Kisame stepped forward and kicked open the door of the castle tower, and the two rushed in quickly.

The room in the castle tower was not big. What caught my eye was the red carpet and a tatami mat by the window. There was a small table on the tatami mat, and a large scroll more than one meter long was placed on the small table.

The castle summoned beast seemed to sense the danger and became more and more crazy. The walls of the room quickly turned into red flesh walls, and countless red vines emerged from the flesh walls and rolled towards Wuxin and Kisame.

Wuxin rushed forward and came to the tatami table. At the same time, several red flesh whips rolled towards Wuxin. Wuxin held a long knife and chopped left and right, cutting off all the tied flesh whips.

After cutting off the flesh whips, Wuxin grabbed the top of the summoning scroll with his left hand and lifted the scroll up. The right hand holding the knife gently cut the rope that bound the scroll with the blade and unfolded the scroll.

After the scroll was unfolded, it turned out to be a spiritual scroll, just as Wuxin expected, with many names written on it.

The scroll was unfolded to the end, and the last name was Suzaki Gosuke. Wuxin bit his fingertips, wrote his own name in blood in the column after Suzaki Gosuke's name, then rubbed the fingertips of his five fingers, all stained with blood, and pressed under the name.


Wuxin just completed the contract, and the castle's spiritual beast became more and more crazy, and a green mist was diffused. At the same time, the flesh wall on the top of the castle tower slowly sank, trying to crush the invader.

"This is acid mist, stomach acid! It's not finished yet!?"

Kisame encountered the green acid mist, grinning from the burn, and asked loudly to exit the acid mist range.

At this moment, Wuxin was no longer calm. He had clearly signed the contract, but the summoned beast did not stop its actions, but became even crazier, which made Wuxin feel uneasy. He shouted:

"Something is strange. Break the wall and let's go out first!"

After Wuxin finished speaking, he put his hands together, formed the seal of the water escape ninjutsu, and shouted:

"Ninjutsu: Mist Hidden Technique!"

Wuxin's ninjutsu took shape very quickly, and his lips were in a blowing shape, spewing water mist.

Acid mist is highly corrosive, but water vapor can dilute gaseous acid mist, temporarily delaying the time of the two people's defeat.

After hearing the words, Kisame looked around and rushed to the flesh wall with the least meat vines. He rushed to the wall with the green acid mist and punched hard.

The red flesh wall seemed like a stomach. A contraction relieved Kisame's huge force, and did not smash a hole as the two imagined.

After Kisame punched, he jumped out of the green fog and came to Wuxin's side.

Thick fog had filled the small room of the castle tower. The original green mist was diluted and disappeared. The attack of the meat vines posed no threat to the two. Kisame, who was temporarily safe, said to Wuxin beside him in a deep voice:

"It was easy for us to come in, but it may not be as easy as you think to get out."


Wuxin nodded slightly and stopped blowing the mist. Although Wuxin cracked the acid mist, he didn't know exactly how much chakra this summoned beast had. However, if this summoned beast has existed for decades as described in the Shuzaki Chronicle.

Then in the competition of chakra consumption, Wuxin and Kisame will definitely not be able to consume more than this summoned beast. It is huge in size and has a long summoning time, which all shows that the chakra of this summoned beast is huge.

Thinking Wuxin frowned slightly, and a figure appeared in his mist perception.

The mist that Wuxin spewed out escaped from the castle tower and covered the entire castle. In Wuxin's fog perception, a figure was walking up the stairs.

Wuxin closed his eyes and carefully sensed the man's appearance. The man wore a hat, armor, and had a mustache on his face. He looked very similar to the person in the portrait of Suzaki Gosuke hanging in the castle. Wuxin couldn't help but think:

"Could this person be Suzaki Gosuke? Isn't he dead..."

In Wuxin's perception, the figure in armor walked fast, had walked up the stairs, came to the top floor, and walked straight towards the castle tower.

The spiritual scroll had been signed, but it was still attacked by the spiritual beast. Wuxin was a little confused about what was going on with this Suzaki Castle. In the fog perception, he sensed that Suzaki Gosuke was standing at the door of the castle tower. Wuxin said in a deep voice:

"Be careful, there is someone outside the door."

Wuxin reminded Kisame next to him. I was thinking whether to rush out to capture Shuzaki Gosuke and then return to the castle hall and go out through the main gate. Or should I look for some clues here and subdue the summoned beast. Before Wuxin could figure out the next step, the door of the castle tower that was kicked open by Kisame creaked and moved.

In the mist, a figure with a blue glow on his body stepped into the castle tower and walked straight towards Wuxin.

Kisame frowned when he heard the reminder and said in a deep voice:

"I didn't feel anything at all.This place is too weird, shall we go downstairs and leave through the main door? I don't want to stay in this place for a moment. "

Wuxin didn't answer. In the fog perception, he could clearly sense that the humanoid light ball suspected to be Tsunayoshi Suzaki was approaching him. The strange thing was that the man walked without making any sound, like a ghost.

Wuxin put down the spiritual scroll with his left hand, held the hilt of the knife in his right hand, and held the long knife with both hands, ready to attack this thing that he didn't know whether it was a human or a ghost.

In the fog perception, after the humanoid light ball approached Wuxin, it squatted beside the spiritual scroll that Wuxin had thrown on the ground and reached out to touch the scroll. The strange thing was that as soon as he touched the scroll, the whole person disappeared instantly.

With the disappearance of the humanoid light ball, Wuxin felt a strong suction force coming from the wall, and his body was out of control and was involuntarily sucked away by the wall.

After a while of dizziness, Wuxin fell heavily to the ground. The frightened Wuxin quickly got up and looked around, and saw a figure in the air coming towards him. He fell down and immediately got up to dodge.


Kisame fell heavily to the ground, and like Wuxin, he immediately got up and looked around.

As soon as Wuxin dodged, he realized that something was wrong. The surroundings were lush and green, with birds singing and flowers blooming. After being sucked away by the mysterious power, it seemed that he had left the castle. Not far ahead, a large scroll was scattered on the ground.

Wuxin glanced at Kisame who got up quickly, and saw that Kisame was fine, so he walked towards the large scroll scattered on the ground in front.

Wuxin picked up the scroll and took a look at the content of the large scroll. At the end of the scroll was written Wuxin's name and handprint. It was the summoning scroll of the monster of Shuzaki Castle. On the outside of the summoning scroll, there was a picture of a curled-up lizard.

Wuxin, who returned to a safe environment, looked at the image of the lizard carefully and murmured:

"The castle is gone. Is this summoning beast a lizard? "

Kisame also looked around and confirmed that the environment was safe. He walked behind Wuxin and said with lingering fear:

"What kind of summoned beast is this? It ate the castle.

Its body is so huge. Even if it can be summoned, it will probably consume all the chakra!"

Kisame, a Mist Hidden Monster, who is famous for his chakra, was a little frightened of this summoned beast and worried about how to drive it.

"If you summon the whole thing, it may be as you said,

But if you only summon a part, you may not need so much chakra.

For example, what if you summon its stomach alone? "

Wuxin tied up the summoning scroll, put it on his back, and answered Kisame softly.

As for the use of this summoned beast, Wuxin thought of the legendary use of Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas.

The stomach of this giant summoned beast can be summoned and used as a barrier.

The stomach of this Suzaki lizard has gastric acid, can cast illusions, and has a meat whip. The meat barrier is hard and difficult to break. If you don't have some strength and are eaten by it, I'm afraid the only outcome is to become excrement.

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