After returning to the village, Wuxin did not go out on a mission. He monitored the Mizukage building at home for a week and did not find any abnormalities in the Mizukage's chakra.

Mizukage Yagura was in the office, and Wuxin saw clearly who he received every day.

Mizukage would occasionally leave the office to patrol the Hidden Mist Village. Wuxin monitored and monitored from more than ten kilometers away, but still did not find anything abnormal.

After monitoring for a month, Wuxin, who still did not find anything abnormal, was ready to give up monitoring.

"Mizukage, didn't you get hit by the illusion... In other words, all this was really Yagura's idea.

Why is the ninja war so decadent...

Can't we learn from Konoha, unite the various ninja clans, and give the Genin some patience?"

Wuxin sighed, closed his white eyes, put away the banana leaf fan, jumped down from the house, and came to the yard.

Wuxin, standing in the yard, looked at the big tree planted in the yard, slowly formed seals with his hands, and shouted softly:

"Wind escape: Big breakthrough!"

Wuxin put the index and middle fingers of his right hand together, stood in front of his lips, and blew gently. Suddenly, a strong wind blew in the yard, and the big tree was blown with a rustling sound, and the leaves fell and scattered all over the yard.

Wuxin stopped blowing, put down his right hand standing by his lips, squatted down and picked up the leaves in the yard to look at them.

The leaves were cut into two halves, and the strong wind seemed to contain wind blades. Wuxin secretly said:

"The cultivation of wind attribute chakra is not as difficult as imagined."

Wuxin's second attribute cultivation is to cultivate the cutting and sharpness of wind attribute, which is based on the original Naruto's cultivation method of placing leaves in his hands.

It's just that Wuxin's cultivation is not as exaggerated as Naruto's. With a large number of shadow clones and various environmental assistance, Wuxin's cultivation went smoothly, and soon cultivated the wind attribute and cultivated the sharp nature of wind.

If you want to refer to it, Wuxin's practice is probably the same as Sasuke's practice of lightning attribute in the original work, very smooth.

The practice of wind attribute calmed Wuxin's original troubles for not detecting the abnormality of the Mizukage. Wuxin walked to the corner of the yard, picked up the broom, and cleaned up the leaves in the yard.

Bang! Bang!

Just after cleaning the yard, there was a knock on the door.

Wuxin was a little confused and walked forward to open the door.

Outside the door, stood a beautiful young woman wearing a blue robe and long orange hair.

"Miss Ming?"

Wuxin was slightly startled. He thought it was three annoying students, but it turned out to be Mei Terumi. It really surprised Wuxin.

After not seeing each other for nearly a year and a half, Mei Terumi has changed a lot. She is much taller and well-developed. The bangs on her forehead cover one eye. She is much closer to the image of the fifth generation Mizukage in the original work.

After Wuxin opened the door for Mei Terumi, Mei Terumi stood there for a long time without saying a word. Wuxin was a little confused and whispered:

"Miss Ming, is there something wrong?"

"Ah, hahaha, Wuxin! I haven't seen you for more than a year. I thought you were on the battlefield..."

Mei Terumi was awakened by Wuxin's words and laughed. Her words were a bit exaggerated, and her voice became smaller at the end.

"Hehe, what happened on the battlefield?"

Wuxin could guess what Mei Terumi didn't finish, and asked back with a smile. After a slight pause, he whispered:

"It's a great honor to get Miss Ming's concern. Come in and sit down?"

Wuxin said politely, and then remembered that the two were still standing at the door, so he moved aside and made a gesture of invitation.

The culture of the Water Country is relatively traditional. Whether a man invites a woman to his home or a woman visits a man's home, it is easy to cause misunderstandings.

Wuxin has lived in the Hidden Mist Village for nearly sixteen years, and his mind is all focused on studying ninjutsu and saving his life. He lacks understanding of traditional culture and does not realize the significance of his invitation.

For some reason, Mei Terumi's cheeks suddenly turned red, and she said loudly and with great spirit:

"You are kind enough to invite me in for a seat. Hurry up and serve tea to this lady."

After that, he stepped into Wuxin's courtyard.

"No problem, but I only have ordinary black tea here. I don't know if Miss Ming is used to it."

Wuxin replied with a chuckle. Wuxin was very happy about Mei Terumi's visit. This was one of the few acquaintances Wuxin had a decent relationship with.

After leading Mei Terumi to join the living room, Wuxin walked into the kitchen, took out the teacup, then scooped two spoonfuls of tea from the tea can, and then poured hot water from the kettle. A cup of tea for the guest was ready and brought to Mei Terumi.

"Here, black tea."

Wuxin took the tea from the plate like a servant, placed it in front of Terumi Mei, and then put the tray back into the kitchen.

Terumi Mei picked up the hot tea, took a sip and put it down, chuckling:

"Your etiquette for entertaining guests is quite thoughtful, not bad."

"From the moment I saw you, you always had a smile on your face.容。

What, did you find money when you went out? "

Wuxin didn't care about Mei Terumi's teasing. While answering, he sat on the sofa in the living room. With a smile on his face and a teacup in his hand, it can be seen that Wuxin was in a very good mood.

"Is there?"

Mei Terumi's smile suddenly froze. Perhaps because of what Wuxin said, she realized that she had exposed her mood. She forced her smile and snorted coldly:

"Hmph, can't I come to visit you if there is nothing? I saved your life. "

"Please, I saved you first."

Wuxin responded softly, and then took a sip of hot tea.

Mei Terumi's original good mood disappeared completely. Wuxin didn't give in to her at all. Terumi, who was angry, snorted coldly:

"Hmph, I didn't ask you to save me! "


Even if Wuxin was honest, he could see the change in Terumi Mei's face. Wuxin didn't know how he had offended Terumi Mei, so he changed the subject and said:

"Miss Ming, you don't come to visit me for no reason. How come you have time to visit me today?"

Terumi Mei glanced at Wuxin, but didn't answer. Instead, she slowly picked up the teacup, took a sip, and thought to herself:

"Has this guy's talent been used in ninjutsu? He doesn't know how to give in to me at all."

Wuxin saw that Terumi Mei's eyes were wandering, and he didn't say anything after putting down the teacup.

He couldn't help but touch his nose, got up and picked up the kettle, and added water to Terumi Mei's teacup.

As soon as Wuxin finished adding water, Terumi Mei said with a cold face: "Hehe, you are quite polite. "

Wuxin felt puzzled, wondering if Mei Terumi was just making fun of him out of nothing, but then he thought about it, Mei Terumi was smiling when she first came, so she shouldn't be making fun of him.

"Hehe, that's right, a beauty like you must be taken care of more."

Wuxin's mind turned, and finally turned into a polite remark.

Who knows that Mei Terumi blushed and whispered: "Big...big beauty? You, do you think so?"

"That's right."

Wuxin felt that Mei Terumi didn't have the domineering and queen style in the original book at all, and was like a little girl, so he smiled and confirmed.

After all, calling a girl a beauty, how could it be wrong?

"There are not many people in the Hidden Mist Village who care about my life and death. I am very touched by your visit. "

Wuxin's words were sincere. He had few friends in Kirigakure, and he was really touched that someone cared about his life or death.

Terumi Mei whispered: "Well, every time I come back from a mission, I will visit your mansion, but you are not there every time. I thought..."

Wuxin smiled and said: "The death of a ninja like me should cause some movement in Kirigakure. If there is no movement, it means I am still alive."

Wuxin was a little surprised at Terumi Mei's many visits. Although the relationship between the two sides was okay, it should not be so good.

"I know, after all, you are the man who is known as ruthless and heartless."

Terumi Mei smiled and complimented, paused slightly and then said:

"I am here on behalf of my father to invite you to our Terumi clan as a guest..."

For some reason, Terumi Mei's cheeks turned red again, like apples.

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