In early April, everything has revived, the biting cold wind of winter has completely dissipated, and the weather is gradually getting warmer.

In the spring-filled capital of the country of Chuanzhi, there are more pedestrians and citizens on the streets, and it is full of vitality.

On the streets of Chuanzhi, a circus from an unknown country set up stalls and performed, attracting the attention of passers-by.

There were many onlookers, and Wuxin was among them. Looking at the crowded crowd, Wuxin lost the idea of ​​squeezing in.

There are few entertainment projects in this world. The circus aroused Wuxin's curiosity. Wuxin jumped to the eaves of a two-story house not far away and watched the circus performance from a high vantage point.

In the circus, clowns performed magic tricks, and animal trainers controlled tigers, lions and other beasts to bow to the crowd, or pass through the fire ring. It was very exciting, attracting cheers from the onlookers.

"Interesting performance. Learn ninjutsu and watch the show. This is what we young people should do..."

Wu Xin, who was sitting on the house, watched with great interest, only felt that he was missing some melon seeds and peanuts in his hand.

On the periphery of the circus, the tall Murayama Yuto stood with his hands on his chest. Even standing on the periphery, it did not affect his vision at all. He looked aloof, but his eyes were fixed.


A loud eagle howl came from the sky, and a falcon swooped down from the sky and pounced on the crowded crowd gathered in the circus.

The circus performance was so hot that people did not realize the falcon in the sky. Murayama Yuto disappeared on the spot and appeared on the roof of the three-story building next to him, with his left hand raised.


The falcon howled again and pounced on Murayama Yuto, but it just flapped its wings and slowed down, and finally landed steadily on Murayama Yuto's raised left hand.

Murayama Yuto pulled out a piece of paper from the small bamboo tube at the base of the falcon's claws, and then raised his left hand to release the shinobi hawk.

Murayama Yuto held the paper in both hands and read it carefully. At the beginning, his face showed surprise. The further he read, the worse his face became, and at the end, his face turned ashen.

Murayama Yuto took a deep breath and slowly folded the paper and put it away.

Wuxin and Murayama Yuto were not far apart. Wuxin, who had excellent eyesight, noticed Murayama Yuto's face and thought to himself:

"Shinobi hawk, instructions from the village?

Teacher Yuto's face looked a little bad. What kind of task would it be...?"

Wuxin's first guess was that Murayama Yuto had received a new task from the village.

Murayama Yuto turned his head to look at Wuxin, waved to Wuxin, then jumped on the roof of the house, and left here in a few flashes.

Wuxin saw Yuto Murayama's waving gesture and lost the mood to watch the circus performance. He stood up and caught up with Yuto Murayama.

The two shuttled through the city and came to a tall water tower. They ran and climbed up the water tower horizontally.

This kind of water tower building is difficult for ordinary people to climb, but for ninjas who can fly over eaves and walls, it is not difficult to climb to the top.

"Secret mission?"

Wuxin guessed that Yuto Murayama did not discuss with everyone in the hotel where he stayed as usual, which meant that the mission he just received might be a little special.

Swish! Swish!

Yuto Murayama and Wuxin climbed to the top floor platform of the water tower. This water tower is one of the tallest buildings in the capital of the country of Kawano. There is a platform on the top floor, which is quite spacious.

Yuto Murayama stopped at the edge of the platform, facing the periphery, with a solemn face and deep eyes, as if he was looking into the distance, and seemed to be in deep thought.

Wuxin stood beside Yuto Murayama and looked up at Yuto Murayama. He didn't quite understand why the lazy Yuto Murayama suddenly returned to a serious look. According to Wuxin's understanding of Yuto Murayama, it was likely that a new high-level mission had been opened.

"Kaguya Takema was killed by the poison of the Sand Ninja disguised as a desert bandit, right?"

After a long time, Yuto Murayama said something that made Wuxin feel a little inexplicable. He didn't look at Wuxin when he spoke, as if he was talking to himself, or asking Wuxin.

"Yes! I used the mind-reading technique to explore the memory of the Sand Ninja and found information about the poison. The name of the poison is Sanjue Poison... It is a very tricky poison.

Although Eri Mihara and I have mastered some medical ninjutsu, we can't remove Kaguya Takema's poison. There is no time to prepare the antidote."

This situation was reported by Wuxin on the first day he returned to the Kingdom of Rivers. Although he didn't understand why Yuto Murayama asked again, Wuxin answered truthfully. At the end, he sighed and looked down at the city below, as if recalling something.

"Kaguya Takema was poisoned...

Then, how did Mai Kizuna die?"

Murayama Yuto's eyes were somewhat deep.Sui, still looking into the distance, did not look at Wuxin, as if asking, or talking to himself.

Wuxin suddenly turned his head and looked at Murayama Yuto, not quite understanding what Murayama Yuto was asking, and he was alert in his heart, and said in a deep voice:

"When we arrived at the South Port of Kawanokuni and headed for the capital of Kawanokuni, Mai Kitano disappeared on the road.

There are many Konoha ninjas and Sand Village ninjas in the capital. We have been here for several months and have witnessed several conflicts between the two sides.

I think Mai Kitano's disappearance should be related to Sand Village or Konoha, but the body has not been found and cannot be verified..."

Wuxin slowly recounted Mai Kitano's situation, and at the same time provided his own analysis and conjecture.


Murayama Yuto suddenly laughed, starting with a light laugh, and soon turned into a hearty laugh.

After a moment, Murayama Yuto seemed tired of laughing, and said with a smile:

"So, next, your next target, me or Xue Lan?"


Wuxin jumped immediately after hearing this, and distanced himself from Murayama Yuto.

The water tower was very tall, and the rooftop platform was quite wide, about the size of half a basketball court. Wuxin stood in the center of the platform, looking at Murayama Yuto who was standing on the edge of the platform and slowly turning around.

"This is a secret mission assigned by the Third Mizukage, and it must not be leaked..."

Wuxin narrowed his eyes slightly, and his mind turned quickly. Murayama Yuto's words, even his name, all indicated that he knew Wuxin's secret exclusive mission, which made Wuxin feel a little incredible.

The secret mission information of the Mizukage could be leaked, first of all, it was ruled out that his mission scroll was secretly read by others, because Murayama Yuto was still normal before he left the hotel in the morning.

Murayama Yuto's accident happened after he received the message from the telegraph ninja eagle.

The two sides stood in silence for a long time. Wuxin said solemnly:

"Has my mission been leaked, Mr. Yongren?

I have decided to take the punishment for mission failure, and I have never thought of assassinating you."

Wuxin revealed the truth. At this point, there was no point in pretending and denying. His exclusive mission must have been leaked.

Murayama Yongren's expressionless face made Wuxin feel a little pressured. Most of his ninjutsu were taught by Murayama Yongren.

Although he was proud of being better than his teacher, when facing such a senior veteran ninja, Wuxin's first thought was how to escape.

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