Chapter 319 Plan to act (seeking flowers)

But he used his 11 bus to go forward here.

Similarly, Uchiha Madara now feels a little autistic.

After a while, he came out of autism, his eyes full of determination, and he muttered to himself: “It seems that I have to get a mount too, otherwise it would be too shameless.”

After thinking of this, Uchiha Madara also slowly stood up and planned to act.

In fact, it’s not just him, Senju Hashirama also has this plan.

But I am afraid that I will come to the bottom of my own existence, then it can be embarrassing…

Ryuun looked at the message on the barrage and smiled calmly: “These two guys are also planning to find one…Are there any mounts? I’m really looking forward to what kind of mounts you two can find.”

“By the way, I almost forgot to say that, even if you find the mount, you have to be tame, otherwise, the other party will not be so easy to let people sit on the body.”

However, these words of Ryuun, he did not send a barrage.

He knows that even if he doesn’t send barrage.

Naturally, the minds of Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara can also be imagined.

Afterwards, after a short meal of Ryuun, he filled his stomach.

Of course, he alone can’t eat the black feather pterodactyl.

He only ate a small portion.

As for the remaining part, it was naturally handed over to the pterosaur on the side to solve it.(Read more @

After a short while, Ryuun continued to set off with the pterodactyl.

However, for the position of the yellow dot displayed on the virtual map of myself and 3, it is indeed a bit far away.

But for… the wing that can fly in the sky, it doesn’t seem far away.

After all, pterosaurs can fly from the sky.

Its own speed is not too slow.

Therefore, for… these… journeys, you can feel that you will be able to successfully arrive in a few days.

A few days later.

Ryuun directly took the pterosaur under this foot and flew to the destination.

When he came to the destination he came from, a wonderful scene happened directly.

He did not expect that he entered a light curtain.

Ryuun looked at the light curtain in front of him, and in the next second, he appeared on an island.

A few days later.

Ryuun woke up.

His vision was a little blurred, and he slowly looked at everything around him.

But Ryuun soon realized a serious matter.

My own live broadcast equipment is actually inoperable.

This is really embarrassing! After regaining his strength, Ryuun looked at the surrounding environment carefully.

“Isn’t I just living on a deserted island? There isn’t even a single person in the surrounding area.”

Ryuun also said bitterly.

He is also a little bit confused, he clearly entered this color zone.

But why, suddenly came here.

However, after Ryuun’s thinking for a while, he was relieved.

Maybe he entered another zone.

As long as you can find an exit, you can leave here easily.

After Ryuun thought about this, he didn’t hesitate to go there.

Looking at the surrounding situation, Ryuun didn’t see any clues.

But what makes him feel good is that there is no danger here yet.

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