Naruto In My Hero Academia

Chapter 16 - Class intros


Traditionally, it was considered the class that spawned the majority of the great heroes that came from U.A. All Might, Best Jeanest, and even Endeavor were just a few examples of the greatness that was expected of the heroes that graduated at the top of their classes in Class A. The expectations for many people when seeing a Class A hero alone were usually enough to make some weaker willed students drop out of the course. Not to mention Class A was the class that had the harshest of teachers for years and years.

"Man, fighting those robots was super tough, didn't think I would manage to do as well as I did with my Quirk."

"Don't know about that man, it was kind of easy."

'I'm going to play the guessing game with this one...' Naruto looked around the classroom at his fellow classmates. Most of them were already seated in their chairs, some of them hadn't arrived yet actually. He did a mental head count, and noticed there were three less people than there were desks. Meaning that some people hadn't arrived at the school just yet. 'Knowing my uncle, he made sure Izuku and me were in a class together... bet he wants me to help Izuku more.' Naruto made a guess at who was one of the missing ones.

Didn't matter though, it was up to Izuku to improve his Quirk now, and Naruto wasn't going to help anymore than he had to.

"So, what does your Quirk do, something involving your whisker marks?"

Naruto blinked and looked to see somebody talking to him. He looked around in confusion for a moment, not seeing the person speaking. That was, before he noticed a sleeve peek out from his desk. A floating female U.A. uniform stood up in front of him and the left arm waved at him.

He would rather not say his Quirk, seeing as "Fox-Man" was still something people were seeing in the news. He would rather not explain on his first day of school that he had done illegal hero work.

"Ah! That's no fair, by the way, I'm Toru Hagakure, I'm Seat 16!" The bubbly girl introduced herself to him.

He couldn't see it, but she had to be smiling.

"You see mademoiselle, I would have scored first with my puissant Quirk, but I had the need to use the bathroom." Seat 1 spoke, and Naruto could see through Toru's face to see it was a showy boy. A very angular face with swept blond hair and angular blue eyes, with a V-shaped mouth. He wasn't tall, about 168 cm in height, not that big in muscle either... of which he didn't really have anything there.

He was speaking to Seat 2, aka, Naruto's girlfriend Mina as the girl eagerly listened to him talk.

"Man, you must have a cool Quirk then Aoyama." Mina spoke, and Naruto looked down at his phone.

Duh, he had a list of his classmates on his phone, sent to him by Recovery Girl as a personal favor to him. Naruto was bad with names, so he had asked for the list so that he didn't forget anyone's names and make bad impressions with everyone.

Seat 1, Yuga Aoyama.

Seat 2, Mina Ashido.

"Nope." Naruto popped the P in nope when he spoke.

Seat 3, Tsuyu Asui, perhaps the smallest person in the class at less than 5 feet. She had a rounded face with large eyes and a rounded mouth as well. With her green hair, long but rounded on top, she kind of resembled a cute frog. Her hands were visibly larger than the hands of... most everyone in the class actually. Considering she had a small body in general, the school clothes didn't do a great job at showing boob sizes thanks to their looseness, it made her hands actually look kind of cute.

She had to have an animal Quirk, maybe "Frog" or something like that.

Seat 4 was missing at the moment, and the same was said about seat 5, both of those seats next to each other were empty.

"You have the power to shoot lasers from your whiskers." Toru guessed again, not noticing that Naruto was looking through her and around at the rest of the class.


Seat 6, Mashirao Ojiro, a boy about Aoyama's size, but much more muscular than the skinny boy was. He likewise had blond hair, but small black eyes, and his Quirk was easily able to figure out based on the very large muscular tail he had, a tail that ended with fur at the end.

Good Quirk for battle.

Seat 7, Denki Kaminari, another blond only with a black lightning bolt in his short spiky hair. He wasn't super muscled, a small amount of fat, but decent muscle as well. He gave off a rather 'cool' aura about him as he turned and talked with Seat 8, Naruto's own friend Eijiro Kirishima, and based on appearance, Naruto would say he had an electrical Quirk.

"... Doggy."


Seat 9, Koji Koda, was a large boy with a malformed looking head that was shaped like a rock. He had a very wide body, being a good combination of fat and muscle, giving him a brutish look to him. Looking at his shy and nervous face though, Naruto could tell that he had troubles with people. Naruto didn't know if his appearance was Quirk related, or if he just inherited it from a parent.

Not all inhuman looks had anything to do with Quirks after all.

Seat 10, Rikido Sato, was ALL muscle though, massively bulky muscle that sadly Naruto could see meant he had very little speed to him. Not to mention, because of his body type, he wasn't built for stamina either. He was large, but he had a rather goofy face with big lips that did give him a friendly aura about him. He had to have a strength related Quirk though, based on his appearance.

Good hero material.

Seat 11, Mezo Shoji, perhaps the tallest guy in the class. One of the few taller than Naruto was, with his body clearly being the result of his Quirk. He had size arm appendages, with flesh webbing between them, and a long angular skull with grey hair that covered his right facial features. Only his left eye was visible, because he wore a mask to keep his face hidden. He could be a good fighter, but his appearance would be scary for kids who weren't use to those with mutated features.

"So... not a kitty or a dȯġġƴ... these whisker marks are gills, and you breath underwater." Toru guessed as she grew a little more audibly confused.

His Quirk was so hard to guess.

Not a ton of students were in the school on recommendation, since heroes didn't like to put their reputations on the line for children.

"A couple, so I better live up to their expectations." Naruto pumped his fist and gave an enthusiastic smile.

He wasn't in a position to give names right now.

"Secret then, cool." Kyoka spoke with a small smile, a secret was just something that made her curious about it. "You're Quirk isn't related to your whisker marks huh?" She asked as she pointed at his face.

"Kind off... when I use my Quirk they stay on my face... kind of..." Naruto didn't know what the deal was with his whisker marks.

He had them as long as he could remember.

Seat 13, Hanta Sero, tall and lanky. He had super lean muscle, but his muscle was seemingly built for pure speed and almost no power to it. His arms were on the weak side, with his legs having more muscle. He had lengthy black hair, and a plain face with a large toothed smile. Naruto noticed his elbows in his sleeves bulging out, so he had a Quirk that used his elbows.

He was chatting with Kirishima and Denki in front of him.

"Scars from the past, marking you for a grande destiny, supported by those who regret long gone mistakes." Seat 14, Fumikage Tokoyami whispered as he glanced back at Naruto. His head was, oddly enough, shaped completely like a raven head. He had red eyes though, and a yellow beak... but teeth were visible when he spoke. His neck was even red, but from the shoulders below he was completely human in appearance. He seemed built for neither speed nor power, so Naruto guessed his Quirk was distance based, and he didn't need to use his body a ton.

"Scars... nice." Kyoka poked Naruto's face with a teasing grin, and Tokoyami lowered his head in shame when he realized they heard him.

Naruto laughed nervously.

"Not scars... born with them. Had them when I was born, apparently my brother and sister had them too." Naruto said with a rub to the back of his head.

"You have siblings, that's so nice."

'... He said had...' Kyoka didn't point that out though, but she didn't seem like she was going to say anything about it to Toru either, and Naruto nodded to her thankfully.

She allowed the subject to drop.

He didn't like talking about it.

Naruto gave Seat 15 a glare when he noticed that familiar red hair. Seat 15, Shoto Todoroki, the son of the hero Endeavor. Half white hair, half red hair, with a brown eye and a blue eye. He had a decent blend of bulk and lean, but he wasn't built for physical punching power, but considering what his Quirk was, he didn't need a ton of that.

His left eye had a burning red scar all over it, and that had Naruto curious, curious enough he stopped glaring for the moment.

Then there was Seat 17, Katsuku Bakugo... the guy was already showing off, another guy with blond spiky hair, only his eyes were super narrow and red. He had a powerful frame, and Naruto had seen his Explosion related Quirk in the news before. He had a ċȯċky smile on his face though, and Naruto narrowed his eyes for a moment when he looked him.

This boy was different than the rest of the class.

Seat 18 was Izuku.

Naruto himself was Seat 19, and finally there was the girl who sat next to him. Seat 20, a girl who was like himself and got in on recommendation. Momo Yaoyorozu was the tallest girl in class, and was actually taller than most of the boys in the class too. She had a different body from the rest of the class, her body was far more mȧturė than the rest of the girls. Surprisingly enough, for a girl that got in on recommendation, her body was both physically fit looking, but she seemed like she had a little bit of fluff on that muscle. She had a good, attractive body, a friendly face, black hair and cat-like black eyes, and she generally seemed like a friendly person.

She had the makings already of a good hero, but he was curious about why she had a bit of extra fat on her body, if she took such good care of herself.

"Class is about to start, lets talk later, show me that Quirk of yours." Kyoka told him as she started to walk back to her chair.

Toru gave off a 'pout aura' though he couldn't see a pout.

"I'll see your Quirk soon enough I guess." Toru spoke as she sat back down, and her jacket leaned forward, her head thudding against the desk.

Naruto smiled to himself as he saw class was going to start in a few minutes.

What was keeping Izuku, Tenya Iida and Ochaco Uraraka, Seat 4 and 5?

Oh well, they would show up before time was up

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