
The violent explosion made Wuxin, who was escaping with the ninja dog, look back.

"This death should not be considered as intentional massacre...right?"

After the water clone fought with the enemy, Wuxin's real body quietly left.

The water clone cannot be too far away from the main body. The familiarity with ninjutsu and the injection of chakra can increase the control range of the water clone technique. The control range of Wuxin's water clone is about a hundred meters.

A hundred meters away, Wuxin didn't know the situation behind him, but he thought that the Mist Hidden Ninja who held his water clone hostage was so close, if nothing unexpected happened, he should be gone.

Wuxin shook his head and no longer paid attention to what was behind him. The man and the dog jumped onto the tree, jumped between the branches a few times, and gradually moved away.

Wuxin walked quickly in the forest for a while. When passing a small puddle, he threw the blood-stained kunai into the puddle and returned to the previous cave resting point without stopping.

"The snow rabbit's wound has healed, and I have thrown away the bloody kunai. It is safe to rest here."

Wu Xin, who returned to the cave, reviewed what had just happened, confirmed that he had forgotten nothing, and gradually relaxed.

In the snow rabbit capture mission, the party that captures the snow rabbit is equivalent to an assassin. After successfully capturing the snow rabbit, the assassin becomes a defender.

It is roughly the same set of assessments as assassination and guarding between ninjas, plus 72 hours of survival in unfamiliar terrain.

"The last 70 to 72 hours of the task delivery period is the focus of the competition. In the battle between guarding and assassination, the guarding party needs to ensure the survival of the snow rabbit.

As long as the assassination party ambushes on the necessary road to the task delivery point and snatches a living snow rabbit, then the mission is considered a success."

Wu Xin, who had a good rest, thought about the inner meaning of the test in detail in the cave, and roughly understood the focus of the subsequent actions.

It is useless to arrive at the periphery of the task delivery point in advance. If it is not the delivery time, it will be listed as the first target of attack by those who have not captured the snow rabbit.

Going early is useless, and going late will definitely lead to ambushes.

"But these are no pressure for me..."

After Wuxin pondered for a moment, he realized that this exam was not difficult for him.

At the same time, Wuxin couldn't help but feel a little sad that he didn't help his teammates pass the exam in the first round.

"It's a pity that I should have helped Mai Kizuna pass the first round. Although wanton killing is not allowed, it is not difficult to kill people in such an environment.

The so-called prohibition of slaughter probably means that you are not allowed to cut the neck of the Mist Ninja with your own hands, or you can still kill the opponent even if the opponent has no power to resist."

Thinking of this, Wuxin couldn't help but feel a little annoyed. After arranging the ninja dog Wangcai to be on duty, he stuffed some leaves into the snow rabbit as food, and then closed his eyes to rest.


The weather was clear and the sun was shining. The movement of the wild beasts in the fog forest became louder and louder. Along with the clanging sound of weapons, there were some explosions and hurricanes from time to time.

In the gate tower of the Mist Hidden Village Anbu Training Village outside the Beast Mist Forest, the second exam examiner, Xiguashan Puffer Ghost, sat on the tatami above the room, with a table in front of him, which was full of food.

Xiguashan Puffer Ghost grabbed a rice ball in his left hand and a fat fish in his right hand, eating with relish.

"Master Puffer Ghost, those rookie ninjas who are taking the exam have been in the Beast Mist Forest for seventy hours, right? Do you want to bet on who will come out first?"

In the gate tower room, several Mist Hidden Village vest ninjas sat below Xiguashan Puffer Ghost, also enjoying lunch. One of the pale white-faced ninjas smiled and proposed to Xiguashan Puffer Ghost above.

Another green-haired vest ninja on the side sneered:

"Hehe... In this exam, there is a genius female ninja from the Terumi clan, Terumi Mei.

Terumi Mei is the granddaughter of the Terumi clan's great elder. There must be a guardian ninja to accompany her in the exam. The outcome is already determined, and there is no need to gamble."

The pale white-faced ninja heard the words, put down the rice ball in his hand, put away his smile, his pupils widened, and exuded murderous aura. Suddenly, he shouted angrily:

"You, a defeated ninja and a disgrace to the Anbu, are you qualified to speak? Huh!?"

The white-faced ninja roared so loudly that he even sprayed rice.


The green-haired vest ninja looked embarrassed, raised his hand and pointed at the white-faced ninja, and after the word "you", he couldn't say a word.

"Speaking of these candidates, there is one called Wuxin, who is the classmate of our ANBU genius Momochi Zabuza?"

"The only one who survived?"

"Yes, that is the classmate of Zabuza who defeated... ahem, the demon as soon as he joined the ANBU. He must have some strength, otherwise how could he survive Zabuza's hands?"

The topic started,Several other ninjas on the side also took up the conversation.


The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost, who was sitting in the main seat above, didn't care about the quarrel. He burped comfortably and finally stopped eating.

"The exam started at 1:30 the day before yesterday. It's now 11:28. Those who haven't finished their meals before 11:30 don't have to eat. Get ready to work."

After resting for ten seconds after burping, the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost blurted out this sentence, picked up the big sword beside him, stood up and left.

Several vest ninjas sitting below stopped arguing, accelerated their meal speed, climbed up in a few steps, and got up to assemble on the city gate tower.

As soon as the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost walked to the position where the exam was announced the day before yesterday, a crisp voice sounded from below the city gate tower.

"Hello, I'm here to deliver the task. Is this the delivery?"

Under the city gate tower, accompanied by a crisp voice, the figure of a black-haired boy wearing traditional hemp clothes suddenly appeared.

It was a real sudden appearance. There was nothing at first, but it suddenly appeared below the city gate tower.


The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost narrowed his eyes and looked down, with a hint of doubt in his eyes. He turned his head and looked at the small clock on the table next to him. It was 11:30 and 2 seconds.

Excluding the reaction time and the time to turn around, the delivery time of the person below should be on time.

The black-haired boy below was Wuxin. Wuxin held a snow rabbit in his left hand and a pocket watch in his right hand. He came to report and deliver on time.

Wuxin saw that the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost above did not respond to his inquiry, so he couldn't help but raise his voice and shouted:

"Examiner, I'm here to deliver the exam task."

After Wuxin finished speaking, he turned his pocket watch to face the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost above, indicating that he had checked the time accurately, on time, and not early.

The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost stared at Wuxin below, and after a long silence, he said:

"Just throw it into the cage below."

The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost pointed to the cage hanging below the city gate tower.

Wuxin followed the instructions, walked forward, opened the cage neatly, and threw the snow rabbit in.

The three-day Chunin Exam in the Wild Beast Fog Forest was like an autumn outing for Wuxin, eating wild game in the fog forest.

When the time was almost up, Wuxin summoned the invisible lizard, hid himself in the mouth of the invisible lizard, and directly crossed the numerous traps and obstacles to easily reach the task delivery point.

"What's your name?"

The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost had the data cards and information cards of all the candidates. The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost's inquiry showed interest and confirmation.


Wuxin looked at the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost above and answered softly.

After hearing Wuxin's answer, Xiguashan Puffer Ghost smiled very ugly and said:

"You have a good sense of time, very, very good, would you like to consider joining the Anbu?"

Wuxin looked at Xiguashan Puffer Ghost's ugly smile and was a little surprised. Wuxin could fully accept this kindness. Most of the ninjas in the Hidden Mist Village had no expression on their faces, and their smiles were either grim or sinister.

Such an ugly smile was probably a release of kindness.

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