"Yes, White Fang lost to our Kirigakure Village and was abused by the villagers of Konoha Village. Not long after, it was rumored that White Fang died in a secret mission."

Kurotachi Yagura sat on the fence and whispered. Tell Wuxin that White Fang, the enemy who killed his parents, is dead.

Wuxin fell into thinking. In that mission, Wuxin's parents and a large number of Kirigakure elites died. Soon, White Fang also died because of the failure of this mission. Wuxin didn't know what to do with this ending.

Wuxin had some impression of the truth of White Fang's death. White Fang failed the mission because of rescuing his companions. Compared with the cruel and ruthless style of Kirigakure Village, it is very different. The teammates of Kirigakure Village are the materials for the mission. In order to complete the mission, it is normal for teammates to sacrifice to the sky.

Although ninjas are mission-oriented, Konoha Village has already produced people like White Fang who are very different from ninja styles, and Kirigakure Village still maintains many ancient ninja traditions.

"Lord Yagura, ninjas are just tools, and they only think about how to complete the mission. These things between countries should not be what I should pay attention to now."

Wuxin spoke respectfully. He responded modestly and cautiously to the village's high-level officials, and maintained his surface work very well.

Yakura's originally warm face became a little strange, and he said softly with a smile:

"Ninjas are just tools? Do you really think so?"

Yakura's expression was a little strange, making Wuxin unable to figure out his thoughts. Wuxin thought secretly, and suddenly thought of Murayama Yuto. When he talked to Murayama Yuto about ninjas and blood mist before, Murayama Yuto mentioned Yagura, and Yagura respected and admired him very much.

Thinking of this, Wuxin pursed his lips and said softly:

"Yes, the ninjas of the Hidden Mist Village are just tools, but if this situation can be changed, it might be good..."

Wuxin's attitude and words when facing Yagura were completely different from those when he faced the Third Mizukage. In the Blood Mist Village, ninjas are just tools. If you don't respect this idea, then you are denying the policy of the Mizukage.

Ninjas are tools, and teammates are mission materials. In the Blood Mist Policy, this is as it should be, and they are consumables.

Although Wuxin did not mention the Blood Mist, he did not avoid the question of Yagura Kujitsu, and his answer was relatively general.

"I am very surprised by your restraint. You are not as radical as Yuto Murayama commented."

Yagura Kujitsu spoke in a soft tone. There seemed to be huge energy hidden in his young body. The smile on his face made Wuxin unable to figure out his thoughts, and he unconsciously felt some inexplicable pressure in his heart.

"You have great potential. You are a rare genius in decades. I want to know, what do you think of the village's Blood Mist Policy?"

Yagura Kujitsu was on the top floor of the Mizukage Building, a place where the Anbu and Mizukage guards were densely guarded. He asked Wuxin about his views on the Blood Mist Policy directly without any restraint or detours.

"The policies implemented by the village are considered by the Mizukage and even the senior officials.

Wuxin has no opinion on these, and will only work hard to complete the tasks assigned by the Mizukage."

Wuxin really doesn't like the blood mist policy, nor can he say that the blood mist policy is good or something that goes against his conscience. In the Mizukage building, Wuxin doesn't dare to criticize the blood mist policy, so he can only avoid talking about it.


Kokumi Yagura laughed heartily when he heard Wuxin's answer, and the previous mood swings and unpredictable pressure disappeared by half.

"No wonder Murayama Yuto said that you are very thoughtful at such a young age. It seems to be true.

Wuxin, we have jointly submitted a proposal to the Mizukage to cancel the killing of students in the Ninja School. The Mizukage did not refuse the proposal as in the past.

This time, there are too many jonin who signed the proposal, and the Mizukage has to consider it carefully.

I believe that with our efforts, this policy of killing each other will soon be abolished.

The terror and blood mist of the village will eventually dissipate, and the Hidden Mist Village will become a paradise in the Land of Water."

Kurotachibana Yagura jumped off the fence, turned around and held the fence with one hand, raised his right hand and slowly moved it as if inviting a guest to see his home.

"We can see most of the scenery of the village from where we are standing. Look, the clouds and mists in the village never dissipate all year round, and they are as beautiful as fairyland.

These beautiful clouds and mists protect the village from the outside world.

And why do we who live here want to kill each other? Why do we want to dye these clouds and mists red with the blood of our companions?"

Kokumi Yagura's eyes were full of longing, and he looked like he was pointing out the world. After two rhetorical questions, he paused for a moment and then said:

"Fortunately, the era of blood mist is finally coming to an end, and the Hidden Mist Village is about to be reborn!"

Wuxin stared at the eyes full of longingThe look of Yagura Karatachi.

The Karatachi clan, a large clan in the Hidden Mist Village, actively integrated into the village after joining the Hidden Mist Village. The descendants all joined the ninja school. The clan gradually declined and completely integrated into the village.

Yagura Karatachi had excellent personal abilities and was favored by the Third Mizukage. He served as the class leader, a position similar to the crown prince. It can be seen that the Third Mizukage did not want to kill all the ninjas. Everything he did was to subdue these ninjas, strengthen the village, and stabilize the Water Kingdom.

However, the blood mist policy's killing and the so-called elite training have indeed cultivated powerful ninjas, but they are also really consuming the potential of the village.

The senior ninja Yagura Karatachi became a pioneer in advocating the abolition of the blood mist policy. The Karatachi clan has been completely integrated into the village. Whether it is the civilian ninjas or the clan ninjas in the village, they all respect this man named Yagura Karatachi.

Wuxin was influenced by Yagura Karuji and whispered:

"Yes, the blood mist killing is too backward...

Although any system has its reasons for existence, this should not be a reason to deprive those innocent young ninjas of their lives..."

Wuxin thought of his classmates. The three years in the ninja school were generally happy for Wuxin, except for the knife in the final graduation exam.

After the graduation exam, because of the massacre of the 45th class, Wuxin had almost no classmates and teammates in the village. Only one murderer, Zabuza Momochi, who seemed to have joined the Anbu, was left.

Zabuza Momochi, the executioner who caused the tragedy, had no sense of bond with Wuxin.

Since Zabuza Momochi was in a similarly miserable situation, Wuxin gave up the desire to kill him.

"Yes, those who lag behind should be eliminated. The village will soon undergo a transformation, and the future construction of the village will require the participation of excellent ninjas like you.

I believe that your talent will grow into a ninja that is more important and powerful than the Seven Ninja Swordsmen and Jinchūriki, and become one of the most important cornerstones of peace and stability in the village.

Now, I am committed to promoting the change of this country and turning the blood mist into a paradise.

In the future, I hope that the person who firmly believes in this belief will be you.

The belief that the blood mist will become a paradise will be passed down from generation to generation, and the change of this country will also start with us!"

Kurotachi Yagura's eyes were burning, as if he had seen the end of the blood mist policy.

"If it is as peaceful and beautiful as you said, then I will definitely do as you wish."

Wuxin was infected by Kurotachi Yagura's belief and admired this mist-shrouded village. The clear sunlight shone on the mist, making the mist colorful, just like a rainbow hiding in the mist.

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