Wuxin was sure that when he looked at the landmark just now, there was no castle in front of him. This castle seemed to appear suddenly.

Wuxin, who found the destination, felt a little excited and pointed to the direction of the castle in front. Lizardmaru under his feet received the order and ran towards the castle.

The only hostage left was Kitayama Taro, who was thrown from Lizardmaru's back by Kisame.

Lizardmaru hurried all the way and soon arrived at the gate of the castle. Lizardmaru seemed to feel something unusual, looked up and down at the castle, and hissed.

"I know, don't worry, go back."

Wuxin knew that Lizardmaru's hissing was to remind himself that there was something wrong with the castle. After responding, he formed a seal with his left hand and stood in front of him, and a seal released the summoning technique.


The lizard pill turned into smoke and dissipated. In the smoke, Kisame walked to Wuxin and whispered:

"A magnificent castle. Your original purpose was to plunder here."

"Haha, in a sense, you can say that."

Wuxin looked up and down at the castle, unable to hide his joy on his face, and replied with a smile.

After a brief observation of the castle, the two strode forward and walked down the steps to the castle gate.

Kisame originally wanted to push the door forward, but as soon as he took a step, the castle gate creaked and opened automatically.


Kisame made a light exclamation, realized something was wrong, and turned to look at Wuxin.

Wuxin still had a smile on his face. After the door opened, he strode into the castle without hesitation.

Seeing that Wuxin seemed to be in a very good mood, Kisame's eyes flashed with doubts, and he followed Wuxin's footsteps and stepped into the castle.

As soon as the two entered the castle, the door behind them creaked again and closed automatically.

At this moment, the cautious Kisame could no longer remain calm, and quickly turned his head to look at Wuxin, but Wuxin still had a smile on his face.

Kisame reached out to touch the long sword behind him with some confusion, and said coldly:

"Wuxin, there is something strange here, why are you here?"

"Kisame, the treasure of Shuzaki Castle is a huge summoned beast, and I came here specifically for this.

If I'm not mistaken, we have entered its body."

Wuxin did not hide anything and explained directly, and then looked at the interior of the castle.

The two were in the castle hall, with paper curtain doors on the left and right of the hall and stairs in the middle. Wuxin looked around and walked towards the door on the left.

"Summoned beast? In its body? Do you mean we were eaten by the summoned beast?"

Kisame's eyes were wide open, and he didn't understand why Wuxin was so calm even though he was in danger, and even had a smile on his face.

Kisame, who had some tacit understanding with Wuxin, knew that Wuxin never fought a battle without confidence. If there was really danger, he should run faster than himself. Thinking of this, Kisame loosened his hand on the hilt of the knife and followed Wuxin's footsteps.

The room that Wuxin entered looked like a restaurant, with a long table in the middle, and a tablecloth on the long table, which was very exquisite.

Wuxin walked around the table, looked around, walked out of the restaurant, and walked towards another door. Kisame followed closely behind Wuxin.

The second room was the study, which had more than a dozen large bookshelves, and the bookshelves were full of books.

Wuxin led Kisame and walked around the study, and found a small table in the corner of the study, on which there were three scrolls. Wuxin walked up, picked up the top one, opened it and read it.

"Chronicle of Shuzaki Castle?"

Wuxin first looked at the title of the book, and then his eyes glanced at the time below the scroll.

"Things from fifty years ago? Interesting."

Wu Xin muttered, and quickly read through the book.

"Things from fifty years ago? Let me see."

Kisame, who was standing by, had heard about the records from more than fifty years ago and became interested. When he saw Wu Xin close the scroll after reading it, he reached out to touch the scroll in Wu Xin's hand.

Wu Xin just closed the scroll, and saw Kisame's big hand reaching out. He handed the scroll to Kisame without hesitation, and at the same time picked up the second scroll on the table and started to read it.

After Kisame took the scroll, he opened it and looked at the title, and read:

"Chronicle of Shuzaki Castle. The city has been surrounded by the enemy, the people have been ravaged, and the city has run out of ammunition and food.

After tonight, although I die, I will not rest in peace.

The resentment of our generation will remain in the city. I will destroy all those who enter the city with my heart set on this city. Book of Shuzaki Gosuke."

As Kisame finished reading, the bookshelf in the room suddenly creaked. The two who heard the sound put down the scroll and turned to look behind them.

However, they saw that the bookshelf, which was originally neatly arranged, was now in a C shape, surrounding the two people layer by layer.

As the two people looked at it, the bookshelf began to shake violently, and all the books on it fell down. The strange thing was that the books fell out of the bookshelf but did not fall to the ground, and hit Wuxin and Kisame.Wuxin and Kisame were very skilled, so it was impossible for them to be stumped by these books. They flipped their hands left and right, and slapped them randomly, knocking all the books away.

Just after they finished dealing with the books, a more bizarre situation occurred. The walls in the study grew reddish-brown flesh membranes. As the walls changed, all the bookshelves began to fall apart. The color of the falling bookshelves turned flesh-red, turning into dozens of thin red flesh whips, rolling towards Wuxin and Kisame.

Wuxin and Kisame were not panicked at all. They drew out their long swords and cut off all the flesh whips that rolled towards them.

Wuxin, who had observed the castle for a while, no longer had the mind to observe. After cutting off the flesh whips that rolled towards him, he rushed towards the door.

The door was strangely distorted and shaking. Wuxin rushed forward, kicked the door open, and left the room with Kisame and came to the castle hall.

The walls of the rooms on both sides of the castle hall all turned into red flesh walls. On the flesh walls, countless red flesh whips grew out and rolled towards Wuxin and Kisame.

"Any summoned beast must have a summoning scroll contract. Kisame, hold on for a while, I'll find the location of the summoning scroll."

Wuxin cut off several rolled flesh whips with his long sword, told Kisame beside him, then closed his eyes and activated the perception technique.


Kisame just hummed, Wuxin finished the investigation and opened his eyes.

Wuxin looked up with his eyes opened, and saw a flesh wall.

Wuxin narrowed his eyes slightly. The core of the chakra radiating was located above his head.

Wuxin understood that as long as he could break through the blockade and go to the top floor, he could resolve the chaos caused by the summoned beast.

The castle summoned beast seemed to sense the crisis and became even crazier. More flesh whips surged out and attacked Wuxin and Kisame. At the same time, the doors on the left and right sides of the hall opened, and a pool of yellow water spread out from the room.

The yellow water quickly spread to the feet of Wuxin and Kisame, and the soles of their shoes instantly smoked and sizzled.

This scene made Kisame frown and said in a deep voice:

"This is stomach acid, Wuxin, if you don't hurry up, I'm afraid we will become excrement."

"Take the stairs!"

Wuxin also noticed the stomach acid under his feet. After the words fell, he rushed to the stairs in front of the hall.

Although the summoned beast was crazy, it could only cause a little trouble to the two and could not stop their steps.

The two walked up the stairs all the way. Just after climbing two floors, they found that there was a sudden fault in front of the stairs. Wuxin, who was standing on the edge of the stairs, looked down and saw that it was dark like a black hole.

"The illusion of this summoned beast is really good."

Wuxin judged the current situation at a glance, and was somewhat satisfied with the summoned beast. He made a few seals with his hands, squatted down, and pressed on the stairs.

The originally broken stairs and the black curtain changed with a wave, and the illusion disappeared, turning into stairs to fill the broken part.

Wuxin strode forward, along the core position of the castle chakra that he had sensed before, and finally came to the castle tower.

Kisame stepped forward and kicked open the door of the castle tower, and the two rushed in quickly.

The room of the castle tower is not big. What you see is a red carpet and a tatami by the window. There is a small table on the tatami, and a large scroll more than one meter long is placed on the small table.

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