hashirama, what you said is so right, Ryuun is… cheating.

Ryuun in the sky: You two, you didn’t say that you can’t use external force, so you don’t need to blame me.

Ryuun looked at the floating barrage in front of him, and he felt relieved.

Who made these two guys laugh at me just now.

It would be a waste of resources without using the pterosaurs beside them to hit them both.

But for Ryuun’s fatal attack, it completely hit the hearts of Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara! At this moment, in a room, Senju Hashirama looked at the barrage sent by Ryuun.

There was an upset in his heart.

Even at the end, he felt that he was still too tender.

In another cave, Uchiha Madara is also watching the barrage floating in front of him.

There was also a panic in his heart.

Unexpectedly, Ryuun has already started driving a vehicle like a pterosaur.

: Seeking flowers… Seeking monthly tickets… Seeking evaluation tickets… Feilu reminds you: Three things to read

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