Naruto In My Hero Academia

Chapter 12 - Perverse Love

'I can see the family resemblance easily.'

Naruto was sitting across the a nervous looking woman, maybe 5'3" in height, who looked quite a bit like Izuku Midoriya, which would make sense since this person was Inko Midoriya. It was only a week away before Izuku was going to inherit One for All, and while Izuku didn't know that Naruto was aware of his situation (or that Naruto was involved in anything at all, since he had yet to formally introduce himself) Naruto was going to settle some things first that needed to be stated.

"So... you mentioned needing to speak about my son?"

"Yeah, you're no doubt noticed he's been working out a lot, and pushing himself to the brink of breaking, and even breaking itself. Since I can tell Izuku is going to keep this a secret from you, I'm going to tell you the truth ahead of time. You're his mother, so you have a right to know what is going on in his life." Naruto knew that his uncle was going to try and get Izuku to keep this a secret from his family. That was wrong, since this woman could become a target for somebody that was going to try and make an enemy of Izuku once he possessed a Quirk. This woman deserved to know what situation her son was in, and how it was going to affect his and her life.

She looked confused and worried.

"He's not in trouble, is he?" Inko questioned softly, tears already in her eyes.

Naruto thought on it.

"Not now... Anyway, your son has been hanging out with my uncle. He's been training Izuku, and helping get his body physically strong enough to handle something very important. Would you be happy if your son had a Quirk?" Naruto asked Inko, not knowing how he was going to break this news gently. This woman seemed like her emotions were always on a loose trigger. As important as it was that she really know, this could ruin Izuku's chance of inheritting One for All if she denied him that chance.

She looked saddened.

"Of course, he's always wanted to become a hero... I would give him my Quirk if I could." Inko smiled at the very thought of being able to pass her ability to her son.

Naruto nodded.

"My uncle used to be Quirkless like Izuku, and his master passed her Quirk onto him. Now, it's his turn to pass down this special Quirk, and last year, your son showed my uncle that he had what it took to be a real hero. He chose Izuku to be the one to get his Quirk... to help your son become the hero he wants to be." Naruto came out and said it.


Inko fainted, she actually fainted, when she learned that her son was going to be getting a Quirk. Naruto palmed his face a little as the small, but round, woman had her face planted firmly into the table. He nodded his head though in understanding, if his uncle weren't All Might and he hadn't grown up knowing this stuff, then he would have a hard time believing it as well. He had known about One for All and All for One for about as long as he had been alive, and the entire situation actually. His uncle had never been able to keep it a secret from him, not when he tried to get Naruto to inherit the Quirk.

"I'm awake... and... I'm not sure I heard that right... Izuku is going to be... getting his own Quirk... for real?" The worried mother had more in her eyes than distrust, she had hope, despair, worry, and relief all in her eyes.

This sounded too good to be true.

"It's called One for All. It's the Quirk that allows a person to store power, and pass the Quirk down to somebody else to store power. Izuku will be the 9th successor for One for All, and if he is willing endure the hardships that come with it, then he'll become a really great hero." Naruto had a grin on his face. Yeah, his fellow teen was going to be in for a lot of pain, a ton of it. A lot of it would be inflicted by Naruto himself as well, since he was going to be teaching Izuku how to wield a Quirk once he got it. Who better to teach how to use a Quirk, than a person who had a Quirk?

His uncle couldn't afford to do this part of the teaching, so it was up to him to do it, the only person who was aware of the situation, and in a position to help.

Inko looked for any sign Naruto was lying.

She couldn't find it.

"... If he's your uncle, why didn't he choose you? I can't imagine a family member picking a stranger above family." Her concerns were well founded, since it was in human nature to trust only those that you were close to.

Naruto nodded at the question.

"He's respecting my wishes, I don't want the power. I'm like Izuku, I'm going to become a hero... but I'm going to do it with my own Quirk. The Quirk I inherited from my mother. He has tried countless times to convince me, but you're right to be suspicious. You're a really good mom... do me a favor-"

"Of course, but he chose the path of a hero. He willingly chose to put his life on the line for others... so-" Naruto pushed his fingers against his cheeks, and stretched his grin into a wide toothy smile. "-do this, and support him. Every boy needs his mothers support, because your smile is going to be the smile that protects his heart, and keeps him strong." Naruto gave her his widest smile.

She was touched.

She actually put her hands above her heart, taken back by the sheer feelings he was able to convey with his smile. She nodded her head slowly, before it gained speed and she was nodding viciously.

"I'll support him, this is his dream... I should have supported him from the beginning anyway."

"Well, with that, I'm done here. I thought it fair you should know, and now you do, I'm out." Naruto stood up from the chair and started to walk towards the front door. Now that Inko knew what she needed to know, him being at her house didn't really serve any purpose. Might as well just go home now, and pick up something to eat along the way.


"Seriously, I was just trying to get something to eat... why is my luck like this?"

Naruto back flipped in his fox form as he avoided a villain shooting porcupine-like spikes at him from out of his body. Once more, Naruto had come across one of those Instant-Villains that the news had reported, the guy's tongue was completely black like the other ones in the news too. It was hard to knock the guy out though when is entire body was covered completely in spikes. Not to mention this time, the fight wasn't even in public, this time it was happening in the back of an alleyway that Naruto had been using as a shortcut.

"I'll cut you, stab you, puncture you!"

There was a girl being pushed up against the wall by an older man in this alley.

What was up with this alley and crime!?

Naruto jumped into the air, grabbed the man by the back of the shirt, and slammed him into the wall opposite of the girl. He was knocked out cold right away, and Naruto hooked his arm around the girl's waist and jumped again when the villain chasing him turned the corner.

"I've got you!"

"Damn me and my inability to not save people!" Naruto didn't have a lot of room to dodge while holding the girl when more spikes came at him. Using his body as a shield, he protected the girl from most of them, and dodged whatever wasn't going to hit her. It was thanks to the pretty thick muscles of his larger form that they didn't go super deep into his body, but several spikes went through one of his arms.

The girl smiled widely at Naruto.

"Wow mister, you're bleeding a lot... you're a really nice guy!"

'This girl has no sense of urgency... what a weird one.' Naruto saw a knife that was on the ground, and though he didn't like weapons, he grabbed it and ran towards the villain. Adjusting the girl so that she was on his back, he held the knife by the blade itself, and took several spikes to the legs as he slammed the handle of the knife into the top of the villain's head. Using the blunt force of the blow, and the extended range the weapon gave him, he was able to get through the spikes and deliver a powerful blow to mugger.

Down like a light he went

Naruto transformed back into his normal state and looked at both his ruined clothes, and the cuts that he was covered in.

Nothing seemed too deep or life threatening, since wounds in his larger form shrank a little when his body decreased in size. The wounds didn't heal per say, but seeing as his body lost size, the wounds would naturally lose size. It wouldn't make sense if Naruto got a 5 foot tall bruise in his giant form, and he had a 5 foot tall bruise in his smaller form as well.

"Wow, you knocked them both out cold."

"Are you okay? Looks like you went through something pretty nasty, he didn't hurt you did he?" Naruto looked at the girl.

Something was off about her, and he could tell the second he took in her looks.

She was a petite girl with her extra-messy hair in spiked buns at the side of her head. Her cheeks were pink and heated, and her fanged mouth was grinning at him as she poked the guy pushing her against the wall with her foot. Her yellow eyes, slit pupils, had dark circles underneath them. Her clothes were way too large for her body, and she wore a girl's school uniform.

She looked at the man.

"Nope! I consider today a win, I got to meet Mister Foxy from the news! You know, you're pretty good looking." She playfully hopped towards him with her arms behind her back. She looked at him up and down, while Naruto raised his jacket sleeves and wiped some of the blood away from his arm.

This was going to be a nightmare to get out.

"My name's Himiko Toga... what's your name Mister Foxy!?"

"... Naruto." Naruto didn't like the way this girl asked that, but he didn't really have a reason not to give his name to the girl. He continued to walk away though, not seeing as the girl sent him the brightest smile she could manage.

When he was gone, the girl looked at the man that was ȧssaulting her earlier.

She smiled sadly and pat his head.

"Sorry, I'm in love with a new guy now... and here I was looking forward to becoming you... don't worry though, I still think you look handsome though." Himiko picked her knife up off the ground. The guy had tried to stop her from stabbing him earlier, and before she could kill him, Naruto had come in and saved her. "... He looks even better covered in blood than you do..." Himiko stabbed him in the side of the neck with a giant grin.

She got up and walked over to the other guy, his spikes receding into his body, and she stabbed him a few times in the back.

This guy hurt her new love, he had to die for that.


"Shhhhhhh... it only hurts for a second when I stick it in... Naruto... ah... he was wearing black pants, and an orange hoodie. Skirts are cuter than pants though..." Himiko went through her normally internal dialogue outside of her head. She continued to stab the man, looking at the blood with a wide smile as it flowed.

She couldn't wait until she met him again!

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