All Might bowing his head.

It actually wasn't as unusual a sight as one would think if you knew the man personally, seeing as the humble man actually did have a willingness to submit requests to others formally and informally just as frequently as the other. He was a man that was quick to bow his mighty head to others, including the large mouse-man in front of him, the principle of U.A., the mouse with a Quirk Nezu. Nezu was just taking a long drag of his cigarette though, breathing the smoke out of the window, before he looked at All Might with a wide smile.

"You know, a teacher requesting to have several students in his class is quite the request." Nezu spoke as he looked at the written request in front of him.

All Might turned back into his regular form.

"Izuku Midoriya has succeeded me in taking One for All, so it makes sense for me to be the teacher for Class 1-A... and-"

"I have no problem placing Izuku in class 1-A, the class fits him. You see, I already had the 20 students for that classroom planned out, and adding your nephew to that classes roster would mean I would have to remove a student from that class, and place them in 1-B to trade places with him." Nezu spoke wistfully. In truth, he could understand Toshinori's reasons for this request. Nezu knew that Toshinori wasn't a great teacher, the prodigy had everything come naturally to him, so he didn't really ever have the struggles in controlling his Quirk that were needed to allow him to become a teacher. His fighting style, moves, and control of his own power were all instinctual in that he didn't need to learn them, just gain experience with them.

Seeing Izuku learning how to use One for All during the entrance exam allowed Nezu to figure out that somebody else had designed the training for that boy, somebody that knew what it took to help others reach their potential.

The only person who fit that description that knew of One for All was young Naruto.

"... Cheese?" Toshinori showed that in a bag he brought with him, he had an entire wheel of cheddar. "It's perfectly aged." Toshinori was sure that he was being offensive, but that didn't matter right now. Nezu looked at the cheese with a thoughtful expression, before he nodded his head after smelling the strong aroma.

"Cheese aside, your request isn't unreasonable. You yourself recommended him for the Hero Course, along with Ryukyu, Sir Nighteye, Best Jeanest, and Miruko all recommended him. Endeavor recommended his son, and several rookie and pro heroes recommended Momo Yaoyorozu... These three have the potential to become the Next Big 3 of U.A." Nezu spoke as he got up and walked over to Toshinori, grabbing the cheddar offered to him, and putting it on the couch for later consumption. He sat down next to it and put his cigarette out in the ash tray.

Half-Cold Half-Hot, a Quirk that allowed for the abilities to create and control both Ice and Fire using the right and left halves of ones body. The Quirk alone in it's diverse abilities in both the offense and defense would allow for instant fame and easy recognition, as well as boasting incredibly practical uses for it's power.

Creation, the Quirk that could be literally used to create any non-living material from the bodies fat cells, with only the user's imagination being the true limit of the Quirk. It had offensive, defensive, support, rescue, and even medical uses for it that would allow the one with the Quirk the potential to easily become a drastically popular and skilled hero, able to help all people in all situations.

Monster Fox, the Quirk that allowed the user to become a giant Nine-Tailed Fox, with the more tails added increasing the size and power of the transformation. Once the user gained control over the Quirk's bloodlust completely, it was even rumored that the Quirk's latent abilities would be activated, allowing the user to freely control the hidden power within the Quirk. The Quirk's raw potential for battle was considerable, with it's multiple sizes being useful for anything from rescue operations to full on battle, the massive size being both an offense and great defense.

These three students were each recommended by pro heroes for their skills and Quirks.

"The next Big Three?" Toshinori was a little surprised.

He hadn't thought about that.

"Yes, the potential these three have is certainly higher than those around them. I was planning on placing them together in a class, to see how they would grow. For strength to grow, it needs to be tested and sharpened by the strength of others... and while they have Quirks that are stronger than most pro hero Quirks... it seems they all have holding them back." Nezu had seen the only tests that those three needed to take. The results showed that each of them were being held back by something. It actually made his smile fade when he thought on that.

Creation, a strong will and keen mind, didn't understand the hardships of being pushed to the edge, it was unknown if she would hold up when pushed through stress.

Monster Fox, a powerful Quirk for sure, but the user seemed to fear pushing his Quirk to the limits, so instead trained his body beyond what was safe out of fear of his own power.

"So... he'll be in Class 1-A?" Toshinori asked with a growing smile on his face.

"He needs to be... if he runs wild, he needs friends who can help him regain control. The fellow students of Class 1-A and their Quirks are most well suited for helping him." Nezu wasn't foolish either. Naruto was just as much of a threat with his Quirk as his mother had been, though he had the potential to be a greater hero than his father had been. "I remember what happened on the day of his birth. The day we lost Thunder God, and his son was left an orphan." Nezu looked at Toshinori, the hero visibly recoiling at the reminder.

The day Minato died had been a sad one for him.

They had been great friends, students who shared the same mentor for awhile, and they had been brothers in all but blood. Minato had never told him who his parents were, not that it mattered to him, but the two of them might as well had been brothers. It was why it was only naturally that he, Toshinori, took in Minato's only surviving child of that day as his own.

"Also... I'm afraid if he doesn't help me, I won't be a very good teacher." Toshinori admitted with a self-loathing chuckle.

He was so bad at teaching, he relied on his 16 year old nephew to help him, when the child had his own problems to deal with.

"Though, I'm surprised you aren't seeing him off to school for his first day. Not quite the most dependable of parents I must say." Nezu spoke jokingly, with Toshinori giving him a short look.

He shouldn't think on that anymore.

Nezu glanced to his side and decided that it would be best if he not show Toshinori what he had planned on showing him.

It could wait.

-With Naruto-



"Killing me..."

Mina, trapped between them as they bro hugged after not being able to see each other for awhile, managed to choke out as she found herself the unwilling participant of their moment. That said, she smiled as she looked at their faces, before she squeezed her arms out from between her boyfriend and friend, and joined in on the hug as well. None of them had really seen each other in awhile now, so she might as well enjoy their reunion on the first day they would all be attending the most popular school in the country. She was completely sure they were doing it on purpose though when they looked down at her.

She blinked.

His straight black hair, was now bright red, and he had it spiked like horns.

"I figured this was a chance to make a new me, so red haired me is the new me. Thought it looked cool." Kirishima looked away from Naruto and Mina, not wanting to see if they were sending disapproving looks. His parents had sent him similar looks when he came out of his room with a different hair color. They ended up being supportive of his choice, but the looks of shock on their faces were a little hurtful.

He glanced at them.

No real reaction.

"I guess it's cool... yeah, it looks pretty nice I guess." Naruto was corrected by Mina as she nudged him in the side. "Also... I don't care what color your hair is, to be honest." Kirishima was Kirishima, red or black hair. Such a small change didn't really mean anything in the long run.

Kirishima grinned.

"So, what class are you two going to be in... I'm in Class A." Mina grinned as they walked across the school grounds.

"A too." Kirishima smiled and looked at Naruto.

He nodded.

He better not have jinxed himself.

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