Rukumo and Tsuruma soon got into the work of rebuilding Konoha.

Liuyun has 200 wood clones, 300 earth shadow clones, and water bodies... The Civil Engineering Brigade was formed directly.

And he himself wore the hat of a contractor and looked around the various projects.

Although the pillars single-handedly pacified the Warring States, they usually engaged in greening and lacked knowledge of civil engineering.

He was very humble and acted with the shadow clones of Liuyun, asking here and there.

"What is this?"

"Lay the foundation so that the house is strong

!" "Oh!"

Liuyun crossed his hands and looked at the hills sitting in front of him.

The previous three Hokage Rocks were beaten into a mess and had lost the greatest symbol of Konoha.

It just so happens that Tsunade is in the position today, so Liuyun will carve a Hokage Rock

for her! Chakra condensed in her left hand, and then transformed into a chakra with earth attributes, and Liuyun slapped towards the earth.

"Tu Escape, Promising Transformation!" The

hill in front of him suddenly changed sharply, the rock fell off, became delicate and smooth, and finally four avatars appeared.

The first one is between the pillars, with a smile on his face, full of heartiness, which makes people feel kind at first glance.

The second is the door, with a calm face, and a calm face written all over it, which makes people feel that this person is very reliable.

The third one is not Ape Fei, it is Liuyun's own face, the old monkeys have been defeated by him, and Liuyun has no need to give him a stone statue.

Liuyun stuck out his tongue and grimaced, like a prodigal son in the world.

The fourth is Tsunade, who is heroic and sassy, and his gas is compelling, and he feels very big at a glance.

The changes in the Hokage Rock could not be hidden from the people in the village, and everyone raised their heads and looked at the four avatars that had been re-established and discussed.

"Who is that grimacing? What about the three generations?"


Tsuruma was making the window door, and he glanced at the changes in Hokage Rock, especially his hearty smile and smiled.


and the door snorted.

He didn't have a problem with his avatar, but he had a big opinion about Liuyun hanging his head on it without permission.

Even if you hang it up, you have to be serious, what does it mean to look like a prank?

Liuyun looked at his work and nodded.

After that, a distant call was heard.

"Liuyun!" Liuyun

turned his head to look, and it was red.

Next to the red stood Sunset True Red, and he was accompanied by Shizune, Kakashi, Obito...

The arena of the previous middle ninja exam was suddenly in chaos, and Liuyun let the shadow clone save them.

Now that the turmoil has subsided, Sunset True Red has found them to come here with Liuyun.

Liuyun waved his

hand: "Red!" Seeing Liuyun's unscathed, Red smiled, ran to Liuyun's side with steps, took Liuyun's hand and said, "Liuyun, you won!" Liuyun

nodded: "Of course."

He then pointed to the third avatar on the Hokage, "This is a symbol of victory!" Red

looked up, and easily saw the Hokage Rock, which was completely different from before.

One more out of thin air, one more out of thin air.

Obito looked strange: "Liuyun, why did you hang your head?" Liuyun

was stunned, there is nothing wrong with this sentence, right?

He said confidently: "I won the battle, it's not too much to carve the Hokage Rock into my appearance, right?"

Obito was full of unhappiness: "This is a symbol of the Hokage, you haven't become the Hokage yet, you can't break the rules."

Ruyun pouted: "I'm already the Hokage's man now."

Obito said loudly, "I'm the man who wants to be the Hokage!"

Rukumo looked at Kakashi who was wearing a mask and said to Obito, "Kakashi will have to wait for more than ten years."

Obito wondered: "What did you say?"

Liuyun shook his head, and then looked at the sunset.

"Uncle Zhenhong, are you interested in coming to work in the Shadows! I can make you the head of the Shadows!" Sunset Zhenhong

was taken aback: "The Shadows? this-"

Only then did he realize that the village had truly changed.

Liuyun nodded: "It's the Dark Ministry, there is a shortage of people now, so it's up to you to be the minister of the Dark Ministry!" Liuyun

promised the Uchiha to hand over the Dark Department to them, but the 4 people who promised were all sent away by Ape Fei.

He had already fed this promise to the dogs.

Moreover, the Uchiha were naturally rebellious, and they were not allowed to turn the sky when they handed over the power of the dark department to them.

The sunset is really red, after all, it is the old man.

Liuyun's favorite thing is cronyism.

If you want to be an official, you can do it, as long as you climb up to a family business with me, the family will be easy to do!

Sunset Zhenhong was a little hesitant, but he was really moved.

Minister of the Dark Department, what a position this is.

The Hokage's first dogleg, in charge of the Shadow Special Forces.

Although he is not keen on power, his power is a recognition of ability, and he can be a minister of darkness, and he has lived for so many years in vain.

Seeing the hesitation of Zhenhong at sunset, Liuyun directly settled: "It's you, Uncle Zhenhong, let's go to Sister Tsunade later!

Sunset Zhenhong is no longer polite: "Thank you, Liuyun!" He

is still quite confused now.

I only met Ruyun two months ago, and at that time I only thought he was a ninja with great potential.

But each time it was more and more surprising.

From one person holding the Eighth Front alone to killing the Sand Hidden Special Forces alone, and one person defeating the Sand Hidden Front Force.

Make a big fuss about Konoha, do away with the group, set off a coup d'état, and subvert the country of fire in one day.

It is also the first time in history.

Madara Uchiha is also the strongest when he sees it.

Liuyun easily accepted the fate of Konoha's Dark Minister, which surprised his friends.

Sunset Red clenched Liuyun's hand, and secretly grateful: "Thank you, Liuyun!" Sunset

Zhenhong saw it, and then understood why the position of the Minister of Darkness fell on his head.

It turned out to be nepotism.

However, I like this relationship

! Obito's eyes were hot, and he approached Ruyun and put his hand on his back: "Good brother, a stranger gave it to the Minister of Darkness, and now appoint me as the next Hokage

!" Kakashi complained next to him:

"Idiot!" "What are you talking about?Kakashi! My Uchiha family is the hero of this coup d'état, and I will walk sideways in the future, so you'd better pay attention

!" "Idiot!"


The two began to quarrel as soon as they disagreed, and Lin next to him hurriedly persuaded him.

Liuyun glanced at Obito and wanted to rely on nepotism to get to the top.

The sunset is really red, and there is a cute sunset red.

What do you have, can you let me ride Lin?"

The little girl with light purple hair came into view, and it was the red bean.

Liuyun looked down at the red beans crossed at his waist, his face full of stubbornness.

"What's the matter? Little

Red Bean!" Red Bean questioned Liuyun, "What about my Orochimaru-sensei?"


Run away?" Hongdou

thought about it carefully, and then scolded Liuyun: "It's all your fault, if it weren't for your Orochimaru teacher, how would you run away?"

Liuyun thought in his heart.

He threatened Hongdou slightly: "Little Hongdou, your Orochimaru-sensei is wanted, you are his apprentice, now come home with me, I will interrogate you personally." "


Bean stuck out his tongue, grimacing at Liuyun, and then ran away without looking back.

While running, she didn't forget to reply: "Mu Liuyun, you little thief, wait for Teacher Orochimaru to come back and chop you up and feed the snake."

Liuyun smiled.

The winds he brought with him inadvertently changed the fate of many.

The red beans have not been planted by Orochimaru, the soil has not been blackened, and Maite Dai is not dead...

Of course, there are many regrets.

Fu Yue died young, and Zilai and Watergate left the village.

Mikoto and Kushina are guarding the empty boudoir!

Konoha is in the midst of construction, and the major ninja clans of this coup d'état also have different fates.

Ape Fei and Shimura were removed, and the chickens and dogs were not left.

Although the Uchiha higher-ups are all dead, they are bloody.

Hinata and the oil girl remain neutral, and they don't make money or lose money.

The three clans of pigs, deer and butterflies suffered heavy losses, and the Inuzuka family lost a few dogs...

For the losing side of the ninja, since you have made the wrong bet, you should be prepared to send your wife and daughter.

The cannon brought the people of the East Factory to patronize the major ninja clans.

"Woo~꒦ິ^꒦ິ, that's my grandfather's coffin, don't dig it! Don't dig it!"

"We only go through the process, your grandfather participated in the conspiracy to frame the second generation, and he didn't even sit down to be magnanimous for the fourth generation, so you can burn more incense at home in the future and be grateful!"

"Woo~ I... I thank you whole family!" "

The people who participated in the framing of the second generation of the purpose were basically dead, and the people of Dongchang did not catch a single living person, so they could only pick up their graves.

The Nara family, the three clans of pigs, deer and butterflies, and the people in charge of the various ninja clans all gathered together.

Except for the Uchiha who didn't come, the oil girl's people have their own stealth talent.

All the ninja clans of Konoha Village were present.

Everyone watched the people in Dongchang dig up the coffins of their ancestors, and they dared not speak out.

This is the consequence of the loser.

And the fate of a group of them depends on the face of the new superior.

The cannon was full of swagger, and he raised his nose and said to the people of the three clans of Pig, Deer and Butterfly: "The leader has already said that it is easy to let go of your three clans, so get rid of your names!" "

From now on, you will lose your respective surnames."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

The head of the Inuzuka family hurriedly stepped forward: "My lord, our Inuzuka ..."

The cannon waved his hand: "Your Inuzuka family is a group of dogs, and there are not many people who fly with the ape, so I won't pursue it." The

Kurama men stepped forward with their crutches and gasped for breath as they spoke.

The cannon quickly stopped him: "It's the same with your saddle horse, the plot is not serious." "

It's... That's good!"

In the end, only the pigs, deer and butterflies were removed.

Everyone hurriedly moved their positions, isolated the three tribes of pigs, deer and butterflies, and looked at them with gloating eyes.

The three clans are all looking forward to the Ape Fei clan, and the Ape Fei clan was wiped out, and most of the losses were lost in this war alone.

What is even more terrifying is that we are now facing the crisis of extinction.

One of the pineapple heads of the Nara family stepped forward, and it was Nara Shikaku, and he tried to keep his voice as soft as possible.

"This lord, I'm Nara Shikaku, do you recognize me?"

Cannon looked at carefully.

Once when Tsunade became the Hokage's assistant, he also brought Yamanaka Haiichi and Akido Dingza to give gifts.

"I know that you three are very good people. "

Nara Shikaku can't help but be happy, as long as he doesn't have a bad feeling for them, there is still room for redemption.

Nara Shikahisa pleaded: "My lord, our three clans loyal to the three generations of the purpose of the family have all committed suicide, and they have also atoned for their sins, can you let our family live?"

The cannon shook his head: "No, I am the governor of Dongchang, and I am known for my justice in law enforcement."

Seeing that he didn't care about pleading, Nara Shikaku took out a codex from his pocket and handed it to the cannon.

"This is all the belongings of our three clans, and we only beg Lord Liuyun not to remove the clan names of our three clans. "

The people of the ninja clan value their reputation very much, and they value their family name more than their lives.

The cannon looked at the minds of the three tribes of pigs, deer and butterflies, and indeed handed over all the belongings.

It should be said that the Nara clan is a smart people, and they know what to keep and what not to keep!,

but the cannon shook his head and put the codex back.

"I can't decide this matter, everything depends on the boss's words!" Nara

Shikaku took back the codex and sighed faintly.

Liuyun has mastered the entire Fire Country, and the other party still doesn't look down on this little money in the hands of their three clans.

The other party doesn't value money, so what is the temptation to do it?Nara

Shikahisa asked softly, "Is there a way for you?"

Cannon smiled and glanced around, and all the ninja clans pricked up their ears.

The cannon whispered next to Nara's Lujiu's ear and said, "The leader likes to take advantage of the situation, and once he is happy, he will forget about your three clans."

Nara Shikajiu was puzzled: "Then how can I make him happy?"

The cannon slowly spat out two words: "Woman!"

With that, he turned around and walked out of the door with the people from the East Factory carrying the coffin.

Although the two words of the cannon are very light, the people present are all ninjas, and their hearing is amazing, and everyone suddenly understands.

Then they each glanced at each other, and they could see the light in each other's eyes.

Blowing the wind on the pillow, how can you forget such an ancient routine?

Hinata smiled faintly, and said to Hiza next to him: "Let's go! Go back." "

What are you going back for?"

"Send the most beautiful clansman of

the clan to that adult!" "Big brother, this-"

Hiza was surprised, how could they say that it was also an ancient ninja clan, and now it has fallen to the point of sending women, and it is still the clan that is sending it.

There's no need to be so cowardly, right?

Rizu was in a good mood and explained to Hiza: "You haven't seen Mu Liuyun's status clearly, he is equivalent to the second Six Dao Immortals.

"If my Hyuga family wants to last forever, I must be protected by him.

"Therefore, the wind on the pillow cannot fall.

Hinata is still puzzled: "Then you can't let the people of the Zong family go!" Every

member of the Hyuga Zong family is a treasure and never marries to prevent the blood from flowing out.

Hinata glared at him: "Could it be that with the people who split the family, you think that our Hyuga family died not fast enough, right?" Sending

Hyuga to split the family, isn't this equivalent to sending a spy?

Hinata hurriedly waved his hand: "No!"

The Hyuga family slowly returned home, and the rest of the families also started to think carefully.

Nara Lujiu glanced at Ding Zuo helplessly: "Don't mix with your Qiu Daoist." "


Akido Dingza scratched his head embarrassedly.

"I think I still have a chance for the Autumn Daoist, if Lord Liuyun likes the sturdy ones

!" Yamanaka Haiichi patted the Autumn Dao Dingza's shoulder: "Don't bet, we don't have the capital to gamble again!"

Qiu Dao Ding Zuo smiled awkwardly.

Nara Shikahisa looked at Yamanaka Haiichi: "You also know that our Nara family can't get the best color, so please ask your Yamanaka family." "

Smart people's brains like to think about it, and they don't like to dress up.

Yamanaka Hai nodded: "Weixi is also the age of marriage, and it is not appropriate to stay at home again, so please leave her this time

!" "Yamanaka Miki!" Nara Lujiu's

eyes showed a fine light, the great beauty of the Yamanaka family, there were many people who came to visit and propose relatives in the past.

"That's it, the fate of our three clans will be handed over to the charm of Weixi!" The

other families have some heartbeats to blow the wind on the pillow, but the people in the family are not very aesthetic.

The people of the Inuzuka family smell of dogs, and ordinary people can't stand it when they smell it.

The Kurama family lacks physical fitness, and I'm afraid that I can't stand the tiger and tiger of Liuyun.

After the major ninja clans dispersed.

All that remained was a group of hooded men.

The oil girl Zhi pushed her glasses slightly: "Shall we also send a woman to blow the wind by the pillow?"

The great elder of the oil girl family shook his head: "I still don't want to, if I don't want to die too quickly!" The

woman of the oil girl family is full of worms, and no one can stand it!

If this flowing cloud goes out of the hole, the worms in this hole are not allowed to bite his crime tools.

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