
The fog in the Wild Beast Mist Forest seemed to be a little thinner, and some moonlight could be seen.

"I'm a little hungry, so it's a good time to get out and move around."

Wuxin yawned, rubbed his belly and walked out of the cave.


The loyal psychic beast ninja dog Wangcai lay at the entrance of the cave and roared in response.

Wuxin walked out of the cave, untied the water bottle on his waist, took a sip, glanced at the ninja dog Wangcai who was gently shaking his tail, and smiled:

"Wangcai, it's up to you to catch snow rabbits at night."


Wuxin's ninja dog Wangcai is very humane and can understand what he says.

One person and one dog walked down the hill slope, and Wuxin walked to a stream with ease.

The geographical location of the stream is that Wuxin passed by it when he entered the Wild Beast Mist Forest from the entrance during the day and arrived at the resting cave. Wuxin remembers it clearly.

Wuxin used a kunai to cut a branch in the nearby forest, sharpened it, stood on the stream, and prepared to fork a few fish to fill his stomach with the help of moonlight.


Wuxin was quick-eyed and quick-handed. He plunged a long branch into the water and accurately stabbed a big fish. Wuxin shook his hand and shook the fish to the shore.

"Watch the fish, don't eat it."

Wuxin did not forget to remind his ninja dog, and looked at the stream again with concentration. He quickly shot and stabbed another big fish.

In a short while, Wuxin stabbed four big fish. Wuxin, who was quick-handed, used a kunai to scale and clean the big fish, then strung the four fish together with branches, collected wood and leaves, and started to grill the big fish.

Wangcai, the ninja dog on the side, ate the fish's internal organs cleanly and sat in front of the campfire with his tail shaking.

When ninjas are lurking, especially at night, it is actually a taboo to make a fire, which can easily expose their position and attract the enemy's prying.

Wuxin is skilled and courageous. The fog is like a veil covering a kilometer around him. He doesn't know how big this beast fog forest is. So far, Wuxin has not encountered any enemies or beasts.

Sizzle! Sizzle! Sizzle!

The wood fuel is moist. With the help of kerosene, it burns vigorously and soon roasts the fish to a golden color.

Wuxin is concentrating on roasting the fish. When it is almost done, he picks a fish off the branch and throws it in front of the ninja dog Wangcai, and then starts to eat.

"If you want to say what is good about this Mist Hidden Village, it's only these ingredients. They are pure natural and delicious."

Wuxin eats the barbecue slowly and leisurely. Although there is no seasoning, the fish tastes delicious and has its own flavor.

After eating and drinking enough and resting for a while to digest, Wuxin takes the big dog and sneaks into the depths of the beast fog forest.

Wuxin chooses to move at night, not only because of the fatigue caused by long-distance marathon running, but also because rabbits, as creatures, avoid predators during the day and are more active at night.

The man and the dog walked in the forest for nearly an hour. Wuxin only felt that this wild beast fog forest seemed very huge. After walking for an hour, he only encountered some jackals, as well as huge centipedes, snakes and the like. Wuxin easily repelled these beasts and poisonous insects, and did not sense any human figures.

"Wangcai, haven't you found anything yet?"

Wuxin followed behind Wangcai. As long as there were large creatures nearby, Wangcai would bark loudly to warn, and with Wuxin's fog perception, he did not encounter any major troubles along the way.

It seemed that Wuxin's urging had an effect. Wangcai's nose twitched twice, and he began to run faster with a bark.

Seeing this, Wuxin followed the ninja dog about five or six meters behind him, following the trail of the ninja dog Wangcai.

After running about thirty meters, there were several chirping sounds, accompanied by the sound of grass being plucked.


Wuxin understood that the rabbit's running moved the grass, and he shouted and rushed towards the place where the sound came from.

In the forest grass, a snow-white rabbit ran away quickly, at a very fast speed.


However, the rabbit's escape was in vain. Wuxin's body-flashing technique was much faster than its escape speed. At a distance of 20 to 30 meters, Wuxin used a body-flashing technique to pierce the snow rabbit's body with a kunai.

The snow rabbit made a painful chirping sound, but Wuxin didn't care. He grabbed the snow rabbit's two ears with one hand and lifted it up.

"Woof woof"

The ninja dog Wangcai rushed over from the side and barked twice softly, squatted on the ground and wagged his tail, as if asking for a reward.

"This place is dangerous, stay alert."

Wuxin issued instructions to the ninja dog. Wuxin, who easily completed the task of catching a live rabbit, was in a somewhat happy mood.

"First control the rabbit's mobility, then slowly treat it, and it just needs to be alive when you hand it in."

The test requires catching a live rabbit, Wuxin just needs to make sure that the rabbit is alive when he hands it in. As for whether it is missing arms or legs, there is no requirement in the task, so Wuxin will naturally not force it.

The snow rabbit was stabbed, and the smell of blood came out.Wuxin took out a rope to tie up the rabbit's limbs, then took back the kunai stuck in the rabbit, condensed chakra to perform healing techniques, and healed the rabbit.

After about ten minutes, the rabbit's wound healed, and Wuxin tied the rabbit tightly with a rope and hung it on his belt.

"Woof! Woof!"

The squatting ninja dog Wangcai suddenly stood up, curled up his tail, turned sideways and barked to Wuxin's left.

"Huh? Finally met someone?"

Wuxin immediately focused on his fog perception technique. In the fog, a figure shuttled through the tree trunks and quickly approached this place.

Just when catching the snow rabbit, Wuxin neglected the fog perception. With the warning of the ninja dog, Wuxin instantly noticed the approaching person.

The uninvited guest had approached Wuxin by nearly 150 meters, and Wuxin made a seal with both hands.

"Water escape: water clone technique!"

With Wuxin's manipulation, a wave of water appeared on the grass next to him, condensing into the appearance of Wuxin.

Wuxin reached for his ninja tool bag, took out a kunai and stuck it inside the collar of his water clone, and then his real body gradually disappeared with the thin mist.

"Come out, you've been exposed."

Wuxin's water clone spoke in a deep voice to the empty front.

One second, two seconds, five seconds, ten seconds, no one answered.

Wuxin's water clone reached for his ninja tool bag and fired a kunai at the branch of a big tree twenty meters ahead.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Wuxin's water clone fired a kunai, and dozens of kunai were fired back. Kunai flew towards Wuxin's water clone, covering the front, back, left and right of Wuxin's water clone.

Although Wangcai, the ninja dog next to him, looked reckless, he was actually very smart. When Wuxin fired the kunai, it had already run away.

Wuxin's water clone jumped back, holding the kunai up and down to block, and it was considered safe and sound, and he was not injured.


A kunai stuck in the ground next to Wuxin burst into a puff of smoke, and a figure rushed out of the smoke, with a kunai on the neck of Wuxin's water clone.

"Please leave this snow rabbit to me."

The ninja who shot the kunai in front also jumped down from the tree. The two attackers were dressed similarly. The ninja who turned into a kunai and held Wuxin hostage spoke coldly and reached out to touch the snow rabbit on Wuxin's waist.

"I didn't expect there were two people."

Wusin's real body, hiding behind a tree not far away, quietly observed all this, somewhat surprised.

In the field, the Mist Hidden Ninja who shot the kunai moved his nose and shouted to the masked companion who held Wuxin's water clone hostage:

"The smell is wrong! Leave him!"

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