On Xingcai Lake

A large fish with a strange tail jumped out of the water, gliding in the sky like a fish leaping over a dragon's gate, and crashed into the Xiguashan Puffer Ghost beside Wuxin.

The Xiguashan Puffer Ghost stretched out his hand and grabbed the tail of the strange fish flying towards him.

The strange fish twisted and turned into a door-shaped monster with a knife handle.

"Master Puffer Ghost, it is perfect to have you seal the three tails."

Wuxin turned his head and looked at Samehada twice, complimenting him. Xiguashan Puffer Ghost smiled and did not answer.

In Xingcai Lake, a huge black shadow emerged from the water, and the three-tailed Isobo was attracted by Samehada and floated to the surface.


The huge three-tailed Isobo roared, as if angry that his follower Samehada was missing.

With just such a roar, the lake water shook and the waves spread in all directions.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry!"

The leader of the sealing squad, Tahara Sadatoshi, called out, and the members of the sealing squad who had been lined up around him stepped on the water against the big waves, quickly adjusted their positions, and surrounded the three-tailed Isobu in eight directions. Then they began to seal with their hands, and their movements were uniform.

The three-tailed Isobu had just surfaced and was not very sober. After the water waves shook, it seemed that it only noticed the eight small ants around it. Its eyes were a little dull and confused, and soon, the confusion turned into violence.

"Seal!" X8

The eight sealing squad ninjas who surrounded the three-tailed Isobu shouted at the same time, emitting chakra light from their bodies, and the chakra turned into blue ropes, rushing towards the three-tailed Isobu and tying the three-tailed tightly.

A little further away from the lake, Wuxin carefully observed the actions of the sealing squad.

Xiguashan Puffer Ghost carried the big sword Samehada and said:

"I didn't expect that sealing the three-tailed beast would be so smooth."

"Of course, don't you see who is in charge here? Master Puffer Ghost, you are my idol."

Wuxin smiled and spoke softly.

Xiguashan Puffer Ghost's status and power were greatly weakened. In the Third Ninja World War, he even led the team to perform tasks at the forefront.

But the mission had problems again. Four of the invincible Seven Ninja Swordsmen were killed by an unknown Konoha Genin in a battle.

Xiguashan Puffer Ghost and Kurochu Raiga managed to save their lives and fled back in embarrassment. Another Ninja Swordsman member, Biwa Juzo, defected and disappeared after escaping the battlefield.

Only two of the famous Seven Ninja Swordsmen were left, and the Mizukage became more and more disgusted with Xiguashan Puffer Ghost.

So Xiguashan Puffer Ghost was in an even more embarrassing situation, and it had long lost its former glory.

Wuxin, who knew a little about the situation, was grateful for the care that Xiguashan Puffer Ghost had given him, and he respected Xiguashan Puffer Ghost who was on the decline.

Wuxin was respectful and flattering, but Xiguashan Puffer Ghost felt that it was ironic and sarcastic, and sneered:

"Hehe, Wuxin, I have not been able to contact you since returning from the battlefield of Wind Country.

I didn't expect that after more than a year, we would actually join forces to carry out missions together.

When you agreed to join my Anbu team, I also wanted to ask you to stay in my Anbu base and complete some difficult tasks for me.

I didn't expect that in less than two years, my power would plummet. The team has also been cancelled, and now I have nothing to help you."

Xiguashan Puffer Ghost, who was suspected and suppressed by the Mizukage, was a little sensitive, unwilling and resentful in his heart, and made it clear that he had lost power now.

Wuxin was a little surprised. The mentality of the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost was completely different from the brutal and arrogant mentality of the past. He looked like a punching bag. Wuxin touched his nose and said seriously:

"Can't contact me? Impossible? I live in No. 123 in the south area of ​​the village. With your power, you should be able to find my residence, right? How could you not contact me?"

Wuxin was a little surprised that the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost sent someone to contact him, but failed to get through. After a slight pause, Wuxin thought of something and continued:

"Well... Puffer Ghost, most of the tasks assigned to me by the Water Shadow are very difficult.

Maybe when you were looking for me, I was out on a mission, and the time was not right?"

Wuxin was serious and spoke warmly, without any intention of looking down on the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost.

After hearing Wuxin's explanation, Xiguashan Puffer Ghost turned his head and lowered his head slightly, looking down at Wuxin, whose height was only below his chest. Seeing that Wuxin's expression was not like those Kirigakure ninjas who took advantage of his misfortune and laughed at him, he was silent for a while and said softly:

"Unfortunate? Maybe it's just an unfortunate thing.

But it doesn't matter. I'm just an ordinary Kirigakure jonin now, just like you."

Xiguashan Puffer Ghost shook his head and didn't care about it anymore.

On Xingcai Lake, the sealing team sealed very smoothly. The huge three-tailed Isobu had disappeared. The squad leader was holding aHolding a black jar, he ran towards Wuxin quickly.

"Master Puffer Ghost, Master Wuxin, the seal went very smoothly!

The three-tailed Isobu has been successfully sealed in the black pottery jar!"

Tanahara Sadatoshi rushed to Wuxin's side and handed the black pottery jar to Wuxin instead of to Xiguashan Puffer Ghost.

Wuxin took the black pottery jar with both hands, lifted it up, and looked at it carefully.

The black pottery jar looked like an ordinary wine jar, with a pure black appearance. The lid of the wine jar seemed to cover the yellow talisman paper, causing the corners of the talisman paper to leak out from the lid.

Wuxin looked at the Wutaotan for a while and asked in confusion:

"Wutaotan, what is this? This thing can seal the three-tailed beast? How come I have never heard of it?"

The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost saw Tahara Sadatoshi handing the Wutaotan to Wuxin, and his eyelids couldn't help but jump. He sneered and took out a bandage from the ninja tool bag behind his waist and wrapped it around the big sword Samehada.

Tahara Sadatoshi replied softly:

"This is a treasure that has been passed down from the Hidden Mist Village for a long time. Legend has it that it was used by the Six Paths Sage to seal monsters.

However, the specific situation is no longer available. The Wutaotan is used to seal the three-tailed beast, and it has a miraculous effect and is absolutely safe."

"Absolutely safe?"

Wuxin repeated softly, showing a meaningful smile, and stopped talking.

Absolute safety is a joke to Wuxin. There is no absolute safety in the world. Otherwise, how could the three-tailed beast riot three years ago? Fortunately, Wuxin never likes to argue, so he remained silent.

"Now that the seal is over, then protect the Wutaotan and return to the expeditionary force headquarters."

Xiguashan Puffer Ghost habitually issued an order, then took out a scroll from the ninja bag, opened the scroll, picked up a pen and wrote on the scroll, and after writing with a flourish, closed the scroll and made a seal with both hands.

"Spiritual summoning technique!"


A small cloud of smoke rose on the lake, and a group of brown falcons emerged from it, and flew to the shoulders of Xiguashan Puffer Ghost twice.

"Pass this scroll to the fourth generation Mizukage on the east coast of the Land of Fire."

Xiguashan Puffer Ghost handed the scroll to the falcon, and the falcon cried, stretched out its claws to grab the scroll, and spread its wings and left.

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