Murayama Yuto manipulated the water dragon to smash it wildly. After hitting four trees, the water dragon howled and turned into a stream of water, which scattered on the ground.

In Wuxin's vague memory, this ninjutsu did not seem to be a special move or a ninjutsu. However, the actual situation is that the water dragon bullet is a ninjutsu of the B-level upper ninjutsu, which is extremely powerful.

Wuxin wrote down Murayama Yuto's demonstration of slow hand seals, and was looking forward to it.

The water clone technique and water substitute technique that he mastered belong to the confusing and life-saving ninjutsu, the water whip and water prison technique are control and restraint ninjutsu, and the water curtain is a complex defensive ninjutsu. Regarding the offensive ninjutsu, he is indeed lacking.

"Wuxin, did you see it clearly?"

Murayama Yuto turned his head and asked in a deep voice. In fact, Murayama Yuto felt that Wuxin should find it difficult to master this level of ninjutsu, but he still decided to teach him, so that Wuxin could enter the state of practice and forget the pain of his relatives leaving.

"I saw it clearly!"

Wuxin's little face was very serious.

"Okay, I'll explain to you the functions of these seals and the operation of chakra."

After Yuto Murayama finished demonstrating the seals, he began to explain ninjutsu in depth.

Under Yuto Murayama's guidance, Wuxin quickly understood the functions of those seals and the operation methods of chakra, and memorized them.

The seals of ninjutsu are very complicated, but according to the proficiency, personal usage, and adaptation to the environment, they can be deleted from the 44 seals of the water dragon bullet.

According to the situation, adjust the seal technique to change the durability of the water dragon, or adjust the size of the water dragon.

After listening to Yuto Murayama's detailed explanation, Wuxin was eager to try.

"That's about it. Now, you recall and sort out what I just said. If you don't understand, you can ask questions."

Yuto Murayama talked for most of the day, and his mouth was dry.

"Well! No questions for the time being, let me try it!"

Practice makes perfect. Wuxin walked to the stream, took a deep breath, and then began to seal with both hands.

When practicing ninjutsu, it is not in actual combat. Wuxin's hand seals are not fast, and the chakra fluctuations in his body are running according to the instructions of Yuto Murayama.

As Wuxin made hand seals and chakra fluctuations, the flow of the stream in the stream became abnormal, and a small vortex suddenly appeared.

After about fifteen seconds, Wuxin formed the seal of the Rooster with both hands, and the chakra fluctuations of his whole body became more surging.

"Water escape: Water Dragon Bullet Technique!"

As Wuxin shouted softly, the vortex of water in the stream rose and condensed into a wide water dragon about ten meters high and one meter thick, with its head held high.


The water dragon roared and crashed into the big tree in the forest next to it.

With a loud bang, the big tree fell down, and the water dragon turned into water splashes, falling to the ground, causing a water mark on the ground.

The guiding ninja Yuto Murayama, who was watching the show behind Wuxin, had a dull face and opened his mouth wide, and the angle could even fit a duck egg.

"You, you, you succeeded in one go? That doesn't make sense, your chakra, this, is impossible..."

Murayama Yuto was so shocked that his words were a little confused.

The level of ninjutsu represents the difficulty of learning, not necessarily the power. As long as the ninja has chakra, the amount and use of chakra controls the power of the ninjutsu, or the size of the ninjutsu.

Although Wuxin is only nine years old, his chakra is refined and his super chakra control makes it possible to perform ninjutsu without any waste of chakra.

When many ninjas perform ninjutsu, they often waste a lot of chakra for no reason. If the consumption of ninjutsu is one, the chakra control of ordinary people often consumes 1.5, or two, or even three, or even more.

For Wuxin, when performing ninjutsu, there is no extra consumption of chakra. In theory, as long as it is not the kind of ninjutsu that requires a huge amount of chakra to change the environment, Wuxin can learn and master it.

Wuxin wiped the sweat from his forehead and heard the words of Yuto Murayama behind him. He whispered:

"Teacher, I don't think I have mastered it, right? It's not as good as you can perform it at will."

Wuxin is no longer surprised by other people's shock. When his father and mother first started teaching him ninjutsu when he was a child, they were often like this.

"Asshole! I have practiced the Water Dragon Bullet Technique for many years to reach this level! You have just learned to condense the water dragon and perform it successfully, do you understand!?"

Yasuto Murayama lost his composure. As a senior ninja, he has achieved today's achievements after years of hard training and missions. He originally wanted to use advanced ninjutsu to spur Wuxin and let Wuxin indulge in practice, but he learned it in less than an hour.

"Is this a genius? In comparison, when I was your age, I was simply mediocre and incompetent. Eh..."

MurayamaYongren held his forehead with his right hand, a little depressed, and sighed deeply at the end.

"Teacher Yongren, this is all due to your good teaching, and I am just a little bit more capable in learning."

Wuxin's words were modest, and what he said was true. Murayama Yongren's teaching was very detailed, and he happened to have a strong learning ability.

"Ah, that's true."

Murayama Yongren was flattered by Wuxin, and it seemed that it was true after thinking about it carefully, and his depressed mood after being hit was reversed a little.

"Wuxin, although you have successfully performed the Water Dragon Bullet Technique, you still need to practice diligently to reach the point where you can use it proficiently."

Murayama Yongren resumed his teacher's posture and assigned Wuxin a practice assignment.

"I understand! This ninjutsu is my current limit. In a short period of time, I can only perform it twice on the same scale."

Wuxin replied respectfully. At the same time, for this ninjutsu that he had just learned, considering the consumption of chakra, he had already judged the limit of what he could perform.

"I am very pleased that you have such an understanding of yourself. However, I have more requirements for you than this. Wuxin, show me the Water Curtain Tent technique that you have mastered."


Wuxin replied, then took a deep breath, made simple adjustments, and quickly formed seals with both hands. In less than three seconds, Wuxin glared and shouted:

"Water Style: Water Curtain Tent!"


In the stream, a small stream of water rolled out and shot forward. After the water stream jumped five meters, it burst and turned into a water curtain, and then scattered on the ground, leaving a water mark on the ground.

"Creating a torrent attack, then turning it into a water curtain defense, and leaving the water surface, it looks like a very good ninjutsu."

Murayama Yuto commented on the Water Curtain Tent ninjutsu performed by Wuxin, and then said:

"But I feel that this ninjutsu should not be like this. The torrent water cannon attack is a good attack, and suddenly it becomes a water curtain defense. It is really unexpected. You should think more about the use of this ninjutsu."

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