The three of them ignored everyone this time. It was indeed their negligence that they did not consider that these people's physical strength would be so poor.

Simply ignore them for the first time and let them rest where they are.

This is also their last willfulness.

Moreover, they are also responsible for this matter. As commanders, they did not consider the health of their subordinates.

This is the loss of inexperience.

After drinking two sips of water, Orochimaru took out a rat snake from his arms, and the corners of his mouth could not help but rise slightly.

Tsunade and Jiraiya were already accustomed to Orochimaru carrying a snake on his body, or keeping it close to his body. Seeing his funny expression, Jiraiya asked curiously: "Is there something wrong?"

Orochimaru did not answer. He chuckled and then reached out to touch Jiraiya and Tsunade.

The next moment, Tsunade and Jiraiya saw the information transmitted by the rat snake through Orochimaru's chakra connection.

However, unlike Orochimaru, the two of them looked very strange.

"Your disciple... is really..." Tsunade didn't know what words to use to describe him.

He actually wanted to use his cup-sized chakra to swallow the entire laboratory into his stomach and take it away.


This idea can't be thought of without a cerebral thrombosis for ten years!

Jiraiya put his arm around his shoulders and joked: "Orochimaru, your disciple reminds me of a saying, 'Human greed is like a snake swallowing an elephant!',

This little guy is a little too arrogant!"

His words made Orochimaru's face slightly solemn, "I also noticed that this kid's character is not right. Sometimes he is mature like you and me, and sometimes he is childish like a child.

But these are not important. The important thing is that I noticed that there is something wrong with his mentality. He seems to be a little overconfident!"

As Orochimaru said this, he looked deeply at Jiraiya.

Jiraiya was a little scared by him, "Why are you looking at me? Do you think I'm overconfident!?"

Orochimaru shook his head and then looked at Tsunade, "No, no, no, I'm not targeting you!"

"I mean, the three of us have problems with our mentality!"

Tsunade: "!!!"

Jiraiya: "???"


Ninja school.

Minato looked at the empty seats with a confused look on his face. Mirai didn't come to class! !

"Mirai~" He couldn't help but murmured with some worry.

Although Uchiha Mirai was a famous troublemaker in the class, he dared to beat anyone who provoked him, even if the teacher was around, he would still beat them.

He didn't like to listen to the teacher's lectures. Every time in class, he either slept or was in a daze.

But even though he had a bad record in the eyes of the teacher, he actually had an advantage, that is, he came to class without fail.

Very self-disciplined.

But today, he didn't come!

'Mirai, where have you been? ’

For a moment, Namikaze Minato’s face was full of sorrow, and even Kushina beside him felt unsatisfactory.

Kushina also noticed his expression. Although she could see that this was the concern of a friend for a friend, she didn’t know why she always thought of ‘gay’.

‘Alas, am I really starting to become perverted! ’

The teacher naturally saw that Uchiha Mirai was not in his original position, and he frowned slightly.

‘Why didn’t this kid come to class? ’

“Minato, where is your deskmate?” he asked.

When Minato heard the teacher calling him, he hurriedly stood up and shook his head and said, “Teacher, I don’t know either. We didn’t train together this morning!”

“Even you don’t know!?” The teacher was shocked.

Not only him, but even the classmates in the class stared at him with wide eyes, as if they saw the incredible little cow flying to the sky!

As we all know, Uchiha Mirai and Namikaze Minato are very close. They are almost inseparable. Even when they go to the toilet, they will pull each other to go together.

Jiro Jiang Shang once saw that Namikaze Minato helped Uchiha Mirai to hold his urine.

He helped to hold it so that it would not drip on the pants.

If they were not both men, I am afraid that the school would have spread the story of a golden boy and a jade girl.

Now, Namikaze Minato actually said that he didn't know...

Ah... This matter is too unexpected.

The teacher looked around and found that the students were all surprised. Obviously, they didn't know why Uchiha Mirai didn't come.

'Is this troublemaker finally going to fall! '

If he dares to skip classes today, he will dare to skip school tomorrow!

No, I must correct him!

Then the first step is to start with home visits!

Thinking of this, he opened the textbook and said with a smile: "Classmates, let's turn to page 79 of the math textbook!"

Since Uchiha Mirai is not here, what are you waiting for? Go to the class he has been looking forward to for a long time.

It's just that there is no Uchiha Mirai's class.


It should be very happy!


On the hill.

Hinata Reika is still lying on the ground. She tilted her head and looked at the person next to her with a curious look on her face.

"Now you can tell me what you want to do!"

Mirai also imitated her posture and lay on the ground very comfortably.

As a lazy person, who wants to stand when they can lie down.

Due to the protection of the barrier, he didn't worry about anyone hearing his voice.

He laughed strangely: "What kind of people do you think are the most annoying!"

"Uh... People who don't let me cheat? Or people who I can't beat even if I cheat? "She blinked her big eyes and replied speechlessly.

This was a teasing remark. People have all kinds of personalities. How could she know what kind of people others hate the most?

Future: ( ̄ー ̄)

This double-standard dog!

But this guy's brain is not bad. He actually understood what cheating means!

"Forget it, I shouldn't expect you to understand my thoughts!"

Minato is still the best!

He is the most compatible with me. As long as I pick my nose, he knows to pass me a piece of paper.

Three hours and seven minutes after parting with him, I miss him.

"Just say it directly. I hate you riddlers the most! "Hinata Reika retorted unceremoniously.

Her words almost made Future go berserk on the spot.

But he was suppressed by him. He glanced at the other party and cursed fiercely in his heart.

I curse you to never get married in your life. Even if you get married, the other party will immediately become cold and let you stay a widow for the rest of your life!

Hinata Reika suddenly shuddered and looked at Future with her eyebrows raised.


"What were you thinking just now?"

Future: "What are you thinking about? You are sick, inexplicable!"

As he said, he turned his head directly, and only then did he dare to flash a trace of fear and doubt in his eyes.

Damn it, this intuition is so accurate!

"Okay, let's not talk about this. Find a chance. I want to contact him alone. Not much, one minute is enough! "Mirai decided to change the subject, not wanting her to go into it further.

Seeing him like this, Hyuga Reika's face froze.

She didn't care to argue with Mirai. After thinking for a moment, she shook her head and said, "There's no way. The people of the main family are very afraid of death and are extremely timid. They value their own safety more than anything else!"

Mirai looked at her with some disbelief, and a trace of suspicion flashed across his eyes, "No way, do they have to follow the people of the branch family when they go to the toilet?"


"The people of the main family don't mind?"

"What do you mind? This rule was issued by their main family. Besides, their fate has been determined since they were born.

The people of the main family only need to be greedy for pleasure and move their mouths. The people of our branch family fight hard, so that many people have developed a lazy character. I once saw a person from the main family who was 18 years old and couldn't even wipe his butt!

Every time he was done with the toilet, he needed the people of the branch family to help him clean it up by hand.

Therefore, squatting and being watched is something they are used to. "

Mirai remained silent for a long time, staring at Hyuga Reika with a strange look in his eyes.

Finally, he couldn't help but say: "People in your main family are really weird!"

They are so scared of death.

If Naruto hadn't married into your Hyuga family, I'm afraid that the Hyuga family would have disappeared from the stage of history like Uchiha and Senju.

"So, you should be able to tell me what you want to do, right?" Hyuga Reika asked again and again.

This time, Mirai didn't change the subject like before.

He said directly: "Do you hate sissies?"

"Nonsense, of course I hate it! "Hinata Reika rolled her eyes.

Who doesn't hate sissies? Most sissies talk in a non-feminine way, are artificial, and have a lot of body movements.

Boys don't think he looks like a boy, and girls don't think he looks like a girl. But he looks like a fly, buzzing in front of their eyes.

Just one glance will hurt your eyes.

Suddenly, she seemed to react to something, and she hurriedly looked to the future.

"You want..."

"Yes, it's what you think!"

"Children are the future of a family. Children who are excellent in all aspects are the pride of parents and can bring endless glory and praise to themselves.

As the child of the main family, he must be spoiled to the sky!"

"But on the other hand, if the child is naughty and unlearned,, stealing all day long, such a person will only be hated by others!"

As the future said, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he couldn't help sticking out his tongue and licking his lips.

"And your main family's originally male child suddenly became effeminate, and at the same time, he has a bad character due to being over-pampered. Do you think his parents will still be proud of him?"

Hinata Reika didn't care about the curiosity of the future's flexible tongue. She looked at Uchiha Future with shining eyes.

The tone gradually became excited.

"No, the existence of this child has become a stain on their lives. Even if no one dares to say it in front of him, there will definitely be a lot of discussion in private.

And the child has grown up, and it is even more impossible to kill him. He can only pinch his nose and eat maggots and endure it!"

"This method is poisonous, it is really too poisonous. You are going to make them unable to raise their heads for the rest of their lives!"

The future quickly corrected: "No, it's not me, but you! "

"You did it, not me. It has nothing to do with me!"

Hearing Mirai's hasty words to clear herself from the matter, Hyuga Reika was immediately furious.

"Do you want to break the contract?"

Looking at her harmless words, Mirai propped up her chin with one hand.

"Do it if you want!"


<( ̄﹌ ̄)>

"Okay, I'll do it!"

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