Hearing Liuyun laughing at his operation, the daimyo immediately quit.

"That's a lot, there are 300 billion, in order to kill you... The Daimyo's Mansion is about to be drained!

" Liuyun's eyes became serious: "So... You are very brave!" The

daimyo nodded: "I'm super brave, those juniors want to compete with me for the position of the daimyo, and I even gave them the ashes!"

Liuyun no longer paid attention to this rice bucket and turned his eyes to Cao Jiajun.

At this moment, Cao Liuyun was accompanied by a beautiful woman, with an outstanding appearance and a youthful face.

There are many women beside Cao Jiajun, Yingying Yanyan, and their appearance is superior.

Cao Liuyun approached with the beautiful woman and whispered to Liuyun: "There are many women in the Daimyo Mansion, all of them are wasted, so let's give them to the brothers!" Liuyun

glanced around, they were all beautiful women around 30 years old, and they were really Jian'an and Wei and Jin Dynasty.

After all, he is a cheeky person, and it is really shameful for the shadow clone to rob other people's wives so blatantly.

Liuyun scolded in a low voice: "You are my group of chakras, are you so anxious?"

Cao Liuyun immediately stopped: "Isn't the shadow clone a human? We make cattle and horses for you, you eat meat, and you don't even give us some bone broth to drink."

"Moreover, everyone is one with each other, isn't it equal to you if I'm on it?"

Liuyun was suddenly stunned, yes!

He still reminded: "You can't force them!"

Cao Liuyun nodded: "Don't worry, they are all noble ladies, pampered, and naturally understand the strong who snuggle." "

Plus we are young and vigorous, they are secretly happy in their hearts!" Seeing

that Cao Liuyun had properly arranged these innocent women, Liuyun nodded.

But suddenly he sighed in his heart.

He also wanted to be as unscrupulous as the shadow clone, but no, the women around him were all stunning.

To conquer them, you have to lay down a forest.

But it doesn't matter, as long as that happiness is passed on to me.

Tsunade walked over and asked Ruyun, "What are you going to do with the daimyo?" Liuyun

thought about it, he had cut off his head to sacrifice to the sky before, but now that he had changed his mind, he had a bad taste in his heart.

"I'll reward his head with 10 billion yuan, and if he can survive tonight, it's his life.

Tsunade looked at the daimyo with his hands folded.

She shook her head: "Whatever you want!

Whoever it is, judging from the situation in Konoha alone, the ninja world is about to change.

The other four powers will definitely react violently.

The daimyos, the nobles, they don't watch silently as ninjas threaten their status.

Although the situation was critical, Tsunade smiled instead.

Everything is cloudy, and as long as he is there, there is no worry.

Liuyun said to Tsunade: "Sister Tsunade, now that I have mastered the Land of Fire, you are the Hokage, I am the Daimyo in the secret, and we are men and women together to rule the entire ninja world."

Tsunade nodded, "It's up to you! I'll do whatever you want." Hearing

Tsunade's words, Liuyun suddenly put forward an idea: "I'm going to open a harem, and Sister Tsunade will be the master of the harem, you see-

" "Drink!"

A strange punch suddenly hammered into Liuyun's head, directly knocking Liuyun into the earth like a groundhog.

Tsunade scolded: "You little pervert, you dream, even the daimyo is monogamous, you want to open a harem, do you want to die?"

The harmony of wives and concubines in online novels is simply a lie.

Women, like men, are also possessive.

One below the clouds, one above, one on the left hand, one on the right hand.

In total, it can only carry two mouths and two balls.

What does this make the person who looks at think?

There are very few ways to eat a fritter.

You eat it in your mouth, and it's okay to have one more friend and half of it.

What if there were more

? Everyone licked it one by one, and the space was so big, wouldn't it be too crowded?

As long as a woman has a brain, it is impossible to share a man with others.

As a streamer who has been educated in the new era, I suddenly miss the system of the old era.

Even the ministers had to persuade the emperor to expand the harem and strengthen the royal family.

The arrangement for the Daimyo Mansion was very fast, and the people of the Uchiha family went down with an illusion, and they immediately honestly told the evil things they had done in their lives.

"I'm a brute, such a young girl

...", I'm also a brute, such an old woman..."

The lower limit of these nobles is simply unlimited!

As long as people can think of it, they can't think of it, they have done it.

Young girls, mothers and sons, fat people, little boys...

You're even more arrogant than a Japanese film! You're even more gay than a gay man.

Most importantly, one of the ministers loved to eat human flesh, one meal a day, and it was also a human head.

The villagers who listened were full of anger, and they were a little afraid of these noble lords before, but now they were really full of killing intent.

No one can hear these evil things and be indifferent to them, unless you are really not human.

The aristocrats divided the group of people into two kinds, one was the human and the other was the person who played with the person.


Kill them!" "Kill them!!" The

crowd was surging with emotion, as if the people's wisdom had awakened.

Tsunade's face was full of anger, and he shouted to the surrounding villagers: "Don't worry, evil will be rewarded with evil, and good will be rewarded with good, and these people will get the punishment they deserve." "

Liuyun's shadow clone is mixed with the villagers, and he is a member of the Jiangdong Water Army.

"Princess Tsunade said well, the ninja world should also have heavenly principles, and from now on, we will abandon the daimyo and follow in the footsteps of Princess Tsunade. "

Yes, the nobles are disgusting, we want to defeat them

!" "Long live Princess Tsunade, long live the four generations!" shouted

the fourth generation, and the whole village was in chaos in an instant.

"Long live the four generations!" "Long live the four generations!

!" Liuyun smiled faintly: "This is the desire of the people!" He

conjured a Hokage robe of the fourth generation and slowly draped it on Tsunade's body.

"Sister Tsunade, from now on, you will be the fourth generation!" At

the bottom of the flames in white, Tsunade at this time was heroic, full of the taste of a female general, and he wanted to enter the latter when he saw it.

He whispered: "Sister Tsunade, can you wear this dress at night?"

Tsunade scolded Liuyun lightly: "This is a work uniform, wearing a bound hand."

Ruyun laughed: "I just like to watch Sister Tsunade work, why don't we be in the Hokage Building at night..."

After all, she is still human, and Liuyun is already a wolf in human skin.

"That's it, Tsunade sister became the Hokage, and I also became the Hokage's man, which can be regarded as a fulfillment of a childhood dream. "

When I was young, like most people in the village, I shouted every day that I wanted to be the Hokage.

Tsunade glanced around, it was empty, and the whole village was once back before liberation.

She patted Liuyun on the shoulder

: "The reconstruction of the village will be handed over to you!" Liuyun nodded, and suddenly talked about a business: "As long as I rebuild the village, you will have to wear the Hokage robe at night and go to the Hokage Building with me."

Tsunade was a little helpless, and secretly pinched Liuyun's ears.

"What the hell do you think, you can't sleep in such a big bed at home, do you?

You know what? Most of the books in the Hokage are set in the Hokage Building.

The four Hokages gaze at your bravery, and the will of fire is directly filled.

Liuyun suddenly threatened, "If you don't agree to me, I'll... I'm not going to do it

!" Tsunade could only agree: "Okay, well, according to you!

Tsunade secretly looked towards a large tree in the corner, and she was relieved that the pillars and doors were not paying attention to this.

Secretly said that he and Liuyun had stayed for a long time, and his conscience had been eaten by dogs, so he wanted to be in that kind of place, under the avatars of the two grandfathers...

Tsunade hurried to get down to business.

The aristocratic lords were hung on crosses, covered in rotten egg liquid, and many people even threw durians.

The crowd was excited, and these people couldn't stay.

She said to Liuyun, "They'll be handed over to you, remember, make them regret coming to this world."

Liuyun nodded.

Although his mind is yellow, he still has to be cheeky, and he has not degenerated to that extent.

He summoned the cannon and instructed him: "Leave it to you Dongchang, make sure they want to die!"

The cannon nodded and said with a wicked smile: "I know that there is a prison in the land of fire, and it is full of gay men, and it will not be a month later... They will be euthanized.

Liuyun waved his hand: "That's it! Dying from fissures is also in line with the taste of these noble lords."

The cannon pleaded at Liuyun: "Boss, those noble ladies Cao Dang's disgusted hands are born to us, just leave them to our Dongchang

!" Liuyun was helpless: "Okay! Remember to give money!" Born

in a family of animals, no matter how white the lotus flower is, it will turn into a blue pool.

Those women are not clean, so they simply act as official prostitutes of the Liuyun Legion!

Cannon smiled with a smile on his face: "Thank you, Boss, that's right

!" Cannon remembered one thing, and said to Liuyun: "The ninjas who worked with Sarufei before Konoha have surrendered, what should we do with them?" Liuyun

said lightly: "Let's go through the process!" Illusion interrogation, the heavy plot is beheaded, the whole family is a prostitute, and the plot is light.

"Also, all the families involved in Ape Fei should remove their clan names! everything will have to pay a price, and the establishment of a new dynasty must make room for a large group of people.

Cannon nodded.

Liuyun continued: "There are also those old men who have murdered the second generation, check if there are any who are not dead, and if there are any, send him back to the west."

"Don't let the dead go, dig up the coffin, and scatter the ashes on the grave of the second generation." The

cannon continued to nod, and the Flowing Cloud Legion always kept one rule in mind.

Don't touch things that have anything to do with people, everyone is a dog.

"Let's go

!" "Okay!"

Liuyun slowly walked towards the two zombies.

The pillars and doors watched the weather in the village.

Although he wears a mask, his whole body is serious.

"I didn't expect that the nobles we serve are such a group of people, it's really blinding.

He snorted: "The use of power to change luxury, this kind of thing has existed before, and will exist in the future, no matter what era it is, it will not be eliminated." Pillar

sighed: "It's pitiful... We ninjas fought to the death for them, charging into battle.

He suddenly said: "Big brother, you have to understand one thing, a ninja is a profession that takes money to do things, as long as the nobles are in need, ninjas can have work to do." Pillar

glanced at the door: "What do you mean... We ninjas are their accomplices.

He nodded: "Every day, the village will receive many tasks from clients, and those tasks are strange, and some of them will be handed over to the dark department.

"A lot of facts are ridiculous, but if you don't do it, there will be other ninja villages to do it. What's more, they gave too much!

" Pillar was shocked: "This-

" "Hehe... Big brother, you understand now! If ninjas want to develop, they can't do without war. There

was a headache between the columns: "Alas... Which side should I be on?"

he was also a ninja with a forehead guard on his forehead, and he had to think about his peers.

Liuyun's voice sounded softly: "Change your profession and become a national soldier." Zhuma

looked at Liuyun: "Soldiers, samurai?!" Liuyun

shook his head: "It's not those stupid people who carry knives all day long, it's soldiers who defend their families and defend the country, well... It's like a new-style samurai in Iron Country. "

The state provides the money, and they are responsible for the war. Pillar

had another headache: "There is another war! Can't

the ninja world be peaceful?" Liuyun suddenly replied: "It's not a war in the ninja world."

"Where is that?"

Liuyun looked at the sky, "aliens! The world we live in is not alone, there are too many extraterrestrial civilizations.

"The sword soldiers will not let go of the Nanshan, the wild horses will not return to the plains, and the war will not end, this is the normal state of the development of civilization. The

pillar touched his head: "Alas... If you don't fight in the ninja world, you have to fight aliens, this universe is real, can't everyone get along well?

" There was some curiosity about the extraterrestrial civilization in the door, so he asked: "Do you know the alien world?"

Liuyun nodded, blushing and said without panting: "There is a group of Saiyans who can turn into giant apes on the distant planet Vegeta, and they mainly invade other people's planets. "

Clear the planet of civilizations and sell them to cosmic merchants at the right price. Pillar

was a little shocked: "This... Using a planet as a trade item is a fantasy.

"The universe has existed for tens of billions of years, and you can never know how far an extraterrestrial civilization has developed?"

"It's unimaginable to trade planets, but it's not non-existent. "

You really believe it!"

Liuyun was surprised, he said casually.

"What other civilizations, tell us about them again?"

Liuyun continued: "There is also a Titan Star, and there is a purple sweet potato essence in it..."

A lot of analysis was made with just a short amount of information.

"Most of these civilizations you are talking about are extremely aggressive war civilizations, perhaps... The universe is a dark forest.

"All civilizations must arm themselves, carefully hiding in the shadows of the forest, guarding against being destroyed by others, and greedily devouring other civilizations to strengthen themselves.

Luo Ji's upper body surprised Liuyun, but he immediately shook his head and said to Zhujian: "Grandfather-in-law!"

"What?" "

No, Grandpa, the village is going to be rebuilt now, and we need your Mu Dun." Pillar

pointed to himself, "Let me build a house out of wood!"

Liuyun nodded.

Pillar suddenly smiled: "That's good, I can't imagine that I have so much use as a dead person! Let's go! Let's build a beautiful Konoha village."

Liuyun then said to the door: "Second grandfather, I let the shadow clones go to raid the house of the people who framed you back then. "

Are you satisfied with the seizure of them at once and beheading them in front of your grave



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