The Palace of the Daimyo of the Land of Birds

In the back garden, Wuxin sat on a mat below the garden. The table in front of him was full of fruits. Wuxin held an apple in his hand and ate it while listening to the complaints of the Daimyo of the Land of Birds who was sitting in the main seat.

The Daimyo talked about some things about the Land of Wind and Earth, such as the Land of Earth, the Rock Village, the Wind Village, the Sand Village, the Ninjas, the Ninjas of the two countries often fought in the capital, destroyed buildings, etc.

From time to time, there was unrest in the Land of Rain in the east, and rioters and wandering ninjas poured into the country, causing destruction, etc.

Wuxin was at his ease, and from time to time he replied with a comforting word such as hard work and fatigue.

After the daimyo of the Land of Birds finished complaining about the two countries of Wind and Earth, he sighed and said in a deep voice:

"Five years ago, the Land of Birds had provoked a raptor from nowhere.

The raptor was huge, with a wingspan of dozens of meters. It often preyed on domestic livestock and cattle, and often dropped bombs.

It caused the people in the country to live in poverty, panic, and unable to farm in peace.

Before, the ninjas of the Sand Village of the Land of Wind were stationed in our country. I asked the ninjas of the Sand Village to take action. After investigation, the Sand Village ninjas confirmed that the giant bird It lives on Mount Ger.

But the giant bird was ferocious, and several ninjas from Sand Village were driven away. Later, they no longer cared about the giant bird.

Two years ago, the ninjas from Sand Village were expelled by the ninjas from Rock Village in the Land of Earth, and I asked the Rock Village ninjas to drive away the giant bird.

As a result, the Rock Village ninjas were unable to solve the problem, and several people died in the battle, causing us to pay a lot of compensation.


At the end, the Daimyo of the Land of Birds sighed deeply, looking at Wuxin with eyes that seemed to be about to say something but stopped.

Wuxin's face was calm, and he was not moved at all. After putting the apple residue he had eaten on the plate on the table, he asked:

"Mount Ger, is it the mountain in the west that separates the Land of Stone?"

Wuxin suffered from unfamiliarity with geography during this mission, so he made up for his knowledge of ninja geography. Especially the geography of the Land of Birds, the destination of the mission, was the focus of Wuxin's attention.

"Yes! It is the Gel Mountain that separates the Stone Country! Our Bird Country and the Stone Country are separated by Gel Mountain." The daimyo of the Bird Country answered softly.

Wuxin wiped his hands and reviewed the description of the giant bird by the Daimyo of the Land of Birds in his mind. He asked with a thought:

"Giant raptor? Can it also throw bombs? It's amazing.

Your Highness, can you please describe the characteristics of the giant bird? Or, do you have a photo or a portrait of the giant bird?"

Hearing that Wuxin was interested in this matter, the Daimyo quickly replied:

"Yes, yes, go get the photo of the giant bird!"

After the Daimyo said this, he gestured to the guards waiting beside him, and then continued to Wuxin:

"The giant bird has gray-green fur and a claw under its belly. Its size is bigger than ten cows combined!

And it can throw bombs. The bombs look like bird eggs. According to the previous Iwagakure ninja, this is the case, but I haven't seen the bombs specifically."

After listening to the Daimyo's description, Wuxin frowned. The bird with one claw was not quite what he had imagined, but its ability was similar to Pain's Yatagarasu.

Wuxin nodded after thinking for a while and said softly:

"It's probably not easy to drive away a giant flying bird. We can only kill it, and it's not easy to kill it.

The most important thing is, Your Highness, this is beyond the scope of the task you entrusted to our village."

Wuxin's task is to disguise as a samurai to guard the daimyo. This task of catching a bird is obviously beyond the scope of the task. Although Wuxin is somewhat interested in this giant bird, it does not prevent him from knocking on the bamboo pole.

"It's okay, just treat it as another commission from the Bird Country! Five hundred thousand taels, do you think it's enough?"

The Bird Country has a small territory. Although the daimyo is rich, he is not rich enough. After he finished the price, he looked at Wuxin quietly.

"Five hundred thousand taels, A-level task, okay." Wuxin agreed.

Wuxin was originally interested in this giant bird, and the daimyo agreed to issue the commission. The specifications of the A-level task are naturally enough.

As he was talking, the guard who was taking the photo came hurriedly, and at the signal of the daimyo, handed the photo to Wuxin.

Wuxin took the photo and looked at it. The giant bird in the photo was green-gray all over, with golden beak and claws. It was very large. Because it was taken from bottom to top, only one claw on the belly of the giant bird could be seen.

This image is very consistent with the image of Pain's Yatagarasu, but there is no photo of the back, so it is not sure whether the bird has claws on its back.

In addition, this bird can also throw bombs. If it can be subdued as a summoned beast, a flying summoned beast will be of great help to Wuxin. Wuxin said without hesitation:

"Since Your Highness has issued a commission, I will naturally share your worries!

Let us rest for a day. Tomorrow morning, I will set out to get rid of it!"

BirdWhen the daimyo heard Wuxin agreed, he was overjoyed and said:

"Of course, of course. Your Excellency has been traveling so hard that you deserve to rest for a while!

Is one day of rest enough? Do you want to travel around the capital for a week and relax before setting off again?"

"No, one day of rest is enough."

Wuxin waved his hand, indicating that it was not necessary to be so troublesome.

The team had traveled a long distance, and Wuxin was also a little tired. He really needed to rest a little before setting off again.

After Wuxin accepted the task, both parties were very happy. Under the reception of the daimyo, all kinds of delicious game were continuously served. After eating, there were singing and dancing performances, which Wuxin watched with relish.

After the initial contact, the daimyo arranged for his attendants to lead Wuxin and others to a side room in the palace for Wuxin and others to rest.

The side room was fully furnished with living furniture and bedding had been laid out. Wuxin briefly instructed the three members of the team. After dark, the lights were turned off to rest.

The next day

After Wuxin told the three little guards not to be careless, he quietly left the palace and set off for Mount Geer in the west.

After trekking all the way, he arrived at Mount Geer at dark. Wuxin set up camp to rest. After dawn, he went into the mountains to look for the giant bird.

The mountains are rugged and difficult to walk, but for ninjas, the impact is limited.

In the morning, Wuxin came to the depths of Mount Geer and used his Byakugan to explore. After a while, he found the nest of the giant bird.

"The top of the cliff at 18 kilometers away is actually a bird's nest.

This bird has one claw on its belly and two claws on its back. It seems that it is indeed the one of Payne.

Hmm? Are there eggs under this Yatagarasu? Is this bird hatching its cubs?

Tsk tsk, are there more than one of this giant bird?"

Wuxin stood on the crown of the tree. It didn't take long for his Byakugan to explore before he saw the nest of the giant bird.

While observing the Yatagarasu, he marveled at it. After investigating it clearly, Wuxin closed his white eyes and headed towards the bird's nest.

Gershan is like a primeval forest, with various giant trees standing tall. Wuxin climbed over the mountains and ridges all the way. Half an hour later, he arrived about one kilometer away from the bird's nest.

Carefully, Wuxin stood on the top of the giant tree, opened his white eyes again, and observed the bird's nest.

The bird's nest was built on the edge of the mountain, surrounded by cliffs on three sides. The location of the bird's nest was actually a bit abrupt and dangerous.

The giant bird in the bird's nest seemed to be asleep, with its eyes closed, curled up quietly in the bird's nest.

After Wuxin finished observing, he closed his white eyes and ran towards the bird's nest.

After a while, Wuxin came to the outside of the bird's nest.

Looking at the bird's nest from a distance didn't feel anything. After walking next to the bird's nest, Wuxin realized that the bird's nest was huge, like a coiled snake. The cumulative height of the branches of the bird's nest was estimated to be fifty meters high.

Wuxin took a deep breath, circulated his chakra to his feet, and climbed up the bird's nest just like in his tree-climbing training.

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