Naruto In My Hero Academia

Chapter 17 - Physical test

The hero known as Eraserhead by others, a very lazy and tired looking man that seemed like he would drop dead at any second. The teacher of class 1-A, wearing a full black bodysuit with a long white scarf wrapped around his neck several times. Long unkept hair, and tired looking black eyes with a very scruffy face. The guy didn't give off the aura of a hero that many had come to expect, no, instead he gave off the look of somebody that was homeless.

The second he entered the room, he had told them to get changed into their gym uniforms provided, and head to the grounds.

He already had Naruto's interest.

"Here at U.A., we believe in a freestyle education, and we teachers follow this to the letter. I won't waste your or my time with the useless stuff. Today, we're going to be testing your Quirks." Shota walked in front of them and picked up a ball, before he tossed the softball to Naruto, who was standing at the back of the class. Naruto blinked when the ball had been thrown to him, and some students looked at him. "Softball throwing, standing long jump, 50 meter dash, endurance running, grip strength, side to side stepping, upper body training, seated toe touch... all basic middle school tests to determine national health averages... and isn't rational." Shota sent Naruto a pointed look when he spoke about not being rational.

Oh, right, the teachers knew who had what Quirk in their classes, so Shota already knew that Naruto made illegal use of his Quirk on a regular basis.

Yeah, he was a pretty non-rational person by those standards.

'I see... he's going to have us test these with our Quirks... fun.' Naruto thought as he started to step forward when gestured to the circle.

"You don't have middle school records, so you'll be the test dummy... throw the ball without your Quirk. Don't leave the circle." Shota spoke to Naruto as Naruto stepped into the circle. Naruto took position, before he winded up.

When he threw, several people looked surprised.

Others were Mina and Kirishima.

"Awesome dude!"

252.7 M

Shota held up a distance recorder that showed just how far Naruto threw the ball, which got Naruto to frown.

'That isn't as far as I was hoping...' Naruto was going to have to increase his training if he was going to get stronger. While his record was amazing for others, to him, this kind of strength for his base form wasn't good enough. He was going to have to increase his training another five times in intensity.

"Now, use your Quirk." Shota spoke, and Naruto raised a hand.

Naruto sighed.

"Well Toru, you're getting your answer now... and I'm going to say this once-" Naruto started to transform, his uniform actually growing with him. Naruto went to his 3-Tail form and towered over everyone around as he stood up to his full height. He glanced down at his classmates. "-don't call me Fox-Man, that isn't what I want my hero name to be." Naruto stated to them as he was given the next ball to throw. The ball was so small, he literally just held it with the tip of one of his claws, balancing it.

"Oh, he's not a kitty..."

5,975.5 M

'I lost my balance on the ball at the last second... that was harder to throw than I thought.' Naruto looked in the direction of the ball with a frown. Sure, he had thrown it further than possible for anyone that wasn't using a Quirk, but with his Quirk he should have thrown it further. It was just way to hard for him to throw something as small as a softball with his massive hands.

"We can use our Quirks for these tests... AWESOME!" Mina shouted at the top of her lungs.

Kirishima, who knew her Quirk, tapped her shoulder.

"You melt things... you're Quirk isn't really going to help you with throwing." Kirishima whispered to her, trying to remind her that she would sooner melt the ball than throw it far. Not to mention, other than running, her Quirk didn't enhance her physical abilities or give her many advantages in those areas.

Then again, Mina was already very athletic on her own, Quirk or not she was usually head above shoulders when compared to most others.

"Hope nobody got hit by that." Toru pointed out when Naruto stood nearby her.

He threw that ball several kilometers away, there was no mistaking that it had left the school grounds, and might have hit something. Naruto, upon hearing her, wondered where the ball had landed.

"In three years, you're hoping to become heroes... are you expecting this to be fun and games? Okay, then lets add this... last place will be considered hopeless and I will personally expel them." Shota spoke with a downright deadly look on his face. His flipped his hair out of his face, and gave them all the most menacing smile he could.

'That seems like a motivating lie.' Momo crossed her arms under her bust, coming to the conclusion that he was lying to motivate them. Of course, she noticed most students around her seemed suddenly very worried about their chances. More than likely those with Quirks that didn't allow them to increase physical abilities very much.

Not to mention, everyone was now suddenly competing with each other to not get kicked from the school, so they were all enemies now.

"He's... heh..." Naruto let out a very small laugh when he realized Shota was lying about the last place part. Yet, he wasn't completely lying either. 'He's going to expel anyone he thinks is hopeless, regardless of their scores... he expelled an entire class not long ago.' Naruto put his hands in his pockets and leaned forward.

Suddenly, nobody cared about "Fox-Man" when now their futures as heroes were being placed on the line.

The first day of school, and they were already being tested with such high stakes to them. Truly, this was a fitting school for those who wanted to be heroes, and only those who had figured out the lie had massive grins on their faces, or were showing true confidence. Well, them and those who were just that arrogant.

"You're a fox... what do you say exactly?" Toru poked Naruto's cheek again, and her tone was cheeky.

She seemed to be the only one who was trying to distract herself from the horrors that could lay ahead.

"This is the hero course of U.A., welcome to a harsh three years." Shota spoke with a short, yet somehow evil laugh.

He would make a good villain.

Naruto glanced and scratched his face.

"Man, I can't wait to show off!" Kirishima wrapped an arm over Naruto's shoulder, with Mina joining in as they all started to line up to go and do the events planned for them. Mina looked a little nervous to be honest, her athletic abilities aside, her Quirk wasn't great for this kind of thing. She was going to have to use mostly her own innate physical abilities, unlike others who could use their abilities to get better scores.

Naruto glanced at Mina for a moment, and he noticed.

"You'll do great." Naruto spoke confidently, and Mina's face relaxed at his words.

"Yeah, thanks Naruto, you're awesome!" Toru shouted as her sleeves raised in the air, and she jumped up and down. Apparently, she had taken his words for herself. She wasn't the only one that took his words wrong though. Even Kirishima pumped his fist up into the air, and showed excitement as he literally gave off an energetic howl.

"Not going to let you down if you believe in me that much!"

"Wait... I was talking to..." Naruto stopped when Mina placed a finger on her lips and winked at him. She knew he had been talking to her, and that was all that mattered. If the invisible girl and Kirishima wanted to use his words as encouragement, let them. She didn't see the harm in not correcting this misunderstanding. Naruto sighed, and smiled down at her as she moved so that she was standing right next to him. "... You've got a point." Naruto was just waiting for things to be his turn.

He had a Quirk that was great for this kind of thing.

'Such an obvious lie...' Todoroki started his stretches, having taken a few moments to figure out where the lie had been.

'Right, he can control his Quirk better, but he still seems pretty nervous.' Naruto thought with a small smile, before he became serious when he noticed that it time his turn to do the next event.

-Event 1: 50-Meter Dash-

'The 2-Tailed form is the fastest one for short distance... better switch to that one.' Naruto transformed his body and leaned down, tensing his legs for a massive start. For this event, people were placed side by side with another person in the class. It kind of made him feel a little competitive, considering that he was running next to that man's son.

Todoroki just got ready, a light frost covering part of his body.

The small race started.

Naruto crossed the distance nearly instantly with his larger bodies greater strides, and because Naruto chose to run on all fours, he was able to use the most of his animal features.

"1.01 seconds!"

"Damnit... I need to get faster." Naruto transformed back and frowned, and to the few that heard him say those words, jaws could only drop. "Should have taken less than a second." Naruto punched his fist into his hand, pumping himself up to increasing his training the second that he had any free time.

Todoroki: 4.89 seconds.

"Dude, what are you, a monster!?"

Denki shouted when he saw the machine that was reading Naruto's grip strength, and Naruto could only really use his 1-Tail form for this one, since the machine was too small for any other form to use.

906 Kg

"Damnit... 2 kilograms short of a ton." Naruto had high expectations for this event, since he had always wanted to brag about grip strength.

Denki backed away from Naruto a little.

Scary training monster.

-Event 3: Standing Long Jump-

"This almost isn't a fair competition between us, I hope you do well though." Momo gave Naruto a small nod. Growing out of her body, as she slightly lifted her shirt to show her stomach, came a small trampoline that she stood on top of to increase her jumping distance.

Naruto grinned.

"That looks pretty fun... My Quirk was designed for these kinds of physical tests. I'm honestly excited to see all the ways everyone uses their Quirk creatively for these things." Naruto spoke as he transformed up to the highest form he had without losing control of himself. He absolutely towered over Momo as he stood in his 4-Tail form.

She jumped first, and got a couple of meters out of her jump.

Then Naruto jumped... and he crossed the entire sand pit with his jump. Surprisingly though, this was the one test so far that Naruto's score hadn't been the highest. He crossed the entire pit, but so did several other students, this time the record went to Bakugo, as he used his explosions to continue propelling himself as far as he wanted to.

-Event 4: Side-Stepping-

"Not transforming?" His partner for this one asked as he was stared at, stretching his legs for the test.

"Won't help, my feet turn into a combintion of paws and human feet in my larger forms, so I don't get a speed boost for this event." Naruto looked at Tokoyama as a large dark demon-like bird shadow came from his body, and wrapped it's arms around his waist. It helped him step from side to side with increased speed by physically moving him.

Thankfully, Naruto had great legs, and was able to keep up and stay among the top students for this one.

Naruto frowned when he saw Mina nearby, actually doing better at him at this exam, before he sighed.

He should feel happy she was doing so well.

-Event 5: Throwing-


"... I can't beat that score." Naruto noted as one of the girls who had been almost late for class, Ochaco Uraraka, threw the ball after applying her Quirk to it, and it didn't stop.

He didn't have to take this test, since his score was already recorded, this girl blew his score (which had been the highest score) out of the water.


She negated gravity on the ball, and when she threw it, the ball would continue and go on forever and ever. It would forever continue, until it hit something in space, be it a sun, a planet, a moon, or whatever else that would stop the ball. It wasn't really her physical strength, but the score was still damn impressive.

-Event 6: Endurance Running-

Naturally, Naruto was able to run the distance in record times, with only a single other student coming even close to his score this time.

Tenya Iida, and thanks to the engines in his legs, was was able to run the long distance they were given nearly as fast as Naruto was able to in his 2-Tail form. Naruto had crossed the finish line, and only 21 seconds later, Tenya had crossed it. The boy actually looked at his own legs with some disappointment.

"Brother, this test should have been mine as well." Tenya seemed to hold himself up to the highest standards as well.

Naruto liked this guy.

-Event 7: Upper Body Training-


Surprisingly, Naruto was paired with Mina this time, and she just stared up at him in his 4-Tail form as he lifted... well Naruto lifted entire buses over his head with rather ease. Nobody was really able to compete with that score, since none of their Quirks really gave the massive strength his had.

"... It is actually unfair competing against Quirks that include turning into giants." Mina complained as her score looked pitiful against her boyfriends. Sure, she actually scored amongst the highest among the girl, with only Ochaco beating her by making the weights weigh nothing, but it was not good for her image to compete next to the guy lifting a great many tons, instead of the small weights most of them were doing.

Naruto glanced down at her.


"Seriously, you need to be less strong!" Mina complained as she smacked Naruto a few times on the foot.

He needed to be a little more considerate to those who didn't have the ability to turn into a massive fox man!

-Event 8: Seated Toe Touch-

Almost everyone, without exception, was able to easily touch their toes, with only those with larger, bulky bodies, or fatter frames, having trouble with this.

-Events Over-

"Now that, that is over, lets show the scores. Your total scores reflect your performance in each event, not going to explain how it's calculated though." Shota turned on the holograph machine that would show their scores. "... Also, I was lying earlier." Shota spoke as the scores started to show up. "It was just a rational decision to bring out all of your best." Shota continued onward.


A great number of students freaked out.

"You don't seem surprised either." Momo spoke to Naruto, with her, him, and Todoroki being among the few who weren't really surprised. "Figure it out?" She asked him.

"I'm good at reading people, though I'm not that smart." Naruto didn't mention something though. '... He also wasn't lying... he was going to expel anyone who he didn't approve of.' Naruto looked at the shrewd man with narrowed eyes.

Well, it was good everyone passed his test.

After classes, he had training to get back to.

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