Naruto In My Hero Academia

Chapter 11 - Things Unknown

'So fluffy...'

"It's been getting pretty cold outside lately." Naruto spoke as he played a game with Mina. She was sitting in his ŀȧp, with her body pressing closely against his furred body. At her request, he had transformed so that she could use his higher body temp and fluff as a way to warm up. She wasn't even throwing a fit over the fact that she was losing to him again, he had really gotten good at this game. She was bȧrėly even playing the game in all fairness, but she would be losing even if she were playing with all of her skill. She snuggled deeper into his fur, absolutely enjoying herself, bliss on her face.

She didn't mind the cold so much, but she enjoyed the feeling of being consumed by his fluffy body when he transformed after being stricken by the cold.

"It's snowing pretty heavily outside... how does this not bother you?" Mina looked up at him.

He shrugged.

"My normal body heat is a few degrees over 100, even in my regular form."

"Fahrenheit or Celsius?" Mina asked him, since he didn't say that.

"Fahrenheit." Naruto told her, since his usual body heat was around 101.7, seeing as his body was adjusted to having fox traits thanks to his Quirk. The conversation about his hot body ended there, naturally, as they played games in silence. "I'm starting to get bored with this." Naruto told her after he had beaten her again.

Winning was only so much fun.

"I don't wanna go outside though..." Mina would have been happy to go outside normally, but it was winter now. There was a fresh layer of snow on the ground, and it was still snowing. "Where is your uncle?" Mina asked Naruto as she glance up at him.

He changed the channel from the game they were playing, to whatever was on the movie channel.

"Doing hero work I guess... Is somebody knocking on the door?" Naruto questioned when he heard a really weak knock at the door. He was about to stand up, before Mina turned around and hung onto him. When he stood up, she stayed connected to him by wrapping both arms and legs around him. "Why?" Naruto asked her simply.

She gave him a muffled response.

"I'm going to answer the door, maybe it's my boy Kirishima." Naruto said with a wide smile. He hadn't seen his only male friend all week, and he was starting to his him. He left his room with Mina attached to him, crossing the living room, and opened the door without questioning who it was again.

It wasn't Kirishima.

"Hey Naruto, Toshinori-san asked me to come by, and make sure you weren't up to any unauthorized hero work. Mind if I come in?"

It was Ryuko.

"Aaaaaaaaah! You're the Number 9 Hero, Ryukyu!" Mina instantly let go of Naruto and gushed when she saw the real Ryukyu in the flesh, up close and personal. The cold was forgotten when she ran outside and looked at the woman in her casual clothes. "You're like my favorite hero! Naruto, why didn't you ever tell me you knew Ryukyu!" Mina turned on Naruto and started to playfully pound her fists against his ċhėst.

Naruto transformed back to normal.

Ryuko just waved.

"It's nice to meet Naruto's girlfriend, please, I'm not working or helping Naruto train, so you can call me Ryuko." Ryuko said as she let herself in with a shiver. She leaned forward and placed her head against Naruto's ċhėst, a visibly shiver running down her body.

This cold weather was a nightmare for her, and Naruto's hot body was heavenly right about now.

"I'll make some coffee." Naruto said as Mina went back into the house, and he closed the door. He turned the heater on a little higher than before, since Ryuko was going to be here. "My uncle usually lets me and Mina stay here alone, what changed?" Naruto asked as he glanced back at Ryuko, heading into the kitchen to start the coffee machine.

She sat down on the couch, but didn't take off her jacket like most people would have.

"Naruto... she's Ryukyu... she's a pink dragon... I'm pink..." Mina's voice was a whisper as she grabbed him by the shirt and shook him back in forth. Ryuko was the only hero whose skin was bright pink when she was in her dragon form. Mina had always admired how the woman had managed to make pink look so heroic and menacing at the same time.

Ryuko just watched with a smile.

So this was his girlfriend.

"Romance is in the air, and he felt that you being alone with your girlfriend during this time of the year wouldn't be great for your futures." Ryuko spoke gently as she always did. It was the romantic time of year that teenagers blood was pumping more than ever, and many times, if given the chance mistakes were made as a result.

Naruto and Mina had promising futures, though she had never met Mina in person before now, and if they made a dumb teenage mistake their futures could get ruined by it.

"Futures... Oh... oh... OOOOOH." Mina's face darkened with a fierce blush when she started to realize what was being worried about.

Naruto deadpanned.

Mina looked at Naruto with a sharp gaze.

"... and why not?" Mina shot at him, finding a little insult in that. His statement heavily implied that he wasn't attracted to her sėxuȧŀly, and that actually hurt her feelings a little. She didn't want to push the relationship too quickly either, but Naruto implying that she wasn't attractive enough to want to have sėx with wasn't something she could take lightly.

Ryuko took the coffee from Naruto and sipped at it, letting it's warmth invade her body from the inside out.

She glanced at Mina.

"Because, I'm 16 and you're 15... and if you pass U.A.'s test to get in, then we are going to be training to be pro heroes. You're capable of getting pregnant, and I'm capable of getting you pregnant... One accident is all it would take to ruin your future, and just because we're dating, doesn't mean I want to start a family right now." Naruto explained with a raised eyebrow. He sat down next to Ryuko, and she leaned into his side and appreciated his warmth as well.

She loved how hot his body was during these cold winter days, even when he was a kid, she would have him sit in her ŀȧp when she was his baby sitter. Watching TV with Naruto in her ŀȧp was one of her fond memories of his childhood.

He had grown so big now, he seemed to be a good half foot taller than her, which was a major growth spurt since the last time she had seen him.

"Oh... Sorry, you're right... I didn't think about that." Mina sat down on Naruto's other side as he turned the TV on in the living room.

She glanced at him.


'... I don't want to push our relationship... but I guess I've wanted Naruto to come onto me. It really hurt when I thought he didn't find me attractive... Naruto has been holding back for my sake, so he doesn't accidentally ruin my future...' Mina felt guilty when she leaned against Naruto. Despite Ryuko sitting there, she wasn't paying much attention to the pro hero anymore.

She was thinking about her own feelings, something that took a higher priority to being in the presence of a pro hero.

"So Naruto, have you thought about my offer any?" Ryuko asked Naruto, and he nodded his head.

Mina looked at him.

"Offer?" She asked curiously, this was the first time that she was hearing about this at all.

"At U.A. you'll be allowed to Intern with a Pro Hero, and I want Naruto to become my intern when he's allowed to." Ryuko had wanted Naruto's answer on her offer, and offer from years ago actually. She had offered this to Naruto when he was just a small child, and started to show promise. "He and I both have Transformation Quirks that let us turn into mythical creatures. Our Quirks share a good compatibility as well." Ryuko smiled at the thought of it.

Mina looked surprised.

Naruto had never mentioned it.

"Take all the time you need. Have you thought about costume designs yet?" Ryuko knew that Naruto would have a little more trouble than others finding a costume. He was like her, and grew several new appendages when he transformed. He was a humanoid fox after all, and his costume needed to adjust to him growing tails and becoming far larger and more muscular.

Naruto smiled at that.

"Yeah... I know what I want there at least." Naruto spoke with a proud smile.

He had his costume already planned out.

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