Land of Fire

Beside a small lake in the southwest, Wuxin sat on a stone pier beside the lake, holding a fishing rod in his hand, fishing leisurely.

On another stone pier not far away, Kisame pulled the fishing rod hard, shook it hard, and the fishing rod bounced up, throwing a fat fish on the pebbles on the shore.

Kisame smiled and said:

"Hey, Wuxin, Master Pufferfish ordered us to plunder the villages of the Land of Fire. Isn't it a bit bad for us to fish here?"

Wuxin glanced at the pebbles behind Kisame. There were five or six big fat fish on them, but there was none behind him. He curled his lips and said:

"Kisame, you said you wanted to fish. You are having fun, but I didn't catch any."

"I suggested fishing, but you should just take a break and have some fun.

We still have to complete the task assigned by Master Pufferfish. We can't return empty-handed.

Hey, hey, here we go again!"

While Kisame was talking, he suddenly seemed to sense something, stood up, shook the fishing rod, and another fat river fish was shaken ashore by Kisame.

Wuxin looked at this scene, touched his forehead with his left hand, wiped the non-existent sweat, and said softly:

"We are the Anbu, and the looting mission can be completed by other ordinary ninjas.

Master Pufferfish sent us to loot, just to give us a break and relieve the depression in the Wind Country battlefield.

There are tens of thousands of Konoha ninjas gathered in the western part of the Fire Country, and it will take less than a day for them to rush here.

Do you really think we can break into the heart of the Fire Country, loot and return safely?

Relax here for a while, and when you go back, give Master Pufferfish a few fish to show your filial piety."

Wuxin's judgment is correct. The so-called looting mission does not require the Anbu to be dispatched. The original intention of Xiguashan Pufferfish must be to let his capable subordinates burn, kill, rob, indulge, and then return.

Otherwise, Xiguashan Pufferfish would not say that 80% of the profits belong to the Anbu, and he only gets 20%.

The Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost is well-known for his greed. He takes 80% of the looted things, and the other executors take about 20%.

It is also because the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost takes good care of his trusted subordinates, so the Anbu such as Kisame are very loyal to him.

"You are right. I am not interested in robbing civilians."

Hoshigaki Kisame seemed to have a burst of character. While talking, he shook the fishing rod again, and a fat fish was shaken ashore by him. The struggling fish fell on the shore and fainted directly, motionless.

Wuxin's eyes twitched when he saw this, and he shook the fishing rod gently, wondering if he had chosen the wrong position. Kisame had caught so many fish, but he didn't catch any.

Wuxin lost interest after failing to catch any fish. He looked at the big fish on the pebble beach behind Kisame and felt the urge to grill the fish. He whispered:

"We caught a lot of fish. How about we go to the nearby villages and buy some seasonings to grill the fat fish?"

"Go ahead. I'm lucky today. Hehe."

Kisame answered softly. As he spoke, he hooked the fishing rod again and threw a fat fish on the pebbles on the shore. He smiled and continued:

"The Land of Fire is prosperous and there are many civilians in the towns. It should be no problem for you to disguise yourself and enter the town.

Besides, with your strength, you can rob a small town. Could it be that there are multiple teams led by Konoha Jonin in this frontier town?"

"Oh, that's true."

Wuxin nodded without any modesty, packed up the fishing rod, put it on the shore, and headed towards the nearby town of Kitayama family.

The Kitayama family is one of the feudal lords in the southwest of the Land of Fire. Several nearby towns are under their jurisdiction. The Kitayama Taro that Wuxin captured before is the eldest son of the head of the Kitayama family.

However, the hostages have been released by Wuxin, and Wuxin has no intention of burning, killing and looting. He simply went to Beishan Town to buy some seasonings for picnics.

The food and seasonings prepared before were almost consumed in the war for several months. This trip is just right to purchase some food so as not to hunt and have picnics every day.

Wuxin rushed in the forest for a long time. After seeing a dirt path, he jumped onto the dirt road and followed the road to the outside of Beishan Town.

Wuxin, who was behind a tree outside Beishan Town, looked at the gate of Beishan Town, turned his eyes, and made a seal with his left hand, removing the transformation technique of marching disguise and returning to his original appearance.

Wuxin, who had returned to his original appearance, took off the mask on his head and the ninja sword on his back, then summoned a black hooded coat from the summoning scroll and put it on.

In late autumn, the heat had just passed and the weather was cool. Whether wearing a short shirt or a long coat, it was not considered out of place.

Wuxin sealed the mask, ninja sword and other items into the storage scroll. His thin figure was covered with a black hooded long coat.robe, and walked towards the village.

On the archway at the entrance of the village, the three words Beishan Town were written. Under the archway, two warriors with swords on their waists leaned on the pillars of the archway and chatted.

The two warriors noticed that the travelers entered the city and stopped Wuxin. One of the warriors said with a bad face:

"Strangers, the entrance fee."

"How much?"

Wuxin glanced at the two warriors and responded softly.

The warrior with a bad face looked Wuxin up and down. Seeing that Wuxin was not tall, about twelve or thirteen years old, with fair skin and long black hair, he looked like an aristocrat. The warrior touched his chin and tried:

"1,000 taels."


Wuxin nodded, fumbled with his hand under the black robe, and took out a 1,000-denomination banknote and handed it to the warrior.

The warrior took the money, still with a bad face, and looked at another companion beside him.

Wuxin saw that the samurai took the money and stopped talking, and walked into the town.

After the two samurai exchanged glances, they always felt that the black-robed boy was not easy to provoke, so they did not stop him and let Wuxin enter the town.

Wuxin walked along the road after entering the town. The town was not very big, and Wuxin soon came to the center of the town.

There were many shops on both sides of the stone road in the center of the town, as well as a group of vendors displaying various goods and shouting, which seemed to be full of vitality.

Wuxin simply strolled around and saw the spice shop he wanted to find. He walked past the vendors and entered the shop to buy seasonings.

After purchasing the seasonings, Wuxin walked out of the spice shop and saw the rice balls on the stalls at the door of the store. The aroma was tempting, so he walked up and bought some rice balls for storage.

After the purchase, Wuxin looked around to see if there was anything he needed to replenish. At this glance, he saw three boys wearing Konoha forehead protectors in front of a small stall scooping goldfish.

There were two men and one woman, probably about the same age as Wuxin. What caught Wuxin's attention was that one of them had a table tennis racket pattern embroidered on the back of his clothes.

Wuxin, attracted by the Uchiha clan emblem, carefully observed the three people, and found some unexpected situations.

The Uchiha boy had short black hair, a Konoha forehead protector on his forehead, and goggles on his eyes.

The boy next to him had a silver hedgehog head and a black mask covering his face. The other girl had medium-length brown hair and a purple pattern on both sides of her cheeks.

Wuxin recognized the three people with this iconic appearance, retracted his gaze, and secretly raised his guard in his heart.

"Yellow Flash, could it be here too..."

The three little ones were not a concern for Wuxin, but their mentor, the Yellow Flash Minato Namikaze, was not to be trifled with.

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