Hidden Mist Village

At dusk

Takeuchi Taro Weapon Shop, Wuxin sat in the middle of the counter, his left hand supporting his chin, his right hand playing with a gleaming short sword, and from time to time looking back at the wall clock.

Since Wuxin forged the Wind Release Treasure Fan half a year ago, the owner of Takeuchi Weapon Shop, Mr. Takeuchi Taro, was amazed. As a weapon merchant, Takeuchi Taro was keenly aware of Wuxin's value and hired Wuxin as a forger in his weapon shop at a high salary.

Wuxin, who was a ninja in his career, did not have many tasks on weekdays. After careful consideration, he agreed.

Of course, it was mainly because the conditions given by Takeuchi Taro were too generous. The ninja tools in the weapon shop could be used on credit indefinitely.

As for the repayment of the credit, it only needed to be deducted from the commission of the treasure forged by Wuxin at a 50% discount in the later stage. This was simply unbearable for Wuxin, a ninja.

Wuxin's main job is to forge weapons for Takeuchi Taro, but because the forging of weapons is not done every day, he also works as a clerk in Takeuchi Taro's weapon shop.

The wind escape treasure is named Banana Leaf Fan, which is sold exclusively in Takeuchi Weapon Shop. Excluding the cost of about one million taels of chakra metal, each wind escape treasure fan is sold at 10 million taels, and Wuxin's commission is 40% of the selling price.

The remaining 60%, including raw materials and sales channels, are all handled by Takeuchi Taro.

"Why hasn't Uncle Taro come yet? I still have to report to Teacher Yongren."

Wuxin put away the dagger, looked at the wall clock, and felt a little fluctuating.

In the past six months, Wuxin has successfully completed two B-level tasks with Murakami Yongren. Since graduating from Genin, he has handled a total of four B-level tasks.

The time period of a B-level task is often one to three months. Wuxin's efficiency in completing four B-level tasks in half a year is not fast, but it is definitely not slow.

When Wuxin was considering whether to close the door and retreat, Takeuchi Taro finally appeared.

"Hey, sorry, sorry, I'm late."

Taro Takeuchi's face was full of smiles, as if something good had happened.

Wuxin saw Takeuchi Taro's smile and guessed something, but Wuxin was anxious about the assembly summons of Yuto Murayama, so he stood up and said in a hurry:

"Uncle Taro, you are finally here!

The jonin instructor summoned me to assemble, I'm leaving first!

The accounts are all on the table, you can check them yourself, if there are any unclear points, I will check them after I'm done."

While Wuxin was speaking, he supported himself on the cash register with one hand and flipped it out easily.

"Hey, wait! Wait! Wuxin, aren't you curious why I'm late? I sold another banana leaf fan!

Hahahahaha, the profit from this sales is enough for the sum of those kunai shuriken for several months!"

Taro Takeuchi told Wuxin the good news with a smile on his face.

"Congratulations! See you later!"

When Takeuchi Taro shouted "wait", Wuxin paused for a moment, and after listening to Takeuchi Taro's words, he replied, disappeared, and left the street with a few jumps.

Taro Takeuchi's smile froze, and as he looked at Wuxin's figure going away, he shook his head slightly.

"This kid, really..."

Wuxin took a shortcut on the eaves and quickly shuttled to the assembly point.

In the evening, the sky in Kirigakure Village darkened quickly. After about 20 minutes, Wuxin arrived at the Higashino Onsen in the east of Kirigakure Village. It was completely dark, and the street lights were on.

Wuxin walked slowly into the hot spring hall, and met his jonin teacher, Yuto Murayama, on the sofa in the living room.

"Teacher Yuto."

Murayama Yuto was wearing a bathrobe, looking at the wall clock in the living room, with a helpless look on his face, he said:

"You are quite punctual."

"The teacher taught well."

Wuxin smiled and flattered. Influenced by Murayama Yuto, Wuxin was also good at assembling time. He would never come a minute early or late. He would arrive at the time he said.

"Put on your bathrobe, and I will tell you in detail in the men's hot spring."

Murayama Yuto stood up and greeted, and walked towards the door curtain with the words "Men's Hot Spring" written on it.

Influenced by Murayama Yuto, Wuxin also liked the activity of taking a hot spring bath, and went to the clothing room to change clothes quickly.

Compared with other hot spring shops, Dongye Hot Spring is divided into many small compartments, unlike other large hot spring pools where everyone takes a bath.

In the small compartment, Murayama Yuto was soaking in the hot spring, his head tilted back, a towel on his forehead, and a wine tray with wine jugs and wine glasses placed next to him.

Next to him were Wuxin's other two teammates, Mai Kizuna and Shuilian. They followed suit, tilting their heads back and applying towels, the three of them in the same pose.

"Teacher Yuto, are we going to go on a mission?"

Wuxin, who had stepped into the small hot spring pool,Xin asked softly, then imitated Yuto Murayama and leaned on the edge of the hot spring.

There are many streams and rivers in the Land of Water, and the Hidden Mist Village is filled with fog all year round, with rich water vapor and heavy humidity. In such an environment, drinking and hot springs are activities that all the Hidden Mist Ninjas like.

"No, this time I summoned you not for a mission."

Yuto Murakami replied softly, took off the towel, then picked up the wine pot beside him, poured out a glass of sake, drank it all, and made a sound of drinking very refreshing, and then said:

"Wuxin, you have graduated for more than half a year, right?

The village will hold the Chunin Exam next month, and I recommend you to participate."

Sui Lian on the side heard the words, straightened her body, took off the towel, wiped her cheeks, and said in a trembling voice:

"Chun...Chunin Exam?"

"Well, good! Finally, the Chunin Exam is here again, I can't wait!"

Mai Kizuna took off the towel and straightened her body after hearing the news.

Shui Lian looked at Murayama Yuto, then at Wuxin, and finally at Hozuki Mai with a serious expression, and said:

"I survived the last Chunin Exam by chance. Thinking of Kimoto's miserable state in that exam, I..."

"Kimoto died in the exam because he was not skilled enough!

The Chunin Exam is not like the Genin Graduation Exam, which must determine life and death. The Chunin Exam does not advocate killing, and Kimoto's death was just an accident!"

Murayama Yuto interrupted Shui Lian's words, his expression a little serious, and then said:

"Every ninja is a valuable fighting force of the village. After being trained in the ninja school, the Genin are already useful.

The Chunin Exam of the village The test is just to select the best from these Genin to serve as the captain of the Chunin.

And the test does not advocate killing in principle. If someone can die in such a test, then it is just that the ninjutsu is not good enough. Such a person will die in the mission sooner or later!

You three are my students, Yuto Murayama. I hope you can become Chunin as soon as possible! This is not only related to my face, but also to your future!

Do you want to be a Genin for life? "

Wuxin has never participated in the Chunin exam, but Yuto Murayama's words made Wuxin hear some interesting information, thinking:

"The Chunin exam does not advocate killing? Is this the attitude that the Hidden Mist Village should have?"

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