Although Kaguya Takema is Wuxin's secret mission target, they have been together for this period of time.

Kaguya Takema's responsibility and friendly personality, cold on the outside but warm on the inside, make Wuxin feel a little strange.

The focus of the mind-reading technique before was to confirm the identities of these Sand Ninjas. This time, the focus of the mind-reading technique is pharmacology.

Wuxin quickly searched the memory of the corpse like watching the video, and finally confirmed a formula that looked like an antidote. This formula was prepared by the Sand Ninja many times. At the same time, he also understood what the poison in Kaguya Takema was like.

"There is no material, too late..."

Wuxin, who understood the toxicity and pharmacology, quickly made a judgment.

The poison used by Sand Ninja is called the Three Absolute Poison. It is a toxin extracted from three highly toxic creatures and mixed with some herbs.

The first four hours before poisoning is the first stage, and the body will have some subtle reactions, which can be cured with antidotes.

Four to eight hours is the second stage, and the whole body will be hot and itchy skin, which is the last time to use medicine to detoxify.

Eight to twelve hours is the third stage, the condition is coma, the skin will turn black, at this stage, you can't live more than four hours, even if you take the antidote, the survival rate of detoxification is only one in ten.

In other words, this poison will definitely kill people within twelve hours.

And this poison has a characteristic, the more the poisoned person uses chakra, the faster the poison will take effect. According to the memory of this Sand Ninja before his death, Kaguya Takema's whole body was itchy and he used chakra to fight, trying hard to resist, and he was not far from death.

Wuxin carefully checked his memory, which took a long time. His chakra was almost exhausted, and his face was tired with visible fatigue. The sky also darkened, and night slowly fell.

The two Genin sent by Wuxin to find the body of the yellow-clothed man who was killed before also returned here.

"Captain Wuxin, I didn't find the antidote."

"I didn't find it either..."

The two reported to Wuxin, looking at the past a little at a loss.

Wuxin glanced at the two of them, then at Mihara Eri, whose face was covered in tears, and said in a deep voice:

"Carry Captain Kaguya Takema on your back and go meet up with the caravan first..."

"Yes!" X2

When Wuxin and his companions were fighting, the caravan members ran away in a mess. When they were found by Wuxin and his companions, a group of people were hiding behind a rock.

The caravan gathered their carriages and horses, and did not dare to stay in the territory of the Wind Country, and hurried on under the stars.

After two hours of traveling, everyone was tired, and the night vision was poor. The caravan set up camp in a flat area on a hill.

Wuxin breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the team was temporarily safe, and walked towards the carriage carrying Kaguya Takema.

In the carriage, Kaguya Takema was lying on a wooden board, her skin was black, she was barely breathing, and a towel was applied to her forehead. Next to her was Mihara Eri, who had been guarding Kaguya Takema.

"Captain Takema hasn't woken up yet..."

Wuxin got into the carriage and saw Kaguya Takema's dark face, and couldn't help feeling a little sad.

This shouldn't be the emotion that a Kirigakure ninja should have. Wuxin's heart was very complicated. Although he was not good at speaking, he actually had a lot of good feelings for this Kaguya clan ninja who was cold on the outside but warm on the inside.

"No... Vice Captain, will Takema wake up..."

Mihara Eri wiped her face, and there were no traces of tears. While talking, she took off the towel on Kaguya Takema's forehead, rinsed it in a basin of water next to her, wrung it out, and applied it to Kaguya Takema's forehead again.

Wuxin didn't know how to answer Mihara Eri. He opened his mouth, but still didn't say anything, and remained silent.

This poison requires thirteen kinds of herbs, plus the three poisons of desert lizard, desert scorpion, and desert snake. The poison may be easy to catch, but the herbs cannot be collected or purchased in this wilderness.

In the early stage of poisoning, if you understand the characteristics of the poison and rush to other oasis cities in the Wind Country to purchase it, there may be hope. In the final four hours, time is not enough.

"Takema... powerful, gentle, looks cold and unkind, but is actually very easy to talk to, especially considerate of others..."

Mihara Eri may have understood Wuxin's silence, and an abnormal smile appeared on her face, gently wiping Kaguya Takema's cheek with a towel.

"I believe that Lord Kaguya Takema will definitely get through this difficult time.

He told me that he wanted his family and the village to live in peace and merge into one.

His ideal has not yet been achieved, and he will not give up so easily.

Because he is a man who keeps his promises."

Mihara Eri's eyes were full of tenderness, and she gently talked about the past between her and Kaguya Takema.

"Cough cough...Puff!"

Kaguya Takema suddenly opened her eyes and woke up, coughing violently, and went upHalf of his body stood up, violently spitting out a mouthful of black blood, and then fell down with a bang, his eyes open, but lifeless.

Seeing this sudden scene, Wuxin immediately stepped forward, stretched out his finger in front of Kaguya Takema's nose, and slowly withdrew his hand after a few seconds.

Wuxin took a deep breath, stretched out his hand to touch Kaguya Takema's face, and helped him close his eyes.

"Take Kaguya Takema back to your hometown..."

Wuxin finished speaking and turned to leave the carriage.

At night, a woman's heartbreaking scream suddenly sounded in the camp, revealing deep sadness and despair.


In the tent, Wuxin sat on his bed and took out a scroll from his ninja bag.

He bit his fingertips and smeared Kaguya Takema's name on the scroll with the blood from his fingertips.

On the scroll, above the name is a headshot, below the name is the information of the person, including the ninjutsu he is good at and his clan. Wuxin looked at the description of Kaguya Takema on the scroll, and his eyes flashed with inexplicable colors.

"Personality: cunning, cruel, violent, advocating power, extremely selfish, suspected of killing village ninja so-and-so; good at ninjutsu: Taijutsu..."

Wuxin finished reading the description of Kaguya Takema on the scroll, and after recalling the history of his brief contact with Kaguya Takema, he felt puzzled by the description of the scroll.

If he is really such a person as described in the scroll, he should not be supported by his three subordinates. This is a Genin of the Hidden Mist Village. Kaguya Takema was promoted at the same time as himself a few months ago, and their team was not established for a long time.

After a day of non-stop work, plus the battle in the afternoon, Wuxin was very tired and slowly closed the scroll.

"What kind of world is this..."

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