Kirigakure Village

9:00 AM

In the Mizukage's office, Wuxin respectfully took the Chunin vest personally issued by the Third Mizukage. There was a letter of appointment on the folded Chunin vest.

Wuxin set out from Higano Hot Springs in the morning and soaked in the hot springs for a few hours in the early morning. He didn't sleep for a long time, but he felt energetic and full of energy.

"Thank you, Mizukage-sama, I will definitely make more contributions to the village!"

Wuxin shouted very energetically after taking the vest, then folded the Chunin letter of appointment on the vest and put on the vest.

Due to his promotion to Chunin, Wuxin's regular clothes were changed into a set of navy blue tight combat clothes, with a ninja vest on the outside, which was the same as the regular middle and upper ninja clothes, but the body was a little smaller.

The Third Mizukage was wearing a Mizukage costume and a Mizukage cape on his head. He was dressed very formally, with a gentle smile on his face, and said loudly:

"I have read your several mission records. The senior ninja Murayama Yuto also has a high opinion of you. You are really excellent.

Come on, grow up, the village needs a stronger you. Maybe one day in the future, the village will need you to lead it."

The Third Mizukage had a warm smile. As the implementer of the blood mist policy, he was not as violent and fierce as Wuxin thought he should be. He was very serious when he was serious, but he was also very friendly when he smiled.

The Third Mizukage, a character who had no sense of existence in Wuxin's previous life memory, gradually became fuller in Wuxin's mind at this moment.

The implementer of the blood mist policy, but according to the words of the previous Third Mizukage, his blood mist policy was helpless about the current situation, and the village urgently needed a strong ninja.

In this Chunin Exam, there was no fighting in the first round, and the examiner of the second round explicitly prohibited killing each other. In the third round, the examiner Yagura Karatachi would even help save people.

It seems that except for the bloody graduation of the Ninja School, these high-level officials were all concerned about the ninja training of the village.

Wuxin, who has been in this world for many years, also knows that the ninja training in many places is full of blood. This kind of two-for-one is an ancient ninja training method.

This backward system can be eliminated, but if the village is not strong enough, it can also be used.

Wuxin looked at the friendly smile of the Third Generation Mizukage, his thoughts drifted away for a while, and soon came back to his senses, bowed and said:

"The village needs your guidance, the Third Generation, I just want to be your tool and clear the obstacles for you!"

The ninjas of the Hidden Mist Village are tools, and Wuxin knows what these bigwigs like to hear.

The Third Mizukage smiled more peacefully after hearing Wuxin's words, and said with a smile:

"You will become my weapon to clear obstacles, but not now.

Wuxin, you defeated the genius of the Terumi clan in the third exam, hahahahahahaha, I am so satisfied.

The descendants of these ninja clans are delicate, and the clans have their own way of training ninjas.

When these ninja disciples reach a certain level, they participate in the village's Chunin exam.

On the surface, they train tools and hand them over to the village. In fact, it has the inner meaning of showing off muscles.

However, no matter how excellent the geniuses of these great ninja clans are, they will not be the elite opponents of our village's blood mist policy after graduation."

Wuxin was a little surprised after hearing the words, and understood why he had never seen Terumi Mei, the Kaguya clan, and the Yuki clan in the ninja school. There was no one among the seniors when he entered school, and there was no one among the juniors when he graduated.

It turns out that these powerful ninja clans all train their own ninjas, and then hand them over to the village after they are trained.

However, the ninja clan's style is normal. The ninja clan is maintained by blood ties, and the offspring are precious. It is impossible for the offspring to kill each other, or for the offspring to kill civilian ninjas.

Civilian ninjas can be said to be unlimited, and even if their ninja clan is prosperous, the population is limited.

"That person named Terumi Mei, is he worthy of being called a genius?

This kind of guy is not worth mentioning to me."

Wuxin pretended to be calm and indifferent at the right time, with a somewhat disdainful attitude and indifference.

"Don't be careless, although you are strong, you still need time to grow."

The appreciation in the eyes of the third generation of Mizukage was stronger, but his face was a little more serious. In view of Wuxin's age, his comments were very objective and experienced. After a pause, he continued softly:

"Murayama Yuto is an excellent ninja in the village. However, if you are confused about ninjutsu and Murakami Yuto can't help you, you can come here to ask me.

If I have time, I will guide you."

Wuxin showed a hint of surprise in his eyes.

If I could receive the teachings of the Third Mizukage, wouldn't I be considered his disciple? At least half a disciple.Or a direct descendant.

"Yes! I understand!"

Wuxin felt some respect in his heart, and bowed to the Third Mizukage to promise.

"Well, the leader of the jonin class, Yagura, is also very interested in you. Go and talk to him when you have time."

The Third Mizukage waved his hand after saying this, indicating that Wuxin could go down.

Wuxin promised and turned to leave the Mizukage's office.

Outside the Mizukage's office, Yagura, who was about the same height as Wuxin, leaned against the wall with his arms around his chest. Seeing Wuxin coming out of the Mizukage's office, he waved to Wuxin.

"Wuxin, disciple of Yuto Murayama, do you have time to talk?"

Yagura's words were gentle, without a trace of oppression.

The Third Mizukage had just told Wuxin that he would talk to Yagura when he had time, and Yagura was waiting at the door. It seemed that the two had colluded.


Wuxin responded with some doubt, not quite understanding the intentions of the Mizukage and Yagura.

Yagura is the leader of the Jounin class of Kirigakure Village. This position is similar to that of a crown prince or heir apparent, and is of high power. Yagura is indeed at home in the Mizukage Building, and walks slowly with no intention.

The guards and Anbu along the way basically ignored Yagura, and many even saluted him. Wuxin followed Yagura and soon came to the rooftop of the Mizukage Building.

On the rooftop, Goji Yagura walked to the edge of the rooftop, jumped onto the fence, and sat on the fence with a faint smile on his face. With the blessing of the height of the fence, Yagura was taller than Wuxin. He lowered his head and whispered:

"Kirigakure prodigy, genius ninja, 45th chief student, nine-year-old Genin, graduated more than half a year ago, and became a Chunin before the age of ten.

If the village can graduate early, I think with your ability, you can be compared with the genius of Konoha Village in the Land of Fire, the son of White Fang, Hatake Kakashi."

"White Fang? Hatake Kakashi?"

The name aroused Wuxin's memories of his previous life, a familiar yet unfamiliar name.

Half a year ago, when Wuxin had just graduated, his parents, who were at the level of a jonin, encountered Konoha White Fang during a mission. For the mission, they sacrificed their lives to repel White Fang.

In addition to this time point, it is possible that it was this mission that led to White Fang's death.

"Ah, White Fang, a powerful ninja from Konoha Village in the Land of Fire. There has been no news of White Fang for a long time. I heard that he died in a mission."

Kurotachi Yagura knew Wuxin's profile and resume. This was intended to enlighten Wuxin that the enemy who killed his parents might have died.

"There has been no news of White Fang for a long time. Did he die in a mission?"

Wuxin murmured. Konoha Village also cares about face. It is impossible to announce that the powerful legendary ninja of their village committed suicide at home because of rumors. Under Konoha's gag order, the spies of the Hidden Mist Village could only rely on the intelligence they had gathered to judge that White Fang might have died.

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