Looking at the frustrated Hyuga Reika, Mirai smiled in her heart.

This is the expression that a child should have at this stage.

They can cry, laugh, and make trouble.

"Okay, I just teased you, but you actually forgot one place, which is the weakest point in security!"

"Huh? Where?" Hyuga Reika wanted to ignore this guy, but what he said made her itchy again.

She has been watching Hyuga Souji for so long, and she knows his itinerary very well. Apart from here, where else is the weakest point in defense!

"Let me ask you, are you Hyuga clan members not allowed to open the [Baiyan] casually in Konoha Village?"

Hearing Mirai's reminder, Hyuga Reika sat up suddenly. She looked at Uchiha Mirai with a look of astonishment, and her heart was full of "Fuck you"!

Yes, why didn't she think of taking action in Konoha?

It's not allowed in the clan, but it doesn't mean it's not allowed in the village!

Because the tribe is their own territory, many Hyuga people will habitually open their eyes to look.

After all, they rarely go out of the village, and they cannot use the [Baiyan] in public places in the village, so they can only use it in their own territory.

And in the village, many Hyuga people will subconsciously close the [Baiyan] when walking.

They don't want to be targeted by the Uchiha group of lunatics.

"Uchiha Mirai, thank you for your reminder!" Hyuga Reika thanked sincerely.

This made Mirai look at her with some doubts.

"You actually apologized to me?"

Last time, this guy wanted to kill himself to prevent her secret from being known by a third person.

Now he actually apologized to himself with a smile?

Could it be that she is actually a hidden masochist, or does she have the so-called Stockholm syndrome?

"Although I, Hyuga Reika, have vicious means, a cold personality, and a deep hatred, I know that I am a good person who likes to repay kindness with kindness and repay grievances with grievances!"

Mirai: ( ̄ー ̄)

Girl, are you a little too biased in your positioning of yourself?

Before, we were opponents who wanted to kill each other, but today, because I gave you an idea, you are grateful to me. Are you seriously ill?

"What's that look in your eyes?" Hyuga Reika noticed the weird look in the future and asked in confusion.

There were two lines of doubt on his chubby face.

"Uh... your self-awareness... is really good!"

Hyuga Reika pouted speechlessly, "Nonsense, don't I understand myself yet!"

She suddenly felt that Uchiha Mirai seemed to be ill.

He liked to be startled and always loved to think in a roundabout way. When he was talking about serious matters, he would suddenly shift to other irrelevant things.

‘Unnatural Uchiha! ’

‘Sick Hyuga! ’

At the same time, the two looked at each other secretly and thought.

Since the new place of action was determined, Mirai and Reika immediately packed up their belongings and cleaned up the traces left by themselves and others.

They took the barrier scroll and walked towards Konoha Village.

After returning from the gate of Konoha, the two hid in the grove, which was the forest that Mirai and Minato often went to.

They began to disguise themselves.

Given the tonnage of Hyuga Reika, she dressed herself up as the stupid son of a landlord.

As for Mirai, because of his long black straight hair, Hyuga Reika forced him to dress up as a girl!

Well, a girl with a flat chest!

Mirai stood by the stream and looked at himself with the help of the water.

At the end of the black straight hair, a red bow was replaced.

The clothes on his body were also changed into a light yellow kimono, and his waist was bound by a red belt, with a big bow tied at the back.

It matched his hairstyle.

The originally masculine look on his face soon became softer under the makeup of him and Hinata Reika.

The face shape and facial features were also adjusted accordingly.

At this moment, he looked very different from when he was wearing men's clothes.

He moved his body twice and soon found the feeling.

The whole movement gradually became feminine.

At this point, he looked at the water and nodded with satisfaction.

However, I have to say that I look handsome when I wear men's clothes, and cool when I wear women's clothes!

I am really worthy of it!

( ̄▽ ̄)~*

Hinata Reika looked at Mirai's unresisting behavior, and even enjoyed it, and the whole person was silent.

'He is really a pervert. There is a reason why he hid here and secretly practiced 'deep throat' before! ’

Otherwise, who would be so comfortable wearing women’s clothes and turning around like aLike a little girl getting new clothes, she looked at herself conceitedly.

And he looked more like a girl than herself at this moment.

Oh my god, it was even more painful to think about this. My girlfriend's power was not as good as a man's.

Looking at Uchiha Mirai who was still spinning in circles, Hyuga Reika couldn't help but say faintly: "Do you want to be a girl?"

Combined with the plan he proposed before, Hyuga Reika felt that Uchiha Mirai was a pervert who wanted to be a girl.


She looked at the way he looked at her slightly tilted his head when he stood by the river because she spoke.

The breeze blew through his light yellow kimono and ruffled the hair beside his ears.

He couldn't help but reach out and hold it.

Just this scene was deeply engraved in her mind.


Damn... It's a heart-thumping feeling!

Mirai looked at Hyuga Reika's changed face and was a little confused.

"I don't want to be a girl!"

"Then why do you dress so naturally in women's clothes..."

More importantly, your behavior is more like a girl than yourself!

Uchiha Mirai, you said you don't want to be a goddess!

Uchiha Mirai understood. It turned out that she was wondering about this. He curled his lips and said, "If you have a mother and sister who like to dress you up as a doll and raise you up, you will understand me!"



Oh my goodness, it turns out that Uchiha Mirai is so perverted, it turns out to be a family tradition!

This makes sense. Mirai is only seven years old, how could she be so perverted.

She couldn't help but feel deep sympathy for the daughter-in-law who would marry into his family in the future.

'I don't know which unlucky girl will be ruined by you Uchiha! '

'Alas...poor! ’

Future looked at her expression of sudden laughter, sudden worry, and sudden gloating, and was a little confused.

He took two steps forward and waved his hand in front of her.

"Are you okay?"

Hinata Reika quickly put away her thoughts, she shook her head and said: "It's okay, we should discuss the plan now!"

Future looked at her sudden serious look, and after thinking about it, she was too lazy to worry about the previous things.

Now the business is important.

"Do you have any plans?" Future asked, after all, this guy has been staring at Hinata Souji for so long, he must know many of his habits.

Hinata Reika nodded, and as expected by the future, she already had a preliminary plan.

Then, she took out a map from her arms.

She pointed to the main street of Konoha: "As far as I know, Hyuga Souyoshi likes sweets. Every time he comes back, he will go to this dessert shop and buy a lot of three-color balls. Why don't we put laxatives in these balls.

After he finishes eating the balls, he will definitely go to the toilet, and the two of us will ambush in this toilet. When he comes in, we will implement the plan you said!"

"By the way, is your medicine reliable?"

Mirai patted his chest and guaranteed: "It must be reliable!"

Orochimaru's products must be top-notch!

However, he also had doubts, "Didn't you say that they were watched even when they went to the toilet? Can we succeed so easily?"

Hyuga Reika raised the corner of her mouth slightly, "Don't worry, I have planned it. In Konoha Village, many people will subconsciously relax their vigilance!"

Yes, who would be nervous in their own home?

"And this toilet is just a small toilet, which can only accommodate five people at most.

At that time, we just need to ambush in the toilet, and when he comes in, we will knock him out immediately, you give him an injection, and then I will quickly take off my disguise and sneak into the next female toilet to get out quickly!"

This is also the reason why she thought of changing the future into a female dress.

After all, removing makeup is much faster than changing makeup!

The future stared at the map and thought carefully.

"It's a good idea, and the success rate is very high. Because it is a public place, those who protect him are very likely not to open [white eyes] to observe.

And because the toilet is very small, and there must be other people going to the toilet, so at most only one or two people will follow him in to avoid congestion.

And as a man, since he has entered the toilet, he will follow the previous one, after all, he is here!"

To sum up, the success rate of this plan is really high!

It's just that it doesn't seem to be a simple thing to sneak from the men's toilet to the women's toilet!

As far as he knew, the toilet cubicle was shorter than the large cubicle between the men's and women's toilets, and was usually built with cement bricks.

No matter how they turned over, someone would definitely see them!

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