With a smile on his face, Yuto Murayama was very indifferent to life and death. After a slight pause, he continued:

"Wuxin, there are many ninjas who died in this mission. I remember that there was a classmate of yours named Zabuza Momochi?"

"Zabuza Momochi? Oh, yes."

Wuxin couldn't help but sneer when he heard the name of his only classmate Zabuza Momochi.

Yuto Murayama's eyes were complicated, and he said in a deep voice:

"His father, Momochi Upper Ninja, was the top assassination expert in the Hidden Mist Village. He also died in this mission..."


Wuxin was a little surprised. Wuxin didn't know about Zabuza Momochi's situation. I didn't expect that Zabuza was also a descendant of a jonin and a top assassination expert. After listening to this introduction, you can feel the power of this Momochi Upper Ninja.

"It seems that Zabuza Momochi and I are in the same boat, huh..."

Wuxin's tone was a little self-deprecating.

Zabuza Momochi went crazy after killing his deskmate in the graduation exam, and then killed all his classmates, wanting to change the exam system by himself.

Now think about it, whether Zabuza Momochi is crazy, cruel, or twisted, he is actually a poor victim of the blood mist policy. It seems meaningless to resent him for killing his classmates.

Since the end of the graduation exam, Wuxin has not seen Zabuza again, and he doesn't know how Zabuza was dealt with by the village.

For this classmate who suffered the same fate, Wuxin's heart loosened, and the interest in murder hidden in his heart suddenly dissipated, and he lost interest in killing him.

Seeing that Wuxin's mental state was better, Yuto Murayama breathed a sigh of relief. After learning about the rare large number of ninja deaths in the village, Yuto Murayama noticed the names of Wuxin's parents among the victims.

Yuto Murayama, who was worried, climbed over the wall and came to Wuxin's house. As soon as he entered the yard, he saw Wuxin slumped on the ground, looking dazed and absent-minded.

The experienced Murayama Yuto's purpose was to chat with Wuxin and serve as a companion. As a person who has experienced it, he knows these things very well.

"Things have passed, and looking forward to the future is what we should do.

Wuxin, do you want to learn ninjutsu that only a jonin can master?"

Murayama Yuto, who is in charge of jonin, knows that the inner desire of the young man at this time is mostly to become stronger.

"Ninjutsu that only a jonin can master?"

Wuxin turned his head and looked at Murayama Yuto in surprise, and became interested.

Ninjutsu that only a jonin can master must be above level B. The level of ninjutsu corresponds to the difficulty of learning. Although the level does not necessarily represent the power, the more difficult the ninjutsu is to learn, the more effects, larger and more complex it is.

Wuxin's C-level ninjutsu is already very proficient, and his parents have very few ninjutsu above level B. Wuxin himself doesn't know whether he can learn advanced ninjutsu.

"Yes, jonin-level ninjutsu."

Murayama Yuto got up and walked to the big tree planted in the yard.

At this moment, Wuxin has no worries and no sense of security. He is confused and eager to become stronger. However, due to his physical and age limitations, he wants to become stronger but cannot achieve it quickly, which shows his inner suffering and helplessness.

For Wuxin at this moment, Yuto Murayama's words are like a beam of light shining into Wuxin's closed heart, soothing Wuxin's anxiety.

Wuxin slowly got up and walked behind Yuto Murayama, waiting for teaching.

"You can vaguely see the traces of being trampled by the soles of your feet, Wuxin, have you completed the training of climbing trees?"

Yuto Murayama observed the big tree and saw the collapsed mark on the tree that looked like a sole of your foot. The size of the mark judged that it was the foot of a young man.

Yuto Murayama understood in his heart why Wuxin could perform C-level ninjutsu that was not suitable for his age, completed the training of climbing trees, and had fine chakra control.

"Yes, when I was a child, I completed the tree climbing training under the guidance of my father and mother. This is a very interesting training and my favorite sport at that time."

Wuxin replied softly. Wuxin, who had just cultivated chakra in his childhood, completed the tree climbing training not long after. It was both interesting and could enhance the experience of chakra.

"I see, then, have you practiced treading water?"

"Yes, when climbing trees was no longer challenging, my father and mother taught me to practice treading water. Well, it was a very interesting training."

Wuxin answered honestly and told everything he knew.

"I see, I even completed the treading water training... No wonder he can learn so many ninjutsu, he is really a genius."

Murayama Yuto was a little emotional. Climbing trees and treading water training, climbing trees and climbing high has the risk of falling, treading water has the risk of drowning. Since a ninja school teacher takes dozens of students and cannot take care of them, so for safety reasons, these are not taught in general ninja schools.

There are many ways to increase chakra control, climbing trees and treading water are more practical,Generally, after graduating from Genin, they teach Jonin one to three.

Chakra has many functions, and rough use can easily lead to chakra waste and dissipation. Strengthening chakra control, saving chakra, and more delicate use of chakra are extremely important for ninjas.

After learning about Wuxin's situation, Yuto Murayama touched his chin and thought about the teaching content. After a long silence, he said in a deep voice:

"Wuxin, you have excellent chakra control. You have also mastered a lot of water escape ninjutsu, but the techniques you have mastered lack offensive techniques.

Today, I will teach you an offensive water escape ninjutsu of the Jonin level."

As Yuto Murayama said this, he looked around and observed the yard of Wuxin's house.

"Well, this place is not suitable for performance, otherwise your family will suffer, follow me."

Yuto Murayama observed a little, decided to change places, and turned around to leave.


Wuxin answered respectfully, and followed Yuto Murayama with some expectation.

The two left the house and walked through the village, coming to a remote forest. There were many wooden stakes with human vital points painted on them. Not far away, there was a stream flowing, making the sound of water.

"Wuxin, watch carefully."

Murayama Yuto stood not far from the stream, and warned Wuxin with a serious face.


Wuxin focused his attention and stared at his teacher Murayama Yuto.

Murayama Yuto's body was waving with chakra, and his hands began to form seals. The speed of forming seals was very slow, ensuring that Wuxin could see and remember them clearly.

As Murayama Yuto formed seals, he exuded more and more powerful pressure, and the stream beside him seemed to be boiling and bubbles appeared. Finally, after forty-four seals, Yuto Murayama, who was maintaining the Rooster Seal with both hands, shouted:

"Water Style: Water Dragon Bullet Technique!"

Accompanied by Yuto Murayama's voice, the water in the stream swirled and rose, and finally gathered into a dragon-shaped creature made of stream water, at least twenty meters long and two or three meters thick, which was thicker than the water prison that Wuxin could cast.


The water dragon roared and crashed into a large tree in the forest not far away.


With the sound, the tree fell down, and the water dragon shrank by about one-third and crashed into another large tree on the side, and with the sound, another tree fell down.

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