On the podium, medical jonin Arita Nobu was preparing the exam materials, and trainee medical ninjas who were going to take the medical ninjutsu exam also came to the classroom one after another.

The training room had more than 30 tables and chairs, and soon they were all full.

Wuxin looked around at the students around him. This time, the exam was jointly conducted by students who were in charge of other jonins, and it seemed that there were also many new people, including Mihara Eri, who was Wuxin's subordinate during his previous mission.

Mihara Eri was wearing a white coat, noticed Wuxin, smiled at Wuxin, and then quietly walked to the desk and sat down.

Wuxin smiled back, which was considered a greeting.

"I haven't seen you for a while, Mihara Eri... seems to have changed a lot."

Wuxin noticed that Mihara Eri seemed to have grown a lot taller. She was still a little girl a year ago, but now she has grown into a pretty beauty.

It can only be said that at the age of development, if you don't see someone for a while, they may have changed a lot.

After all the candidates arrived, Arita Nobu looked up at the examination room, scanned the room, and then looked at the clock hanging at the back of the training room, and said in a deep voice:

"Everyone is here, very good."

After Arita Nobu stood up, holding a stack of test papers in his hand, and distributed them one by one in the front row of tables and chairs, and said:

"Pass the test papers to the students behind."

The test papers were passed around, Wuxin took the test paper, left his own, passed it to the back, and then looked at the test paper.

Looking at it, it was very familiar, all of which were the content of the previous lecture, and some of the content of the previous textbooks, all of which were some knowledge that he had already mastered.

Arita Nobu looked around the tables and chairs in the training room, and after seeing that all the candidates had received the test papers, he said loudly:

"This exam is divided into two parts.

The first part is the exam on the content of the textbook.

The second part is the practical operation of medical ninjutsu.

This exam is related to your future career. I hope you will work hard instead of avoiding certain things in the Hidden Mist Hospital.

Okay, this exam will take 100 minutes. Now that everyone has received the test papers, let the exam begin!"

Wuxin was checking the test paper. When he heard the words, he looked up at Arita Nobu. The so-called avoiding certain things generally meant that ninjas avoided certain dangerous tasks, but this was definitely not said to Wuxin. Wuxin replied softly:

"Yes!" X35

All the candidates also agreed at the same time, and then took out their pencils and wrote furiously.

The questions on the test paper were mostly about what characteristics of a certain herb, what characteristics of a certain herb, and what herbs can be neutralized with.

Or how many meridians are there in the human body, and where are the most densely populated meridians in the human body. Or in a four-person team mission, a teammate is seriously injured and bleeding, how should the medical ninja deal with it.

For Wuxin, there is no pressure, and he fills in the answers quickly.

Examiner Arita Nobu walked around in the training room, monitoring to prevent cheating, and stopped here and there from time to time. He walked to Mihara Eri, looked at Mihara Eri's answer, and commented:

"Well, not bad."

Wuxin turned his head and took a look after hearing the voice, then lowered his head and continued to write.

Time passed slowly, and Wuxin didn't use half of the 100-minute exam time, and he had finished answering the questions.

Wuxin, who came to the Kirigakure Hospital to practice medical ninjutsu, was unparalleled in his dedication to medical ninjutsu.

At the same time, Wuxin had experienced many S-level missions and had his own opinions on the emergency response of medical ninjas in missions. In short, this kind of test question was too simple for Wuxin.

After Wuxin finished writing, he picked up the test paper, stood up, walked to the podium, put the test paper on the table, and said softly:

"Teacher, hand in the paper."

"Okay, sit in your seat and wait for the second round."

Arita Nobu was standing next to a candidate, observing the candidate answering questions. Hearing Wuxin's voice, he looked up, replied, and continued to watch the candidate answer questions.

Wuxin walked back to his seat slowly and observed the other candidates. Most of them were writing furiously. Only a few of them sat quietly, frowning, looking like they were thinking about the answer. There was even one person shaking his pen in the corner.

"Medical ninjas are protected by their teammates and provide medical support and logistics for their teammates. If the medical ninjutsu is not sophisticated enough, they will be protected and unable to play a rescue role.

Then the party with such a burden will definitely be at a disadvantage in the ninja confrontation."

Wuxin observed the abnormal conditions of several people, and after returning to his seat, he thought about it secretly.

At the same time, he also understood which students Arita Nobuyuki was talking to when he announced the start of the exam.

Even in the cruel ninja training system of the Hidden Mist Village, there are some opportunistic graduates., after completing some tasks and becoming a senior ninja, apply to join the Kirigakure Hospital or other Kirigakure departments, and look forward to a stable life.

Time passed slowly, and while Wuxin closed his eyes to rest, the exam was over, and Arita Nobu collected all the test papers of the candidates.

Arita Nobu stood on the podium, and did not mark the papers on the spot, and said loudly:

"Okay, the first part of the exam is over, and the second part begins."

After Arita Nobu finished speaking, he walked down from the podium with a small bag, walked to the middle of the long table behind the training room, and took off the cloth wrapped in the box on the long table, revealing the contents of the big box.

A cage with a few snow rabbits in it.

The originally quiet snow rabbits squeaked when they saw the light.

"Okay, students, turn around.

The second part of the exam is about detoxification and first aid. Here are six rabbits, and I will inject them with toxins.

You are required to use the technique of extracting the toxins from their bodies within five minutes and put them in this bottle.

If the toxins cannot be extracted within five minutes, it will be considered a failure.

Next, I will call on each of you to come up and practice medical ninjutsu."

Arita Nobu loudly announced the content of the second part of the exam, and then took out some bottles and jars and several syringes from his small bag.

Wuxin looked at the medical ninja Arita Nobu, who put the needle on the syringe, drew out a small half tube of black liquid from a small bottle, grabbed a snow rabbit with one hand, and pushed the toxins into it with a syringe.

Many female trainee medical ninjas frowned slightly when they saw this scene, as if they felt sorry for it.

"This toxin, a dose of 15 milliliters, will damage the brain nerves of a snow rabbit within an hour, causing sudden death.

Once the toxin is injected, it will merge with the blood and become deeply rooted. Normally, it needs to be extracted three times in a row with the fine extraction technique to be completely removed.

Your test only requires extraction once. Wrap the toxin with chakra and place it in this bottle."

Arita Nobuyuki explained in detail, picked up the bottle of venom and shook it to indicate, then smiled and said:

"Next, we will start calling the roll, Samejima Katsuya."


In the corner, the candidate who had been chewing the pen tip, who had been noticed by accident before, responded with a lack of confidence.

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