Wuxin walked forward, and the panda slowly stretched out his palm and placed it on the ground. Wuxin pressed both hands on the panda's wound to treat the panda.

After healing the panda's palm, the panda let down its guard, turned around, and leaned its arm and shoulder in front of Wuxin, signaling Wuxin to treat it.

It took nearly two hours. After Wuxin's patient treatment, the panda's injuries were mostly recovered, and it completely let down its guard.

"Hey, Panda, I'm a ninja, and I provide paid services.

My chakra is almost exhausted from the healing ninjutsu just now.

As a reward, how about you work for me for ten years?"

When Wuxin said he would work for ten years, he was a little lacking in confidence and spoke lightly.

A humane look of thinking appeared on the panda's cute face, and after a few seconds, he nodded.

"It's so simple... Is it not good for me to coax animals like this?"

Wuxin felt a little embarrassed, hesitated for two seconds, and took out a pen and paper to write a spiritual contract.

After writing, Wuxin asked the panda for blood. The panda cooperated very well and stretched out its injured palm. There were still traces of blood on the fur of its palm.

The tiger that chased the panda before had no scars on its body. The blood on the panda could only be its own, and Wuxin did not doubt it. He stretched out his palm and stained it with some blood, then smeared it on the summoning beast position of the summoning scroll, and finally smeared his own blood on his signature position and pressed the handprint.

"The contract is completed. When I need your help, I will use ninjutsu to summon you.

You just need to help me fight at that time. Do you understand!"

Wuxin was in a good mood after completing the summoning contract and explained the work to the panda.

The panda made a chuckle and nodded repeatedly, which was very humane.

"Hahahaha, okay, then it's settled. I'll come to see you when I have time!"

Wuxin was in a better mood when he saw that the panda was not stupid. He patted the panda's calf while talking, and then turned and left.

The honest panda nodded again and again. After seeing Wuxin leave, he got up and walked deep into the forest.

Wuxin walked on the branches in the forest, and soon came to the side of the Yatagarasu.

The Yatagarasu had recovered its energy and used the treetops of several large trees as a nest. It lay on it, squinted its eyes and dozed off. After noticing the sound, it looked at Wuxin and let out a small howl.

Wuxin jumped lightly and jumped onto the head of the Yatagarasu. He squatted down and patted the head of the Yatagarasu, and whispered:

"It's getting dark. Let's go back!"


The Yatagarasu howled, flapped its wings, spread its wings and flew high. In a few seconds, it rushed into the sky.

The strong push on the back was very exciting, and Wuxin's hair was fluttering back.

In the early summer, the time of darkness gradually became later. At dusk, one person and one bird flew towards the direction of the Kingdom of Birds.

An hour later, they arrived at the nest of the Yatagarasu. Wuxin killed two huge wild boars in the forest and carried them outside the nest as supplies for the Yatagarasu to recover. After explaining the Yatagarasu, Wuxin patted his butt and left the mountain.

Wuxin set up a tent at the foot of the mountain to rest for a night. At dawn, he set off to return to the capital of the Bird Kingdom.

At night, after arriving at the capital of the Bird Kingdom, Wuxin easily entered the palace with the waist badge of the daimyo's guard and met the daimyo.

The daimyo met Wuxin in the back garden of the palace. After listening to Wuxin's report, the daimyo was a little skeptical.

Wuxin saw the expression of the daimyo, guessed the daimyo's worries, and explained:

"I have subdued the giant bird that harassed the Bird Country.

We have also agreed not to kill the oxen of the Bird Country and not to drop bombs in the Bird Country.

When it finds the next habitat, it will leave here, please rest assured, Your Highness.

The mission reward does not need to be paid first. It will not be too late to pay it after the summer is over and my contract is confirmed."

In the past, Yatagarasu would appear in the Bird Country several times a month to cause trouble. About three or four months after the summer, the inspection was almost over, which could confirm Wuxin's words.

The Daimyo of the Land of Birds waved his hand and smiled:

"Since you said that the giant bird has been solved, then it has been solved.

The name of being heartless and heartless, although I am in the Land of Birds, I have still heard of your deeds.

A ninja like you will definitely not speak nonsense.

After the court tomorrow, I will let the servants give you the task reward, please don't refuse."

After these words, Wuxin's impression of the Daimyo of the Land of Birds, who was stingy, was instantly changed. Feeling the Daimyo's trust, Wuxin chuckled and said:

"Then it is better to obey than to be respectful. During my one-year escort mission, I will do my best to protect your safety and solve your problems."

The communication was harmonious, and under the hospitality of the Daimyo, both parties were happy.

After the meeting, Wuxin encouraged Kikuta Tomoko and Ono Reima, who were on night duty to guard the Daimyo,Then he returned to the wing room to rest.

As soon as he entered the wing room, Wuxin heard the loud snoring of Iijima Rikto, shook his head, walked forward and covered Iijima Rikto with a quilt.

Wuxin returned to his own bed, listened to the loud snoring next to him, and Wuxin was not sleepy at this time, so he sat cross-legged on the tatami, and reviewed the affairs of the Bird Country in his mind.

Wuxin's four-man team was divided into two teams to guard the daimyo, two people in a team, guarding for 24 hours. The money for this S-level mission was not difficult, but it was not easy.

Regarding the Yatagarasu, Wuxin also roughly understood why the daimyo of the Bird Country had to hire a well-known ninja in the ninja world to guard, and it was probably to solve the problem of Yatagarasu disturbing the people.

The ninja villages of the Land of the Earth and the Wind Country only knew how to take bribes and squeeze the wealth of the Bird Country, and they were not very concerned about the affairs of the Bird Country.

The daimyo of the Bird Country then thought of a way to spend money to find people from the three countries of Fire, Thunder and Earth. The first was to provide protection and make the two countries of Wind and Earth restrain themselves a little. The second was to deal with the Yatagarasu.

The two countries of Fire and Thunder were fighting non-stop. It can be said that except for the Water Country, which was temporarily dormant and low-key, the other four countries were still fighting for their lives. At this point in time, they had no time to care about the Bird Country.

"The flying summoned beast, Yatagarasu, is of great help to me!

Whether traveling or fighting, fighting alone or in large-scale battles, the value of Yatagarasu is inestimable.

This mission to the Bird Country is a big profit!"

Thinking of the ability of Yatagarasu, Wuxin couldn't help but smile and took out the summoning scroll in his arms to take a look.

The two newly signed summoning contracts were the size of ordinary scrolls. After checking that the scrolls were fine, Wuxin closed the scrolls and put them away.

"That panda should be a beast from the Stone Country.

The panda's ability needs to be tested to see how strong it is."

Wu Xin thought to himself. If it wasn't late at night, Wu Xin would have wanted to pull Iijima Rikito to fight the panda and test each other.

After thinking and reviewing for a while, Wu Xin also felt sleepy and closed his eyes and fell asleep.

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