Shui Lian was scolded by Murayama Yuto, and replied with a somewhat unnatural expression:

"Yes, I understand..."

"Don't worry, Shui Lian, we were just careless last time, we will never make the same mistake this time!"

Mai Kizuna on the side showed a bloodthirsty and belligerent smile, and all the sharp triangular teeth like sharks were revealed.

"Besides, our teammates this time are not comparable to that waste Kimoto, Wuxin is a real genius."

Mai Kizuna changed the subject and praised Wuxin,

Wuxin glanced at Mai Kizuna calmly. In the next two missions in half a year, Mai Kizuna's attitude was much better, and they also understood each other's strength better.

Although Mai Kizuna was a Genin, she mastered the family secrets and was also good at water escape ninjutsu. She was a teammate with good combat power.

Although Mai Kizuna's attitude was much milder, Wuxin never forgot that this clan ninja of the Kizuna clan did not help him in the mission of the Sea Country.

As for another teammate, Shui Lian, her strength is average. Although she often seems to hesitate, she is very decisive in her actions. However, Shui Lian's ninjutsu is mainly based on the three-body technique, supplemented by the instant body technique and the mist-hiding technique. She is a standard Genin elite level, with rich ninja experience, and can barely serve as a Chunin captain.

"Wuxin, your strength is fully qualified for Chunin. Do you have any objection to the Chunin exam?"

Murayama Yuto turned his head to look at Wuxin, seemingly asking, but in fact his tone was unquestionable.

"Since you think I am qualified, then I have no objection at all."

Wuxin has no feelings about the so-called exam, it is nothing more than another ninja mission.

"Of course you are qualified. Your strength is not comparable to these Genin. If you want, it's easy to kill these Genin.

But ninjas are not just about killing. There are many other aspects of assessment.

Even if you don't pass the Chunin exam, if you perform well, the village departments may select elites for recruitment.

Departments such as the Anbu, the Torture Department, and the Police Department like to recruit team members in the Chunin exam. Once you work in these departments, your authority and status are quite different..."

Murayama Yuto said this not only to Wuxin, but also to Shuilian and Gui Deng Mai.

Murayama Yuto knows Wuxin's strength very well. He knows the level of his students best.

Except for not learning his own trick illusion, he basically learned everything else in one go. Within a month, the learned ninjutsu must be proficient and easy to use.

According to Murayama Yuto's vision, if Wuxin wants to kill a Genin like Shuilian, it is indeed easy.

Genin like Mai Kizuna is a little more troublesome, not because Mai Kizuna is so strong, but because the secret techniques of the Kizuna clan are powerful. Even if he takes action himself, it is difficult to kill a member of the Kizuna family. Although killing is not easy, it is easy to control him and make him live a life worse than death.

"Teacher, my strength is not as strong as you say. Senior Shuilian and Mai Kizuna, there is still a lot I need to learn."

Wuxin was praised and appreciated by Murayama Yuto, without a trace of arrogance, and was very humble.

"Wuxin, you are too humble, I should learn from you."

Shuilian cast an admiring look at Wuxin, and her words were a little flattering.

After several missions, the few people had a deeper understanding and knew the strength ranking. Shuilian respected Wuxin more and more.

"What I admire most is Wuxin's determination. He is so powerful, but he always pretends to be ordinary.

But Wuxin, you forgot that the tragedy of your class is known to everyone in the Hidden Mist Village. No matter how you pretend, it is useless.

Everyone knows that you are the top student of that class and the only survivor under the sword of the demon Momochi Zabuza."

Mai Hozuki had a sunny smile on her face, but her eyes were a little gloomy.

Wuxin pursed his lips, glanced at Mai Hozuki, smiled and whispered:

"Really? These deeds, I think only you as teammates may pay more attention to them."

Wuxin noticed that although Mai Hozuki had a smile on her face, her eyes were cold. Judging from the expression and smile studies, it was obviously a grinning posture. This guy probably had bad intentions.

Wuxin had never found an opportunity for the previous mission. Perhaps, he could use this Chunin exam to complete his idea of ​​exploring the secret technique of Hozuki.

Murayama Yuto didn't like Wuxin's humble attitude. As a ninja, a strong ninja, he should give others a high degree of pressure and deterrence. This kind of humility that is inconsistent with strength will only make others think that he is weak and can be bullied.

MurayamaSeeing the strange atmosphere among the people, Yongren, who had led many teams, was already used to the traditional temperament of the Hidden Mist Village. He said seriously:

"The Chunin Exam will be on September 15th, which means there is still a month left.

I will take time out this month to train you. I hope you will seize the opportunity and work hard.

What the village needs is ninjas who are getting stronger, not ninjas who are muddle-headed and indulge in a comfortable life after graduation."

"Yes" x3

Wuxin and the other two answered respectfully.

"Teacher, I have always been very interested in illusions. This month, I hope you can teach me more about the use of illusions."

After Wuxin promised, he quickly climbed up the pole.

Wuxin has always been envious of Murayama Yongren's ultimate water escape illusion, the Mist Illusion Prison.

His understanding of illusions is limited to the knowledge taught in the ninja school. Most of the illusion knowledge in the ninja school is not about techniques, but about methods to fight against illusions.

Such as Chakra Chaos Removal Method, Second Person Chakra Injection Method, Pain Stimulation Method.

Most of them belong to confrontation and defense, and there is no aspect of how to perform.

Illusions are used more in confrontations above Chunin, and less at the Genin level. Wuxin has not yet encountered an enemy who can control him.

However, Wuxin's understanding of a certain Red Eyes family and his experience with the illusion of the mist magic prison of the Jonin Murayama Yuto. He understands that these are all powerful illusions that can easily freeze people. Even if they are classified as immobilization techniques, these techniques can be said to be extremely high-level techniques.

"Huh? Illusion."

When Yuto Murayama heard Wuxin's question, his face showed a painful and hesitant expression, as if his treasure was being stared at. After a brief silence, Yuto Murayama showed a strange smile and whispered:

"As for illusion, I will conduct relevant special training for you to let you know more about illusion. Just don't blame me for overtraining..."

Sui Lian, who was beside him, saw Yuto Murayama's expression and waved her hand quickly:

"The ninjutsu you taught me last time, I am still very unfamiliar with it, so I don't need you to teach me new techniques."

"One month of special training in illusion? I am looking forward to it."

When Wuxin heard Yuto Murayama agree to special training in illusion, his eyes lit up immediately.

"I hope you won't cry and beg the teacher to stop the special training..."

A faint voice came from Mai Kizuna next to him.

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