Wuxin's self-introduction was a bit perfunctory. After finishing, he looked at the three little ones quietly.

The yellow-haired boy Iijima Rikto was more active and introduced himself first:

"I am Iijima Rikto. I like corn rice balls! I hate corn rice balls that are not steamed! I am good at the art of clones! My dream is to eat corn rice balls every day! Hehe!"

Wuxin was a little speechless. This guy talked about food all the time. However, these new-age sunny boys are indeed a new energy for the lifeless Mist Village.

"Very simple, not bad."

Finally, Wuxin made a simple comment and glanced at the other two.

The female Genin, Kikuta Tomoko, introduced herself second:

"I'm Kikuta Tomoko, and I like..."

Kikuta Tomoko paused, rubbed her fingers, and a shy look appeared on her face. She secretly glanced at Ono Reima, but finally didn't say his name. Instead, she skipped the topic of liking and continued:

"I hate a good eater! I'm good at throwing ninja tools, and my dream...my dream is to be with the person I like."

Wuxin touched his nose gently. Kikuta Tomoko's expression changed quickly. When she talked about the things she hated, her face was full of disgust, and when she talked about her dream, her face was full of shyness.

Thinking about this, Wuxin had realized the level of these two people, and didn't say anything, looking at the third person.

The third Genin, Ono Reima, said:

"I am Ono Reima. I like to practice ninjutsu and hate weaklings. I am good at water escape ninjutsu. My dream is to inherit the ninja sword and become one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of Kirigakure!"

"Not bad."

Wuxin nodded in affirmation. Finally, there was someone who was a little more normal. Ono Reima met the normal situation of Kirigakure ninja.

Since this was specially sent by Mizukage Yagura, he couldn't withdraw even if he was not satisfied. Wuxin didn't think of testing their strength. After a brief understanding, Wuxin said softly:

"From now on, I will be your guiding Jonin.

I will teach you ninjutsu according to what you are good at.

However, this is under the condition that your performance satisfies me."

After briefly explaining the situation, Wuxin paused slightly and continued:

"Gather at the door of the mission hall at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. During the mission, let me see your strength."

After Wuxin said this, he made a seal with his hands and turned into smoke and dissipated. The remaining three little ones looked at each other in surprise.

Wuxin, who used the instant body technique to leave, came to Takeuchi Weapon Shop to repair the banana leaf fan that had been pierced with several holes in the previous battle in the Fire Country.

After repairing the banana leaf fan, he poured tung oil and other objects to reinforce the vines covering the surface of the fan, making the banana leaf fan stronger.

After finishing all this in the dark, Wuxin returned home to rest.

The next day, Wuxin led the three ninjas to accept a D-level rice planting mission that few people asked for in the mission hall.

In the spring, the noble territories and rich farmers in the Water Country planted rice, and some would also issue missions in the Hidden Mist Village for ninjas to assist.

The atmosphere of the Ninja World War seemed to be far away from the Water Country. Within three months, Wuxin led the three ninjas to complete several D-level and C-level missions, and taught the ninjas to complete tree climbing and water treading training.

After feeling that he could almost accept some advanced tasks, Wuxin brought the ninja students to the mission hall again.

In the doubtful eyes of the three Genin, Wuxin led them around the task release place on the first floor of the task hall, walked up the stairs to the second floor, came to the door with the elder's doorplate, and knocked on the door.

"Please come in!"

An old voice came from the door, and Wuxin opened the door and entered.

"Master Yuanshi."

"Master Yuanshi" x3

Wuxin saluted first, and the three Genin who reacted a little slower followed.

Master Yuanshi looked a little older, and his wrinkles even drooped a little, but his eyes were still bright. After seeing Wuxin, Master Yuanshi smiled kindly and said:

"Wuxin, you haven't been here for a long time."

The old Master Yuanshi gave people a kind and amiable feeling.

However, Wuxin dared not underestimate the elder Yuanshi who could hold power in the Hidden Mist Village for a long time and could not be defeated even by the blood mist. He explained softly:

"Sorry, I am busy following the Mizukage to conquer the Land of Fire."

"Hahaha, I understand. Conquering the Land of Fire is a big deal. You must serve the Fourth Hokage well."

The Yuanshi was like an old man in his twilight years. He always had a warm smile on his face. After encouraging him, he continued:

"You came at the right time. I have a mission that requires you to take action. I also wanted to send someone to summon you."


Wuxin was a little surprised when he heard this. It was almost two years since he last came to take a mission before the conquest of the Land of Fire.

I didn't expect that I would lead three Genin to take a B-level mission and encounter a designated mission. WuxinAsked:

"Excuse me, what mission must I be sent on?"

Master Yuan took out a scroll from the file column on the table slowly and said:

"It's a guard mission issued by the Daimyo of the Land of Birds. And he asked to send the village's famous and powerful ninjas.

The current village has not yet completed the recruitment of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

The existing ninja swordsmen have their own missions to perform, so it is not convenient to perform this mission.

I think there are only a few who meet the requirements.

Among them, I think you are the most suitable.

Let's take a look."

Master Yuan said the last, put the scroll in his hand on the table, and gently pushed it forward.

Hearing that it was a guard mission, Wuxin had an idea in his mind, walked forward, and took the mission scroll.

The mission scroll was marked S-level. Wuxin frowned slightly after seeing the mission logo. He came here to take a B-level mission, but he didn't expect to be directly assigned an S-level mission.

After hesitating for less than two seconds, Wuxin slowly opened the task scroll and carefully checked it.

Master Yuan saw Wuxin check the task scroll and added:

"The Kingdom of Birds is located between the Kingdom of Earth and the Kingdom of Wind, and its neighbor to the east is the Kingdom of Rain.

Due to the turmoil in the ninja world in recent years, wars have continued.

Originally relying on the Kingdom of Wind and Earth for survival, the Kingdom of Birds could not stand the contempt and perfunctory attitude of the Kingdom of Wind and Earth towards the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Birds.

That's why they bypassed the Kingdom of Wind and Earth and hired ninja guards from outside.

The Kingdom of Birds originally favored the Kingdom of Fire and the Kingdom of Thunder, haha, but the Kingdom of Birds required that it must be famous. A well-known ninja in the ninja world.

The Fire Country and the Lightning Country are at war, so how can they send people to intervene in these things?

Our Hidden Mist Village is isolated overseas and has suspended its offensive operations.

They want a ninja who is famous in the ninja world. Wuxin, your reputation is well known in the ninja world and meets the needs of the Bird Country.

At the same time, this mission is related to our reputation. I hope you will treat this mission well."

Upon hearing this, Wuxin opened the scroll again and looked at the content of the mission, especially the geographical location of the Bird Country.

Wuxin's familiarity with the ninja world is probably the five major countries and the Rain Country and other well-known ninja countries. He originally thought that the Bird Country would not be too far away, but he didn't expect it to be to the west of the Rain Country, in the gap between the Wind and Earth Countries.

The three countries of Wind, Fire and Earth are now fighting fiercely. It is extremely dangerous just on the way to the Bird Country. While Wuxin was still thinking, the sound of the door opening sounded behind him.


The door of the elder's office opened, and a jonin in a vest walked in with an old man in official uniform.

"This is Mr. Oiwa Yuichi, the minister of the guard of the Bird Country. You will disguise yourself as samurai and escort Mr. Oiwa Yuichi back to the Bird Country to start the real mission."

The master introduced the people to Wuxin. The mission had been issued, and Wuxin had no room to refuse. The master directly arranged the specific actions of the mission.

"Yes, I will complete it properly."

Finally, Wuxin bowed slightly and accepted the mission.

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