
In the corner, the candidate who had been chewing on the tip of his pen, who Wuxin had noticed before, promised with a lack of confidence.

Arita Nobu's toxin seemed to have a sedative effect. The snow rabbit injected with the toxin opened its eyes and lay motionless on the table.

The student named Samejima Katsuya stood in front of the snow rabbit, took a deep breath, slowly formed seals with both hands, and after nine seals, pressed his right hand on the rabbit.

Wuxin watched this scene quietly. Wuxin, who was good at perception, could sense that the chakra control in his hand was not fine enough.

The technique of extracting fine diseases, a high-level medical ninjutsu, can not only be used to remove toxins, but also to replace organs. It is a technique with a clear practice method and requires continuous practice and experimentation.

Wuxin, who has mastered the technique of extracting fine diseases and is very familiar with this technique, judged in a few seconds that Samejima Katsuya could not extract the toxins in the snow rabbit.

Time passed slowly, Arita Nobu held a stopwatch in his hand, and looked at the student who performed medical ninjutsu from time to time, and his face was a little gloomy.

"Time is up. You, you didn't even extract a trace of poison.

Six months of training, it's so unbearable!"

Arita Nobu's face was gloomy, his words were cold, and after a slight pause, he continued:

"Katsuya Samejima, if possible, you should consider working in other departments."


Katsuya Samejima opened his mouth, wanting to explain, and finally turned it into a "yes", and walked down with his head down.

Among the candidates below, seeing this scene, many people covered their mouths and laughed.

"You can leave after the second part of the assessment.

Second place, Eri Mihara."

Arita Nobu added a sentence about the exam rules, and then pointed out the name of the second candidate.

Eri Mihara stood up from the desk, with black curly hair, youthful and beautiful, attracting the attention of many trainee medical ninjas.

Eri Mihara walked to the center of the long table, looked at the white snow rabbit, fell into silence, without any movement, and seemed to be in a daze.

Arita Nobuyuki frowned slightly and was about to urge her, but Eri Mihara made seals with both hands and started to move.

Eri Mihara only made six seals, with her left hand maintaining the seal of the unknown, and her right hand pressing on the snow rabbit.

Arita Nobuyuki was speechless. This was still the apprenticeship period, and she had simplified the seal of the fine disease extraction technique. He was a little overwhelmed by her audacity. He was about to criticize her, but saw Eri Mihara slowly raise her right hand.

As Eri Mihara raised her right hand, white smoke and water vapor appeared on the snow rabbit, and the weak water vapor condensed into black water droplets under Eri Mihara's palm.

As Eri Mihara controlled it, the water droplets absorbed the white smoke and turned into a walnut-sized water ball. The snow rabbit no longer emitted white smoke, and it jumped forward a little lively.

Eri Mihara controlled the toxin and put it into the bottle very smoothly.

Arita Nobu widened his eyes, looked at the gradually shrinking toxin ball dripping into the bottle in Mihara Eri's palm, looked at Mihara Eri's face, and then seemed to think of something, picked up the pocket watch to check the time.

"One minute and twenty-one seconds, genius."

As Mihara Eri's toxin was extracted, Arita Nobu recorded the time, and this thought flashed through his mind.

Then he picked up the pen, wrote an S after Mihara Eri's name in the rating column on the list, and said loudly:


"Thank you..."

Mihara Eri had mist in her eyes, smiled at the examiner Arita Nobu, thanked her softly, and turned away.

Wuxin watched this scene, noticed the mist in Mihara Eri's eyes, and knew why she was sad. The person she admired died because of poisoning and lack of medical conditions.

It took more than a minute to extract the toxin. As Wuxin, who has also mastered this technique for a long time, is very clear about the difficulty.

"This technique... Eri Mihara, it's been more than a year, haven't you forgotten that mission..."

Wuxin was distracted for a moment.

"Teacher, who's next?"

Not only Wuxin was distracted, Arita Nobuyuki was also a little stunned. After hearing the question from the examinee, he reacted, picked up the list and looked at it, and said loudly:

"Next, Inamura Nobuyuki."

The examinee who heard the name was called stood up and walked to the long table.

In the remaining assessments, no one was as outstanding as Eri Mihara. Most of them pulled out the toxin in about five minutes, which was in line with the normal test situation. Arita Nobuyuki's test purpose was to let them master this technique, standardize and spur them.

There were fewer and fewer people in the training room, and in the end only Wuxin was left.

Wuxin watched the examinees perform the technique of extracting fine diseases for a long time, and he really didn't expect that he would be the last one.

After this test, most of them met Arita Nobuyuki's requirements. Only a few people were in the same situation as Samejima Katsuya before, and the toxin could not be extracted.They were so neat that they couldn't even extract any toxins. They were scolded by Arita Shin and advised to give up being medical ninjas.



Wuxin, who was called, replied and walked quickly to the long table.

Without waiting for Arita Shin to speak, Wuxin made five seals with both hands, ending with the seal of no return. He maintained the seal with his left hand and put his right hand down on the rabbit. After a few seconds, Wuxin slowly raised his right hand.

As Wuxin raised his right hand, there was also a thin white smoke or a vapor-like substance. The white smoke condensed into a black toxin ball under Wuxin's palm.

Wuxin's right hand moved slightly, and the fingers gradually closed. In the end, only the tip of his right index finger was raised and erected, and a black toxin ball was slowly rotating in the air above the fingertips.

Wuxin's right index finger was slightly bent, aimed at the bottle of toxins, and flicked lightly. The black toxin ball was directly shot into the bottle, performing a fancy detoxification.

Arita Nobuyuki was not surprised at all. He was used to Wuxin's genius. This was why he kept Wuxin until the end, so that Wuxin would not hurt other trainee students.

Arita Nobuyuki neatly wrote a big S behind Wuxin's name on the list to distinguish him from others.

"Just detoxify, why do you have to be so fancy.

We are medical ninjas, and it is very important to make the injured feel at ease.

What will the injured think when you are so fancy?

You are poisoned, and I am detoxifying you in such a fancy way. What do you think?"

Arita Nobuyuki's words were a bit long-winded, and he had no dignity to treat other candidates.

"I know. I'll pay attention, Mr. Xin."

Wu Xin nodded slightly, very respectfully, and then changed the subject:

"However, Mr. Xin, did you time my detoxification?

How many seconds did it take? About thirty seconds?

This rabbit's poison is too simple. Next time, make something more complicated, a compound toxin."

This toxin is indeed too simple for Wu Xin. It is not difficult at all, otherwise Wu Xin would not have done such a fancy thing.

Arita Xin glanced at the time on the pocket watch in his hand, thirty-seven seconds.

"What time is not time? The key is to detoxify the injured properly."

After checking the time, Arita Xin closed the cover of the pocket watch and did not discuss this with Wu Xin.

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