Wuxin took a deep breath, and his chakra flowed to his feet. Just like the tree climbing training, he climbed up along the bird's nest.

After reaching the top edge of the bird's nest, Wuxin walked forward and looked inside the nest.

The Yatagarasu seemed to be asleep, with its eyes closed, and its huge golden beak casually leaned against the wall of the nest, pointing diagonally to the sky.

After carefully observing the Yatagarasu for a while, Wuxin walked towards the beak pointing diagonally to the sky. When he got close to the beak, Wuxin jumped lightly and moved to the beak. Chakra covered his feet and attached to the front of the beak.

"Hey, wake up."

Wuxin called out and stomped his feet hard at the same time.

The Yatagarasu shook its head, and Wuxin on the beak also shook. Fortunately, Wuxin's chakra control was fine, and his feet seemed to be glued to the beak and did not fall off.

"Sleeping so soundly?"

Wuxin muttered, and the chakra was transmitted to the soles of his feet. After slightly accumulating power, he raised his legs and stomped again.

The kick was quite powerful, and the Yatagarasu opened its eyes instantly, revealing a pair of unruly eyes.

"Hey, do you understand what I'm saying?"

Wuxin looked at the Yatagarasu fearlessly, and waved while talking.


The Yatagarasu stared at Wuxin, opened its beak, let out a loud eagle howl, and then flapped its wings.

After flapping twice, the Yatagarasu raised its head, flapped its wings vigorously, and flew into the air with Wuxin.


The sound of breaking air in his ears startled Wuxin, and he quickly bent down and squatted, with his hands on the bird's beak.

This time, Wuxin not only had his feet attached to the bird's beak, but also his hands, and his palms and feet were covered with chakra. His body shape was fixed, but it looked a little funny.

After so many years in the ninja world, this was Wuxin's first time to fly in an airplane, and it was in the open air. The sound of the flying wind was very harsh.

The Yatagarasu shook its head from time to time, and its beak shook, which made Wuxin frightened.

Through this series of actions, Wuxin probably guessed the intention of the Yatagarasu, and this guy wanted to throw Wuxin off and kill him.

Wuxin's limbs were tightly attached to the beak, like sticky candy, and no matter how the Yatagarasu shook it, it couldn't get rid of it. The Yatagarasu opened its mouth again and let out an eagle's howl.

While the Yatagarasu opened its mouth and raised its beak, Wuxin jumped forward and stood on the head of the Yatagarasu.

The beak of the Yatagarasu was huge, and the beak alone was estimated to be more than ten meters long. The head seemed a little smaller, and the top of the head was about four or five meters long.

The Yatagarasu tried hard, but not only did it fail to shake Wuxin off, it also let Wuxin climb onto its head, shaking its head even harder, causing its flight to become unstable.

"Oh my god, this is so exciting!"

Wuxin clung to the Yatagarasu's head, sweating nervously on his forehead.

Killing the Yatagarasu may not be difficult for Wuxin, but it is indeed a bit too exciting to subdue it.

When he was on the bird's beak before, Wuxin glanced down. At this flying height, Wuxin even saw the outline of the capital of the Bird Kingdom, which was a day's journey away.

Wuxin had some acrophobia in his previous life, but fortunately, he had killed many people over the years and his heart was as hard as iron, so his legs did not weaken, and he was nailed to the Yatagarasu's head, allowing the Yatagarasu to swing.


The Yatagarasu howled continuously and flew faster and faster. Wuxin gritted his teeth, remained motionless, and firmly nailed to the Yatagarasu's head.

After flying for an unknown amount of time, the Yatagarasu probably knew that it couldn't get rid of the plaster on its head, so it howled and gradually descended, and its speed also slowed down.

"Are you tired? Can you understand what I say? I have no ill intentions, how about a chat!"

Wuxin noticed the Yatagarasu's movements and hurriedly spoke out, trying to communicate with it, but saw that a mountain in front of it was getting bigger and bigger.

"Hey, hey, hey, what do you want to do? Do you want to hit the mountain?"

Wuxin saw that he was getting closer and closer to the mountain, and shouted loudly, trying to stop it.

The Yatagarasu flapped its wings, its beak drooped, and hit the cliff with its head.


The cliff was cracked, and the cracks stretched out densely like a spider web.

This Yatagarasu was very smart. Its speed continued to decrease before hitting the mountain, so the force when it hit the mountain was not great, and it was within the tolerance range of its head.

It didn't feel good after just such a collision. Its claws on its belly were hooked on the cliff. It shook its head, howled, twisted its body, and spread its wings again.

"You can't get rid of me!"

Wuxin emerged from the gray-green feathers on the back of the Yatagarasu, holding the feathers with both hands, loudly announcing its existence.

When the Yatagarasu heard the sound, it howled even more crazily, and its body began to flip, desperately trying to throw Wuxin off. At the same time, the two claws on its back also tried hard to grab Wuxin on its back.

Fighting at high altitude, Wuxin was also very nervous. He held the feathers tightly with both hands and dodged repeatedly.It flashed and flashed to the neck of Yatagarasu.

Perhaps it was because it was flying, and the claws of Yatagarasu were not convenient to grab Wuxin's neck. After hiding near the neck of Yatagarasu, the bird stopped using its claws to grab Wuxin.

The howling of Yatagarasu became more and more shrill. Even if Wuxin didn't understand the bird language, he could feel the madness and irritability of the bird.

"Yatatagarasu, you harass the country of birds, causing the people of the country of birds to live in poverty and unable to farm in peace.

I am here to negotiate with you. As long as you agree to my conditions, I will leave your back!"

Wuxin didn't know whether the bird could understand human language, but after a contact, Wuxin could feel that the bird's IQ was not low, so it kept talking.

However, Yatagarasu became more and more crazy, and took Wuxin to hit a cliff again, hitting the cliff with its entire back. The flexible Wuxin was like a flea, sticking to the back of Yatagarasu and couldn't get rid of it.

After several hours of tearing, Wuxin's saliva had dried up, but the bird still howled non-stop, and Wuxin was also angry.

"You beast! You don't understand human language, I will send you to reincarnation!"

Wuxin shouted angrily, freed his hands to touch the ninja tool bag behind his waist, grabbed a stack of detonating talismans, and threw them at the back of the Yatagarasu.

"Fire escape: detonate the flame array!"

Wuxin made three seals with his hands, and after the seal of the tiger was formed, accompanied by a light shout, the stack of detonating talismans, like the poker cards played by the God of Gamblers, seemed to fly around, but was not affected by the air currents at all, and steadily covered the back of the Yatagarasu.


After the thirty detonating talismans were detonated, blood spurted out of the back of the Yatagarasu, and black smoke rose. A lot of feathers were also ignited, and red light and black smoke covered its back.

The Yatagarasu howled miserably, tilted its head, and fell to the ground.

Falling from a high altitude, even though the Yatagarasu is a flying bird, it can't stand the fall. After falling naturally for a while, when it was about to fall to the ground, Wuxin saw it, formed seals with his hands, and prepared to perform the substitution technique to leave.

The Yatagarasu, which had been falling for a long time, seemed to wake up, and frantically flapped its wings to slow down its descent. It fell in the forest and was caught by the crowns of several large trees.

After landing safely, Wuxin was relieved. This bird didn't look hopelessly stupid.

Wuxin crawled out from the feathers on the Yatagarasu's neck, walked a few steps forward, came to the bird's beak, and looked into the Yatagarasu's eyes.

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