"Master Pufferfish Ghost, I have just graduated from Genin for less than a year. I am still young and need to learn. I am not qualified to be an Anbu..."

Wuxin declined the kindness of Xiguashan Pufferfish Ghost. He graduated from Ninja School for a year, and his body has not grown up yet. He has not reached the peak of his strength.

Anbu missions are dangerous and useless to Wuxin at present. He must survive until his body grows up.

Xiguashan Pufferfish Ghost slowly put away his smile, restored the dignity of the Anbu captain, nodded and said in a deep voice:

"You are very good. You will have greater achievements in joining the Anbu. As the captain of the Anbu, I will never make a mistake."

Wuxin frowned slightly. The Anbu captain invited him repeatedly. If he refused again and again, would he offend this Xiguashan Pufferfish Ghost?

Wuxin was thinking inwardly, and his mood was a little uncertain. The voice of Xiguashan Puffer Ghost came again:

"The Anbu has many resources, whether it is ninjutsu, secret techniques, resources, or treatment, it is the most generous in the village.

Please consider it in detail. The door of the Anbu is open to you, and I welcome you at any time.

Now, go to the lounge to rest."

Xiguashan Puffer Ghost did not force the conscription, expressed his appreciation, and raised his head to the Mist Hidden Armor Ninja next to him.

After receiving the instructions, the Mist Hidden Armor Ninja jumped down from the city gate tower, waved to Wuxin, and led Wuxin.

Wuxin followed the armored ninja and walked to the mountain village lounge, which looked the same as the dormitory building.

"Room number 322, this is the village's secret training base, it is best not to walk around in the base at will, otherwise you will bear the consequences."

The armored ninja who led the way handed the room card to Wuxin, said something with a stern face, and then turned and left.

Wuxin nodded to show that he understood, took the room card and went up to the third floor, opened the room, sat on the tatami and closed his eyes to rest.

Time passed slowly, and the sound of doors opening and closing came from the dormitory building from time to time.

Wuxin, who had been sitting quietly for a long time, opened his eyes and looked out the window. The sunlight shone on the thin mist, reflecting the brilliant light. Maybe from a different perspective, he could see a rainbow.

Wuxin, who had rested enough, pondered for a while, took out a scroll called "Precautions for Illusion Practice" from his arms, and read it quietly.

"Precautions for Illusion Practice" is an introductory book on illusion that Yuto Murayama lent to Wuxin. It records some superficial illusions below level D, as well as the methods and precautions for practicing illusions.

It is of some help to Wuxin in understanding and mastering illusions.

Wuxin has learned all the family ninjutsu, and his teacher Yuto Murayama still has many techniques to learn. Wuxin has excellent qualifications, but limited resources. All useful techniques and resources must be mastered and memorized.

Wuxin read the illusion materials very seriously, and time passed quickly. The sun set and the evening glow filled the examination base.

"Gather downstairs!"

A rough shout came from the dormitory building.

Wuxin closed the scroll after hearing the call, hid it in the collar of the traditional style linen top, stood up and walked out of the room.

At the door downstairs of the dormitory building, more than a dozen young girls with indifferent expressions stood quietly to form a team. There were three ninjas wearing green robes, carrying ninja swords and wearing masks in front of the team.

Wuxin joined the team. Seeing that the number of people matched, the masked ninja called out one by one. After confirming that it was correct, he led the ninja team to the mountain village.

"There are 41 people taking the second exam. Are there only 12 people left?"

Wuxin followed the examiners and secretly counted the number of ninjas around him. Including himself, there were 12 people left.

As they marched along, dusk gradually turned into night. As night fell, the team finally reached their destination, a spacious square.

The square was paved with stone bricks and was very spacious. There were many braziers with brackets placed around it for lighting, and the flames drove away the darkness.

Wuxin glanced around. There was a square under his feet, and a somewhat quaint palace in front of him. There were more than a dozen ninjas wearing jonin vests in front of the palace gate, and there was something like a blackboard not far to their right.

Wuxin couldn't see the palace clearly because of the night. It seemed that there were walls farther away, a bit like a city within a city, a village within a village.

The most important thing was that among the more than ten ninjas in front of the palace, Wuxin saw his jonin teacher, Yuto Murayama, who met Wuxin's eyes and blinked at him.

Seeing his teacher in this desolate mountain, where fighting and killing were held, Wuxin felt close to him.

In front of the Genin team, one of the three masked ninjas stepped forward, whispered a few words to a ninja in the ninja team in front of the hall, then turned around and said loudly to Wuxin and more than ten Genin:

"This is the third exam venue,Next, the third examiner will ask questions. "

The masked ninja said loudly, made a seal with his hands, and disappeared into smoke. Also disappeared were the two masked ninjas on both sides of Wuxin's team.

After the smoke dissipated, among the more than ten ninjas wearing jonin vests in front of the hall, a shorter green-haired man in the middle walked forward and said loudly:

"Congratulations on passing the second exam and coming here. I am the examiner of the third exam, Goji...Yakura. "

Hearing the examiner's name, Wuxin used the firelight to take a closer look at Goji Yagura.

Green hair, purple eyes, a baby face that looks about the same age as his 10-year-old self, with a black line under his left eye. The most eye-catching thing is Goji Yagura's height, which is about the same height as his 10-year-old self, about 1.4 meters.

Goji Yagura's words did not cause a response. The twelve Genin and the many Jounin vest ninjas behind him remained silent, waiting for the next words.

"Being a Chunin, not only depends on rich mission experience, but also must be supported by strong strength.

The content of the third exam is very simple. Twelve candidates will compete in ninjutsu in pairs.

Exam rules:

1. The Mist Hidden Technique is prohibited.

2. Being hit out of the line is a negative.

3. Losing mobility is a negative.

In addition, in the combat power competition, even if you lose, you may be selected as a Chunin.

So, show your value in this competition! "

Kohtachi Yagura spoke in a gentle but dignified tone, and raised his right hand after he finished speaking.

A vest-clad jonin near the blackboard in the back saw the gesture, walked to the blackboard, fumbled up and down for a few times, and the blackboard suddenly glowed and turned into a display screen with the red names of the ninjas on it.

There are six columns of names in total, Wuxin saw his name, which is in the sixth column, Wuxin VS Mei Terumi.

"Why does this display screen seem to be unplugged? What's the principle?"

At this moment, Wuxin's curiosity about the display screen exceeded his interest in his opponent Mei Terumi.

Wuxin knew that the technology tree of the ninja world was strange, but Wuxin, who had lived in this world for many years, had never seen high-tech electronic products before. This display screen aroused some of Wuxin's memories.

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