Wuxin recognized the three people with this iconic appearance, retracted his gaze, and secretly raised his guard in his heart.

"Yellow Flash, could it be here too..."

The three little ones were not a concern for Wuxin, but their mentor, Yellow Flash Namikaze Minato, was not to be trifled with.

"Take it. 800 taels."

The owner of the rice ball stall packed the twenty rice balls that Wuxin bought, put them in a piece of cloth, and handed them to Wuxin.

Wuxin took the rice ball package, took out a thousand-denomination bill, handed it to the owner, and whispered:

"No need to change."

After finishing shopping, Wuxin packed up his things, turned around and left, heading towards the town archway, ready to leave the town.

Wuxin had just left the vendor's stall when a silver-haired hedgehog-headed boy turned his head to look at Wuxin's back in front of a goldfish scooping stall not far ahead, his eyes slightly narrowed.

The brown-haired girl who had been paying attention to the silver-haired boy followed his gaze and looked at Wuxin's back, and whispered:

"Kakashi, what are you looking at?"

"That person, if I'm not mistaken, should be a ninja.

Recently, there are Kirigakure ninjas robbing people here, maybe he is one of them."

The silver-haired boy called Kakashi looked at Wuxin's back for a long time and answered softly.

The goggled boy who was squatting below to help Kitayama Taro fish for goldfish heard the words behind him, and immediately stood up and came to Kakashi, looking around, and said:

"Kigakure ninjas? Enemies? Where? Where?"

The movements of several people attracted the attention of the employer Kitayama Taro, who stopped fishing for goldfish, stood up and looked at the hired guards Kakashi and others, and followed the gazes of Kakashi and the girl to look at the place where Wuxin left.

The long, smooth black hair, although far away, but the body shape and the iconic long black hair instantly reminded Kitayama Taro of bad things, and he stumbled and fell backwards.

The boy with goggles next to Kitayama Taro caught his employer Kitayama Taro who fell backwards, and asked in confusion:

"Hey, what's wrong with you?"

The boy with goggles saw Kitayama Taro's face full of fear and trembling all over, and couldn't help but said to the brown-haired girl beside him:

"Lin, come and see, what's wrong with Master Taro?"

Kitayama Taro's condition attracted the attention of Kakashi and Lin. Lin walked forward and supported Kitayama Taro. Seeing Kitayama Taro trembling in fear, she stretched out her hand and pressed it on Kitayama Taro's forehead, transmitting chakra and performing medical ninjutsu to help Kitayama Taro calm down.

Lin's ninjutsu seemed to have taken effect. Kitayama Taro calmed down a little, pointed in the direction where Wuxin left, and said tremblingly:

"That man, that man, he kidnapped me before!"

The three young ninjas looked at each other, and the three of them accepted the escort mission. One Chunin and two Genin, it was already good to accept this kind of escort mission.

Asking them to help the employer regain face seemed to be beyond the scope of the mission.

"There are Kirigakure ninjas rampaging around, and the teacher and his men seem to be clearing out these bandits nearby...

Since we have found clues about the Kirigakure bandits, let's go seek the teacher's help?"

After the three looked at each other, the steady Nohara Lin suggested to the two teammates.

"That man looks about the same age as us, why do we need to find a teacher?

Look at me going over to teach him a lesson."

The boy with goggles waved his hand, indicating that there was no need to be so troublesome. After saying that, he rolled up his sleeves and chased in the direction where Wuxin left.

The silver-haired boy Kakashi stepped forward, grabbed the collar of the boy wearing goggles, and scolded:

"Stupid Obito! How can a ninja act alone? He must have companions nearby!

We just need to report this clue to the teacher! This is the teacher's mission!"

"You coward! You are a genius! I am not afraid!"

Obito's collar was grabbed by Kakashi, and he danced and shouted.

Obito's shouting may have attracted the attention of people nearby. Two ninjas in green vests walked straight towards them and asked:

"Kakashi, Obito, what's wrong?"

Two green vest ninjas, one middle-aged, with a beard on his face and painted on his cheeks. The other is fat, tall, and very strong. The same sign of the two is that they both wear black turbans with Konoha forehead guards on them.

Kakashi heard the voice and looked at the two people. His eyes lit up and he said:

"Uncle Jaw, Uncle Tangdong..."


On the other side

After Wuxin left the town, he jumped from the path to a tree and tidied up his clothes.

He took out the vest and long sword from the seal scroll and put them on neatly. Then he put the supplies he bought in the town into the seal scroll and put them in the tactical pocket of the vest.In.

Still wearing a black robe and carrying a long sword, he quickly jumped onto a branch and headed towards the lake where he had been fishing before, ready to inform Kisame to retreat.

Wuxin felt uneasy since he found Hatake Kakashi's team. Although the Yellow Flash's reputation had not yet made a name for itself in the battlefields of Kumogakure and Iwagakure, Sand Village and Mist Village had already experienced the power of the Yellow Flash and knew this person.

Compared to others, Wuxin knew the power of the Yellow Flash Minato Namikaze even better. If he fought with the Yellow Flash Minato Namikaze for no reason, he would really be asking for his life.

Wuxin shuttled through the forest, with his hands in the seal of the future, standing in front of him, and sensing behind him while hurrying on his way.

"Hmm? Are they catching up? These two people... are not Hatake Kakashi and the others.

Their outfits... are at least Chunin or above.

They are coming directly to me. Have they locked onto me? Tracking technique?"

Wuxin muttered to himself, loosening his hands in seals, frowning slightly.

The two people chasing from behind seemed to have tracking methods, and they chased Wuxin directly, with a very obvious purpose.

"It seems that I can't get away if I don't deal with them."

Wuxin jumped and moved on the branches, rushed out of the woods, jumped onto the dirt path on the ground, and ran quickly.

Wuxin returned along the way he came, knowing that there was an abandoned small temple ahead.

Wuxin hurried along the dirt path, and soon arrived at the abandoned small temple, stepped into the yard, rushed into the main temple, and after a brief observation inside the main temple, he finally chose to jump onto the beam.

Wuxin, who jumped onto the beam, brushed off the spider webs on the beam, concentrated his mind and held his breath, ready for an ambush.

Wuxin was good at perception and had already noticed the people behind him, and judged that they had special tracking methods. However, Wuxin still wanted to confirm whether these two people were coming for him.

About five minutes later, accompanied by the sound of running through the air, two figures jumped into the temple courtyard and rushed directly towards the main building of the temple.

Wuxin didn't need perception. He could hear the movement through his ears and knew that the tail had caught up. He lay on the beam and concentrated and held his breath.

"Be careful, it's here!"

Accompanied by the sound, two figures in green vests, one in front and one behind, kept a fighting posture, stepped into the temple and looked around.

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