The idle egg pained by the grave and spent another night in his cabin.

When I woke up again, I went directly to my former friends, six years have passed, how can these guys say that they should also graduate?

Did Hatsune-chan and Miss Tsutsukihana miss miss me?!

Eh, no!

The tombside Changsheng suddenly remembered, it seemed that he had been ‘dead’ for six years.

Lying groove, Hatsune-chan and Miss Yuehua won’t already empathize and fall in love, right?

My Tina…

The tombside Changsheng immediately ran to the home in a hurry.

Halfway through, I saw a big fat man of more than two hundred pounds, slowly walking towards him with a shinobi brace.

This is, the big fat man of the Akimichi family?!

No, this is Hai Damu!

Changsheng by the tomb stopped and grabbed Hai Damu.

“Eh, brother, remember me?”

Hai Damu was originally happy today, and made an appointment with his friends to do some small tasks to catch cats and dogs, but he was suddenly pulled by a handsome guy, and he was suddenly shocked, he didn’t borrow money to buy food recently, right?

“You… Who are you? ”

Hai Damu’s small eyes narrowed slightly, ready to start running if something was wrong.

“I, the grave is immortal!”

The tomb has a black face, why doesn’t anyone know himself?

It’s just that it’s become handsome.

“Groove, immortality? Aren’t you dead again? ”

Hai Damu was shocked, looking at the tomb in disbelief, what has this guy experienced over the years, how did he look so handsome?

Remember the old days, when I was short, ugly, dark and poor.

After a few years, what a counterattack?!

“What do you call me dead again!”

The eyes of the tomb Changsheng widened, looked at Hai Damu unpleasantly, and said: “Eh, you guy actually graduated from ninja school, it’s gratifying, he only graduated this year, right?” ”

“Yes, yes, let me tell you, the exam was a three-body technique at that time, your eldest brother and I…”

As soon as Hai Damu was about to brag, the tombside Changsheng waved his hand to interrupt his words and asked:

“Well, I don’t know how you graduated, anyway, you didn’t graduate as early as me, I want to ask, what about Hatsune-chan and Miss Yuetsuka?”

“Did they empathize?”

Maybe they were too excited, they were wrong with ‘them’!


Hai Damu was stunned and said:

“How is it possible, we are all children, where does the empathy come from.”

The tomb is immortal and unbelieving.

“Is it? Have you ever been to a custom museum? ”

“Of course not!”

“Which young lady did you order?”

“Hanazawa coriander!” Hai Damu didn’t even think about it, and answered righteously.

“…”Immortal at the grave.”

“Okay, take me to find Hatsune-chan and Yugetsuka!”

“Hahaha, what a coincidence, today just happened that we have to go on a mission, walk around, immortality, come with us.”

Hai Damu was very excited to pull Changsheng by the tomb and ran all the way towards the outside of the village.

When it comes to doing tasks, the tombside Changsheng is deeply hated, and every time he performs a mission for Konoha, something will happen.

But at the thought of seeing Hatsune-chan and Yuehua, Tombside Changsheng decided to endure.



Moonlight Wind Fang has grown up now, and has become a little brother who looks broad, with a ninja knife behind him, similar to the dress of Moonlight Wind.

The mountain is more powerful, there was not much sense of existence in the past, and now it is even more without a sense of existence, it seems to live in the shadows, which is very strange.

Hinata Hatsune is more powerful, except for the height of the body, the face is not changed at all, the whole loli face, especially the ears kawaii.

As for Yuzuki Hana, she is more powerful, and now she has become the two famous royal sisters among the young ninjas of Konoha with Sunset Red.

Write a little yellow book with her… There are countless ninjas who have love letters, and just selling these pieces of paper written into love letters can feed Tongetsu.

At this time, the four people were waiting at the entrance of the village with an impatient look.

“Ah, it’s the last thing this guy from Hai Damu came again, he won’t oversleep again, right?”

“Yesterday’s marriage of Big Brother Watergate, this guy won’t be running to drink, right?”

“Hmph, it’s very likely that he went to the customs hall, this guy always likes to go to that kind of place, dead fat house!”

Several people were discussing unhappily, and then Moonlight Feng Ya looked up at the village, and at a glance, he saw Hai Damu and the tomb Changsheng pulling and pulling, and said:

“The guy is already here, but who is the guy next to him?”

“Hey, brothers and sisters, guess who this is?”

Hai Damu said with a mysterious look, he didn’t recognize the tomb at first, so he must guess these guys.

“Who? The cowherd you brought out of the Customs Hall? ”

Yamanakahara tried to make his presence stronger.

“Poof… Hahahaha…”

Hai Damu laughed and looked at the tomb Changsheng strangely.

The black line on the face of the tomb Changsheng said: “I, the tomb is immortal!” ”


Everyone was in a row.

Hinata Hatsune looked at the tomb in disbelief, followed by tears.

“Immortal Lord, is it really you?”

Sure enough, Loli just likes to cry and say!

“Do you think I’ve become particularly handsome and temperamental?

The tombside Nagasu stepped forward and rubbed Hinata Hatsune’s face and said with a smile.

“Aren’t you dead again?”

Moonlight Fengya’s words instantly made the face of the tomb Changsheng.

Why is this all this sentence?!

Just about to rush up and beat the moonlight wind teeth, Yue Yuehua ran over with an arrow and put her arm around the tomb Changsheng.

“Immortal Kun!”

Yuehua’s embrace made the tomb immortal heart shake, and sure enough, the young lady of the royal sister type was enthusiastic.

The face of Changsheng on the side of the tomb was dark, and he just wanted to stretch out his hand and put his arm around Yuehua…….


A slap slapped the face of the immortal by the tomb.

“You are a chaos, where have you been running these years? The old lady thought you were really dead! ”


This way of meeting is really violent.

Changsheng by the tomb rubbed his face, his left face was beaten by Jiu Xinnai yesterday, and his right face was beaten by Yue Yuehua today.

How miserable!

Yamanaka Plains, Hai Damu, and Moonlight Grace: “What a special envy!” ”

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