Wuxin's business team did not encounter any more attacks on the road, and arrived safely in the capital of the Kingdom of Wind in the evening a week later.

In the city, in the room of the Rukawa Hotel, Wuxin led the team to report the observations and judgments of the Kingdom of Wind to the action commander, Yuto Murayama.

"The above is what we have seen and analyzed."

After Wuxin reported to Yuto Murayama who was sitting on the tatami in the room, he made a final summary.

At the same time, he glanced at Yuto Murayama's right arm. There was a bandage wrapped around Yuto Murayama's right arm, showing the traces of injury and bandage.

When Yuto Murayama communicated with Wuxin, he asked very carefully. After listening to Wuxin's summary, he nodded slightly and said:

"Okay, you have worked hard.

As your temporary leader, I... invite you to take a hot spring bath.

The hot springs in the Kingdom of Wind have a different charm compared to those in our hometown."

At the end of his speech, Yuto Murayama showed a lazy smile on his face.


Wuxin was surprised. The mission was not over yet. This was too much in line with Murayama Yuto's usual style.

Although he did not witness the battle between the Wind and Fire armies during this mission, Wuxin had a deep understanding of the large number of ninjas gathered in Fierce Wind City and the strict inspection. After leaving the Kingdom of Wind, he was relieved.

However, Murayama Yuto invited him to take a hot spring bath, which instantly relaxed Wuxin's remaining vigilance.

"Yes!" X2

The other two Genin from the former Kaguya Takema team agreed happily. They were very happy to be able to get closer to the village's Jonin.

"That... I won't go. I want to rest alone for a while."

Mihara Eri politely refused, with a hint of apology on her face.

After a week, the sadness dissipated, and Mihara Eri's original liveliness completely disappeared, becoming quiet and indifferent.

"Rest at ease and adjust well."

Murayama Yuto spoke softly, without any intention of forcing.


Eri Mihara responded softly, got up and left the room.

Murayama Yuto watched Eri Mihara leave, turned his eyes to the three people sitting upright below, and said softly:

"No one can avoid the fate of a ninja. The border situation of the Wind Country can also reflect the border situation of the Fire Country.

When Maruoka Tsuneka's team comes back, if everything is normal, the time for our mission to end will not be far away.

Let's go and have a good rest."

After saying this, Murayama Yuto got up and walked towards the door. At the same time, he seemed to notice the restraint of the two Genin, and added:

"Don't feel restrained. Ninjas who don't understand the importance of rest are not good ninjas. This is the valuable experience of senior Jonin."

Everyone left the hotel and went to the hot spring shop.

The night is especially suitable for hot springs. After soaking in the hot springs, Wuxin and others' skin, which was destroyed by the dry desert climate in the Wind Country, seemed to have returned to its previous tender state, and they felt extremely relaxed and comfortable.

In the hotel room, Wuxin, who had just finished bathing, sat on the tatami in a loose bathrobe, with three scrolls at his feet. After being treated by Murayama Yuto out of his own pocket, Wuxin felt much more relaxed.

Wuxin picked up the scroll and studied the ninjutsu that the three generations of Mizukage had given to Wuxin before he set out to improve his strength.

Wuxin had already mastered the B-level illusion, the water drowning technique, and the other A-level ninjutsu, the water tornado technique, was a little difficult for Wuxin at the moment.

In Wuxin's practice, he felt that it might be because of his chakra problem, and the water tornado technique he performed could not reach the power described in the scroll.

It might be because he did not even meet the minimum chakra requirements for the water tornado technique, resulting in insufficient power.

"The Water Tornado Technique summons water that rises up like a tornado. Then control the water to spread like a waterfall and attack the opponent downwards, eventually forming a large river. All attacks and defenses are controlled by the caster.

I cast it and barely achieved the tornado-like rising water, but the subsequent power is hard to describe..."

Wuxin held the scroll and pondered. This ninjutsu is the one that Wuxin has spent the longest time learning since he started learning ninjutsu.

Although it can be cast and control the water flow to rotate around the body, this effect is consistent with the direction of the water array wall that Wuxin has improved and strengthened. The subsequent river impact and waterfall smashing are weak and cannot reach the power described in the scroll.

However, this ninjutsu has some inspiration for Wuxin to strengthen the water array wall. The water flow rotates around the perimeter. The original water array wall is just a water wall.

Wuxin has been studying the water array wall for more than half a year and can erect water walls in three directions at the same time. However, compared with the effect of rotation, the three-year water wall consumes more chakra and is not as strong as the rotation defense.

Waterspout technique,The initial state of ninjutsu is that the water flow rotates around the body, and then the water flow rotates, getting higher and higher, and finally the water tornado rises to a certain height, bends forward and smashes forward, while the water flow below rushes forward, and the upper and lower attacks together, taking the enemy away with one move.

"Using some ideas of this ninjutsu, mixed with the water array wall, maybe I can achieve what I expected, manipulating the water array wall to surround the body, making the defense impeccable."

Wuxin has studied ninjutsu for a long time and has some insights. The scene is not suitable for ninjutsu practice. Wuxin went over the ideas in his mind several times and memorized them, then closed the scroll and put it away, and picked up another scroll at his feet.

The mission scroll, the names of Mai Kizuna and Kaguya Takema were smeared with blood, and there were two mission targets left.

Murayama Yuto Wuxin couldn't do it anyway. In view of Kaguya Takema before, the black material about Murayama Yuto on this scroll, Wuxin at this moment understood that it was probably also false.

Wuxin carefully looked at the information of the senior ninja Xuelan.

Xue Lan: Male, 13 years old, a ninja of the Snow Clan, cruel and good at disguise. He especially likes to kill innocent people. When he was 11 years old, he killed 17 innocent villagers in a certain village, and when he was 12 years old, he killed someone in the same team.

Good at ninjutsu: Water clone technique, assassination technique, fog hiding technique... and other ninjutsu.

Good at physical skills: Able to skillfully use the acupuncture points of the Snow Clan.

Conclusion: A dangerous senior ninja who likes to use a thousand books to block the enemy's acupuncture points to subdue the enemy, and then cut off the enemy's hands and feet.

"It's quite cruel... But is this scroll credible?"

Wuxin slowly closed the scroll, and his mind was turning.

The description of Mai Kizuna in the scroll is basically consistent, but it just slightly exaggerates some shortcomings, but it is not fabricated.

After Wuxin's contact with the description of Kaguya Takema, the information about him can basically be judged as forced and completely inconsistent.

In the brief contact time when Wuxin and his companions set out from the Land of Water, this ninja from the Snow Clan could only be described as looking very cold and a bit unapproachable.

But there was one thing about Xue Lan that particularly impressed Wuxin. When the team set out from the Hidden Mist Village, the merchant attendants caught a rabbit. The merchant attendants were originally preparing to add a meal, but were ordered by Xue Lan to release the rabbit.

A person who couldn't even bear to kill a rabbit was really different from the description in the information.

After what happened to Kaguya Takema, Wuxin had great doubts about the authenticity of the information on the scroll.

"I heard that the village has a very heavy punishment for mission failure. Let's wait until their team can survive and come here..."

Wuxin stood up and put the scroll into his ninja tool backpack, waiting for Maruoka Tsune and the Chunin team who went to the Land of Fire to return.

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