Naruto In My Hero Academia

Chapter 13 - Scary teacher

'So Izuku cleaned up this well... not a scrap of trash left on the beach.' Naruto thought as he walked bȧrėfoot through the sand. It was only 2 weeks before the U.A. entrance exams officially happened, and seeing as both his girlfriend and Kirishima were putting their all into studying to pass the written portion of the exams, he didn't really have anyone to hang out with. Naturally, that left him with a little too much free time, and normally he would train, but that actually led him to the curious thought of checking up on his uncle and Izuku.

After all, One for All had been passed down already, and he was curious to see how Izuku was handling the power, and if his uncle had helped him make any progress with his new Quirk.

"Clench your ȧsshole and scream-"


Naruto felt the force of the punch as it split almost half a mile of the ocean, before the force of the punch died off. He stood firm though and continued to walk towards the screaming idiot and his student. Seeing his uncle standing over Izuku, who was curled up into a ball cradling his arm in pain, Naruto gained an amused grin on his face when he noticed the elderly Recovery Girl was sitting nearby with a bowl of gummies, ready to give Izuku her healing kiss when he needed it. Naruto walked up to her, so that he was standing behind her, and put his hands in his pockets.

"The boy's body won't last at this right." She knew the second Naruto got behind her, and he hummed as he watched Izuku stand up, his right arm visibly injured by his own newfound strength. It was red and purple, with it being visibly broken. "You should have been the one to inherit One for All. You have trained since you were a wee little lad to handle this power. You're body is capable of handling 100%... young Izuku's body isn't ready for this." Recovery Girl pointed out under her breath.

She was playing the guilt card.

Everyone who knew about One for All was of the same thought as her. Naruto had been trained from the age of five, his body being pushed to the absolute brink and beyond, so that he could inherit this power. He had been broken and healed so many times that Recovery Girl might as well be his grandmother he had seen her so much. His body was also made to grow larger and become more powerful as well, so One for All would have been an amazing thing to combine with his already incredible physical strength. Sadly, nobody had planned on him not wanting to inherit One for All, and simply wanting to save people using his own natural Quirk.

"I already have a Quirk of my own, and I'll become a hero with it. If I were to accept One for All, there would be one less hero in the world... because now I will become a hero, and Izuku will become a hero... that is two heroes." Naruto knew that it was a lame excuse, but he just didn't want the power. His father had rejected One for All and became the Number 2 Hero using nothing but his Teleport Quirk, a Quirk that wasn't even designed for battle. He had a Quirk that was actually good for a fight, so why would he accept a Quirk that wasn't his own? "It's too late now, Izuku has One for All. It doesn't matter if anyone agrees or not, the only people whose opinions matter are uncle and Izuku. Yours doesn't matter, and mine doesn't matter." Naruto folded his arms behind his head and started to walk towards the chaos that was unfolding.

His uncle was still a shitty teacher it would seem.

"Well, you have the smash right at least." Toshinori, in his true form, pointed out as he rubbed his chin in thought.

"My arm-"

"Suck it up baby, it's your fault for using One for All wrong." Naruto interrupted Izuku as the boy started to stand back up, tears of sheer pain in his eyes. If he remembered Naruto from the months ago that they met, it seemed that he was in too much pain to recall him right away. It took him a few moments to register what Naruto had said, while Toshinori seemed surprised that Naruto had showed up.

Naruto had yet to take a proactive role in Izuku's training, other than silently watching or modifying the 10 month plan.

"One for All, I don't know what you mean, this is just a stre-"

It didn't make sense for a random boy to know this mighty secret, but if All Might wasn't going to explain, he wouldn't push.

'... You're not telling him then... fine.' Naruto could see what Toshinori was doing. Izuku was just given a great power, it wouldn't do for the boy to know that Naruto had been the original candidate to gain One for All instead of him. It wouldn't do well for his confidence in himself, and would hinder his progress if he learned that he wasn't intended to get the power he now had.

Izuku bowed while cradling his arm.

"It's nice to meet you, I would love any help you can offer... anything to keep me from ending up like this every time I use my Quirk."

Naruto punched Izuku in the face, sending him flying across the sand. He didn't even hit the ground before Naruto ran after him and kneed him in the gut, knocking him into the air a little, before he slammed both of his fists against the boy's back and smashed him into the sand. He said nothing as he stepped a few steps back and raised a hand up, gesturing for Izuku to come at him.

"Oooooh..." Izuku's unbroken arm was on his bruised face as he struggled to regain his breath. He started to stand up, not only confused by the random attack, but trying his best to think about why Naruto had just attacked him. "What... why-" Naruto kicked him in the ċhėst, knocking him down into the sand again.

Toshinori winced.

That had to hurt.

"Ah... trial by fire it is." Recovery Girl knew her work was cut out for her today, since it didn't seem like Naruto was playing around. Naruto kicked the almost literal shit out of Izuku when he kicked him in the gut, knocking him onto his back. The difference in their strength and skill was clear when Naruto grabbed Izuku by the shirt, pulled him to his feet, and then punched him in the nose.

"Naruto... what you're doing-"

"Shut up All Might, come on Izuku, tell me where it hurts. Does your arm hurt from using your Quirk wrong, or does your entire body hurt after I beat the shit out of you?" Naruto asked Izuku as he looked down at the boy.

He ġrȯȧnėd in pain.

"My entire body hurts... can't breath right."

"Well, stand up and fight me. You have a left arm, right, use One for All and beat me." Naruto told Izuku as he placed his right hand in his pocket. He used his left hand to gesture for him to bring it on. He waited for almost a minute before Izuku could stand up, and he looked at All Might for guidance on what to do.

His power could easily kill a person, he didn't want to fight another human being.

"Do it."

"Okay... here I come then!" Izuku shouted as he ran across the sand at Naruto. He wasn't a fast runner, he was a little on the slow side actually. Not to mention he didn't really have a fighting style. His movements were extremely easy for Naruto to read when he pulled back his left arm. "Smmmaaassh!"

Naruto saw the fist coming for his face, before he punched Izuku's forearm and redirected the punch into the ocean once more. Instantly, Izuku's left arm ended up just like his right arm.

All Might winced when Naruto pulled Izuku to his feet.

Naruto's training was hell on Naruto, and whoever was unlucky enough to train with Naruto.


"Stop treating One for All as a super move. You've had the Quirk for 2 weeks now, you should be able to control how much strength you use by this point. Honestly, looking at you, you might be able to handle 7% of One for All... maybe 8%." Naruto forced Izuku to stand back up. Both of his arms were completely useless, but Naruto made the motion to come on again. Izuku looked at his own arms, before he looked at Recovery Girl and Toshinori.

She sighed.

'I hope you know what you're doing.' Toshinori looked at Naruto with some fear.

This wasn't great.

"Control your strength, or you'll lose your arms. Both your arms are broken, if you use 100% again, you may never be able to use them again. Without your arms, you'll never be a hero, and you'll have to pass on One for All to somebody who can actually use it." Naruto taunted Izuku.

Izuku stopped moving.

He needed to increase both speed and power at the same time, but he also needed to use less than 100% of his power, or he would end up rather useless, and unable to become a hero.

Unable to become a hero?

Izuku froze.

"He's overthinking." Recovery Girl scowled at Naruto.

What was he playing at?

"The boy's intelligence is his own downfall, he's faced with an opponent who he can't beat without risking everything, that he knows nothing about, and who is willing to destroy his body... it's like the young man is facing a real villain." Toshinori could appreciate what Naruto was trying. He was setting up a situation where Izuku had no choice but to come to a single answer.

If Izuku didn't figure out the correct answer... his future as a hero was over.

No, if he didn't figure out the answer, then he didn't have a future as a hero anyway.

'... All Might believes in me, but how can I do this? I would need to use One for All on my arms and legs at the same time, but... wait...' Izuku looked over at Toshinori in his true form.

'He's got it... damn, he's a fast learner when he's pushed into a corner... uncle, you've picked a real winner.' Naruto grinned over at his uncle as Izuku's body gained red veins for a brief moment all over it, and sparks flew from his body.

He moved several times faster than before.

"Aaaaah!" Izuku used as much strength as he could, and it hurt, but he used only as much strength as he could that wouldn't end up with his body being destroyed. He could feel the pain spread across everywhere, but it didn't hurt like it was hurting before. He crossed the distance between them in less than a second, and he threw his punch the second he was in striking distance.

Naruto ducked underneath the punch, and spun on his heel as Izuku unconsciously let go of his hold on the power now that his punch missed, and Naruto grabbed the back of his shirt and threw him onto his back.

Toshinori entered his muscle form.

"Well done my boy Midoriya! You've just taken a massive step in the right direction!" Toshinori hopped over to them and leaned over Izuku's prone form. It was at this point that Recovery Girl stood up and started to walk towards them so that she could heal Izuku.

Naruto stopped smiling.

'... He actually almost hit me... I hadn't expected him to be able to move that fast his first time. If my body hadn't moved on it's own, he would have tagged me.' Naruto slapped his cheeks as Recovery Girl gave Izuku a big kiss on the arm. His body started to glow as all of his injuries started to heal themselves. Izuku's stamina training was for this purpose, so he could be healed back to full health without worrying about dying from it.

"This was too harsh, he could have ended up paralyzed." Recovery Girl turned on Naruto.

Naruto gave a ċȯċky smirk.

"Well, good thing Izuku is good under pressure... Well Izuku, think you understand?" Naruto asked Izuku, who sat up and nodded his head.

"... I need to spread One for All evenly over my entire body... I wasn't treating One for All like my Quirk... I was treating it like All Might's Quirk and using it for finishing moves. How did you know I would figure that out..." Izuku saw Naruto stick his pinky in his ear.

"Didn't know you would... if you had broken your body beyond repair, I would have remanded that All Might make you transfer your Quirk to somebody better. Anyway, it isn't All Might's Quirk anymore... now it's a natural part of your body. Now that you've used it in a stressful situation, learn to control the power more naturally, and hold the power in place. Now, All Might..." Naruto gave his uncle his most fierce glare.

Toshinori winced under the glare, knowing that it wasn't good for him.

"I know... I'll try and teach him better, and stop relying on you for everything." He spoke as he raised his hands in surrender.

Naruto pointed at him angrily.

"You better! It's fine to let him figure things out, but a teacher doesn't let their students figure out everything on their own! You have to take some damn responsibility and tell him what he is doing wrong, and show him the way to correct himself! Then, maybe I wouldn't have to use these extreme methods to make the lesson stick! Also, what do you want for dinner!?" Naruto decided that he would ask that while he was lecturing his uncle. It was a serious concern, seeing as he was going to go shopping for ingredients.

Recovery Girl and Izuku sweat dropped when they saw All Might himself, get treated like a kid by a teenager, and forced to sit on his knees on the beach. It was actually a hilarious sight to see the Number 1 Hero get treated this way.

'Who the hell is this guy to treat All Might this way?' Izuku was confused, and scared, when he saw his hero get yelled at like this.

"... Ramen."

"You're damn right we're having ramen tonight! See ya later Izuku, Recovery Girl... I'll give you a helping hand whenever you feel like you need it. You can get my number from this one here." Naruto looked towards Izuku with a grin.

Izuku gulped.

Should he be scared?

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