
In the courtyard of Wuxin's house, the moonlight was bright and the lights were shining.

Wuxin sat on the eaves of the house, holding a frisbee in his hand. The ninja dog Wangcai beside him was wagging his tail and sticking out his tongue, looking at the frisbee in Wuxin's hand excitedly.


Wuxin threw the frisbee into the yard, and the frisbee spun and flew horizontally in the air. Wangcai barked, turned around and chased the frisbee, caught the frisbee in the air with a beautiful volley, and ran towards Wuxin excitedly.

"You are quite capable."

Wuxin was very relaxed and took the frisbee from Wangcai's mouth with a smile.

Bang! Bang!

"Is Wuxin here!? Is Wuxin here!?"

Outside the courtyard gate, there was a hurried knock and voice.


Feeling this urgency, Wuxin was confused, but he responded loudly without hesitation, got up and jumped, quickly came to the courtyard gate and opened it.

Outside the door, Katsuya Samejima was panting with sweat all over his forehead. When he saw Wuxin, he spoke very quickly:

"Wuxin, Director Arita Nobuyuki called you to gather at the hospital. There are a large number of seriously injured patients who need emergency treatment!"

"Emergency gathering? Good!"

Wuxin was slightly stunned, and without asking any more questions, he walked out of the door and closed it.

"I still have to notify others, you go quickly! Teacher Arita Nobuyuki emphasized that you must go!"

Katsuya Samejima was panting a little. Seeing that Wuxin was moving slowly, he explained, then turned around and jumped away.

Wuxin glanced at the direction where Katsuya Samejima left, turned around and rushed towards the direction of Kirigakure Hospital.

This Katsuya Samejima was very thick-skinned. Arita Nobuyuki suggested that he should not be a medical ninja, but he refused to leave. Arita Nobuyuki was going to fire him directly, but he suddenly sent him to deliver the message, which made Wuxin a little confused.

"Speaking of which, in the past half month, the number of injured people in Kirigakure Hospital has increased day by day. What happened..."

Wu Xin rushed all the way. Recently, the number of injured people in Kirigakure Hospital has increased, which is what Wu Xin noticed.

This shows that Kirigakure ninjas are carrying out a large number of confrontational tasks between ninjas. B-level tasks are performed by Chunin level, and those above are led by Jonin level.

Most of the tasks below B level will not involve ninjas. Even if there are, they are mostly confrontations between Genin. Genin level, generally there will be no casualties, even if there are, it is a minority.

Wu Xin traveled very fast and soon arrived at Kirigakure Hospital. He went straight to his work place, the fifth floor of the inpatient department. Wu Xin walked out of the elevator and walked quickly towards the medical room, ready to put on a white coat.

Wuxin had just taken two steps when a nurse stopped him and said in a hurry:

"Doctor Wuxin, you are here! Master Fujishima Yuta told you to go directly to the emergency room of the outpatient department when you arrive!"


Wuxin replied, feeling the tension in the atmosphere, and walked quickly to the medical room, put on his white coat, and jumped down from the window on the fifth floor without taking the elevator. He jumped to the outpatient building in a few jumps.

In the outpatient building, the lights were shining, and there were many injured people, some of whom were even leaning against the wall and could not wait for treatment.

Wuxin, who had been in the Kirigakure Hospital for more than nine months, was familiar with the terrain. He ignored the environment, turned a few corners, and walked directly from the emergency room doctor's passage to the emergency room doctor's office.

In the emergency room office, Arita Nobu and another medical ninja were lying on chairs, their heads full of sweat, their eyes closed, and seemed to be resting.

"Teacher Nobu."

Wuxin greeted softly.

Arita Nobu opened his eyes after hearing the voice. After seeing Wuxin, he seemed a little excited and said in a hurry:

"You are here, hurry up, the injured person in bed No. 12 needs emergency treatment. The two of us have swallowed the Bingliang Pills and are waiting for the chakra to recover. You go to help him treat it!"


Wuxin said nothing and pushed the door open to enter the emergency room.

In the emergency room, the beds are divided into two rows, with fifteen beds in each row.

There are injured people lying on the beds, and there are several medical staff in white coats next to each bed, performing medical ninjutsu or changing medicines.

Wuxin walked straight to bed No. 12. The two medical staff next to the bed gave the injured an IV and injected medicine.

"I am a medical ninja, let me do it!"

Wuxin took over the work and looked at the injured person. He was wrapped in bandages all over his body, with only one right eye exposed, and the bandages were all stained red with blood, which shows how fierce their fight was at that time.


The two medical staff spoke weakly and exhaustedly. After seeing the reinforcements, they finished the acupuncture work at hand and left directly.

Wuxin walked to the hoist and took a look at the medical record.

Name: Confidential

Others: He suffered multiple serious knife wounds and kunai stabs during the mission. Although the wounds have been sutured, he has lost a lot of blood. Emergency blood and vitamin supplements may not be able to save the injured. He urgently needs medical ninjutsu to heal.


The names were kept secret, Wuxin guessed that it might be the Anbu, and didn't speculate too much.

He directly removed the bandages of the injured, first the bandage on the head, the wound had been treated by medical ninjutsu and had healed.

Wuxin started from the head and slowly removed the bandages. After the whole face of the injured was exposed, Wuxin felt that this face was familiar.

"Why does this face look familiar? No eyebrows? "

Although Wuxin was doubtful, he did not stop. He removed the bandage to the chest and shoulder. There were several horrible knife wounds, and the skin and flesh were turned outward and sutured.

Wuxin made seals with his hands. After a few seals, he placed his hands in the air a few centimeters above the wound of the injured person, and green light shone.

This kind of injury is very simple to treat with the palm fairy technique. In less than a minute, the horrible wound healed. Seeing this, Wuxin pulled the thread end and slowly pulled off the suture thread, and then continued to perform the palm fairy technique.

Another minute or so, the wound was completely healed, smooth as new, and there was no trace of injury.

Wuxin then tore off the bandage. There were five or six wounds on the chest and abdomen. Wuxin used the palm fairy technique to quickly heal them.

After a period of treatment and blood injection, the originally pale face of the injured person became visibly ruddy.

"Cough! Cough! Water..."

The injured suddenly coughed and asked for water weakly.

Wuxin ignored him and continued to heal the wounds on the injured's waist and abdomen. After the wounds were healed, he went to the doctor's office, brought him a bowl of water, adjusted the bed, raised the injured's upper body a little, and slowly fed the injured.

"This face? Zabuza?"

Wuxin served for a while, and then he found out who this person was. He had no eyebrows and hedgehog short hair.

It's been more than two years, almost three years since I last saw him. This guy is taller and stronger. Wuxin didn't recognize him at first.

Momochi Zabuza's upper body was treated. After drinking a sip of water, he slowly opened his eyes and glanced at Wuxin. His eyebrows without eyebrows wrinkled slightly, as if he was a little confused.

Suddenly, Zabuza's eyes widened suddenly.


The water that had just been drunk in his mouth suddenly sprayed out. He jumped up from the bed with a nimble figure and touched the ninja tool bag behind his waist.

"Hiss! "

Zabuza was wearing a patient's uniform, without any equipment. There was a large wound on his waist that had been sutured not long ago. When he touched it, his facial expression twitched.

"Lie down, Zabuza, I'm a medical ninja."

Wuxin looked up at Zabuza standing on the bed with a blank expression, and spoke majestically.

Zabuza narrowed his eyes slightly, looked around, and found that he was in the emergency room of the Hidden Mist Hospital, which he was quite familiar with. With doubts flashing in his eyes, he sat down slowly, but his body was tense and he remained alert.

Zabuza had made many military achievements in the Anbu over the years, and had been seriously injured and sent to the emergency room of the Hidden Mist Hospital many times. He would not make a mistake in this environment, but the person in front of him made him a little confused.

Wuxin was relieved when he saw Zabuza sitting down. Just as he was about to speak, he heard Zabuza say coldly:

"I want to change someone."

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