The next day

In the early morning, Wuxin, who had finished his morning exercise, went to the Mizukage building to pay his respects to the Mizukage.

The Fourth Mizukage Yagura had a calm and gentle expression, without any of the decadence and neurosis of the previous Ninja War period.

After Wuxin briefly described the status of his mission, he changed the subject and went straight to the point:

"Mr. Mizukage, the opening of the blood mist policy and the rumor that the blood limit is the source of chaos have caused all the ninjas in the village to be in danger.

This seems to... go against your previous proposition?"

Wuxin's question was very implicit. He thought Yagura would defend himself, but he didn't expect Yagura to just nod lightly and said in a deep voice:

"Yes, it is indeed out of my goal.

But all this is to achieve the ambitious goal and must be carried out. The strategies implemented are short-lived. ”

Wuxin's heart moved, and he asked:

"Short-lived? How long do you plan to last?"

"Three years, three years will be enough to turn everything in the village around.

The longer I sit in this position, the more I can feel the difficulties of the former Third Generation.

I was really too naive before, those selfish ninjas will definitely be the source of the unrest in the village!

If the village wants to be strong, it must disintegrate these powerful ninjas!"

Yakura's expression was serious, telling of his changes and reactions. After a slight pause, he continued:

"The ninjas trained in the new era are too weak.

In the Ninja World War, these Genin were like moths, flying to the Land of Fire and being burned to ashes.

Every time I read the reports of failed missions, my heart was bleeding.

The first was the pain of the sacrifice of the Genin, and the second was the failure of the mission!

If the village continues like this, the danger will be closer and closer to us.

Although we have the danger of the sea, there are many ninjas in the Land of Fire who are good at water escape.

The second generation Hokage of Konoha was once known as the strongest man in water escape.

With the ninjutsu and water escape passed down by the second generation Hokage, the sea cannot block the Land of Fire.

As long as they want, they are fully capable of crossing the sea and fighting us at sea.

By that time, it will be too late for the village to cultivate excellent ninjas!

Wuxin, you are an excellent jonin in the village. I have told you so much, can you understand my worries? "

The fourth generation Mizukage Yagura's last inquiry was very gentle, and there was not much difference from Wuxin's impression of Yagura.

At the same time, Wuxin also understood that the busy fourth generation Mizukage could patiently tell him so much, which can be said to be very important to his thoughts and positions.

However, Wuxin could understand this method of drinking poison to quench thirst, but he could not agree with it. He said in a deep voice:

"Fourth-generation sir, this cruel elimination type of ninja training method is only practiced in our Kirigakure in the ninja world today.

All countries train ninjas in imitation of Konoha, and the open-minded selection is also the reason why Konoha has been prosperous for a long time.

The ninjas selected through the blood mist may be better and more reliable in the early stage.

But in the long run, the ninjas who walked out of the blood mist are difficult to rely on for the village.

Fourth-generation, if you use this method because of the temporary shortage of ninja power in the village, I can't say anything.

Then, what is the reason for the rumor that the blood limit is a disaster in the village, and the destruction of the snow clan?

Do you want to completely eliminate the blood limit ninjas in the village? They are the backbone of the village!"

Mizukage Yagura did not answer immediately. He slowly adjusted his sitting posture, resting his hands on the table, supporting his chin, and his posture seemed relaxed and in control.

After a few seconds of awkward silence, Mizukage Yagura said slowly:

"No, I have not thought about clearing out the bloodline limit ninjas. This is a spontaneous act of the people."

Yakura explained softly with a blank expression. After a slight pause, he continued:

"The ninja clan relies on their secret ninjutsu and bloodline limit.

They put the interests of the clan above the village. In the action of conquering the Fire Country, the Snow Clan actually took the lead in retreating without any instructions. This is a betrayal of the village!

If all the ninjas in the village are like the Snow Clan, then can the village still exist?"

Wuxin did not answer. Yagura's avoidance of the topic has already shown his attitude.

The rumors about the bloodline limit cannot be a spontaneous act of the people. There must be someone guiding them behind the scenes.

After fermentation, this rumor will definitely lead to a clearing of bloodline limit ninjas. Wuxin does not believe that Yagura cannot see this.

Yagura's reform encountered some difficulties. The solution is to directly use the methods of the third generation, but it is not as fair and aboveboard as the third generation.

Although the blood mist policy of the third generation is backward, the purpose of the third generation is not concealed.

And Yagura called the blood mist a temporary strategy. As for whether the blood mist will take effect in three years,It is completely unknown whether it will disappear.

Wuxin cannot interfere with the decision of Mizukage Yagura, and he has no reason to persuade him.

In terms of internal affairs, it is common sense that the master is in charge. When Wuxin handed over the task to the master yesterday, the master was still the same as before, like a kind old man.

It is hard to imagine that the master would cooperate with the Mizukage and start such a cruel policy as blood mist.

After a long silence, Wuxin nodded and said:

"I understand, goodbye."

Wuxin did not say anything about unconditional support. After a slight bow, he turned and left.

Yagura quietly watched Wuxin leave, and he was still looking at the office door until Wuxin left for a long time, his thoughts drifting away.

Wuxin, who left the Mizukage Building, looked back at the Mizukage Building behind him and thought:

" seems that I need to spend some time to monitor it.

I hope this is just Yagura's impulsiveness and there is no mastermind behind it."

Yakura's misfortune aroused Wuxin's suspicion, but during the communication and negotiation, the Mizukage was very sober and rational, and there was no sign of being manipulated.

Shaking his head, Wuxin retracted his gaze and headed towards home.

Wuxin's residence is about fifteen kilometers away from the Mizukage Building in the central area, and Wuxin's Byakugan has been constantly practiced and proficient. The farthest observation distance is now close to twenty kilometers.

Stay at home, Wuxin can also monitor the situation of the Mizukage Building.

Absent-minded Wuxin walked all the way and soon returned home. He jumped lightly in the yard and jumped to the roof of the house. He sat down cross-legged without feeling dirty. He clasped his hands together and opened the Byakugan under his forehead protector.


With Wuxin's control, the Byakugan's vision extended all the way and soon saw the Mizukage Building. The vision passed through the wall and the door, and saw the Mizukage who was writing and drawing at the desk.

From the perspective of the Byakugan, Yagura's chakra flowed normally, there was no abnormal chakra in the brain, and there was no sign of being manipulated by illusion.

"Is it not being manipulated, or is it too advanced? It seems that it will take some time to prove..."

Wuxin sighed secretly, unable to make a judgment on the condition of the Mizukage.

With a light sigh, Wuxin took out the banana leaf fan from his mouth, opened his hand, and the fan turned into a small fan held in one hand.

Chakra condensed in the fan, Wuxin gently waved it towards the sky, and a wind blade shot into the sky.

"Banana leaf fan... Wind escape... Now my strength has reached a bottleneck, it's time to study the second attribute."

After Wuxin performed wind escape several times with the banana leaf fan, he thought secretly.

Sitting cross-legged on the roof, Wuxin used the Byakugan to monitor the Mizukage while manipulating the banana leaf fan and feeling the wind attribute chakra.

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