Naruto In My Hero Academia

Chapter 18 - Impressions are Key

You know, other than that first testing stuff, classes have actually been pretty boring in comparison."

Several people felt the same way obviously, and when Denki pointed it out, even Naruto had to agree with it mentally. He didn't say anything to Denki, since he wasn't part of that conversation. Naruto glanced over at Bakugo, who was glaring death at Izuku for some reason. Naruto didn't get it, but Izuku had his head on his desk to avoid looking at Bakugo, so there was a story there that Naruto wasn't told about. It looked like a fight could break out between the two of them at any moment, with the dėsɨrė to fight being all on Bakugo's end. Naruto was going to keep his nose out of it, unless somebodies life was on the line.

"So Fox-Man-"

"Toru, call me that again, and I will have Mina strip you nȧkėd and hide your clothes." Naruto told the invisible girl. He looked over at Mina, having said that loud enough for her to hear it. She turned around and sent him two thumbs up, showing that she was willing to follow through on that threat for him. After all, the girl was invisible, so it wasn't like she was going to get hurt by this punishment, or that anyone was going to get a free show from it.

Either way, Toru's sleeved wrapped in front of her ċhėst.


'She realized that nobody can see her nȧkėd?' Momo had realized that Naruto only made that threat, seemingly, because the one that had spoken that name on him had been an invisible girl. "You know though, she does have a point. When I saw the Fox-Quirk using man on the news myself, I ȧssumed he was just a pro hero that didn't want to be in the spot light." Momo turned and faced towards Naruto.

Naruto slumped forward as Toru sat on his desk.

She was joined by Sero as the lanky boy stood in front of Naruto's desk, and he smiled down at Naruto and gave a wide grin and a pat on the back.

"Thanks for saving my life by the way, that day when you saved people in the mall, that villain had his cannon aimed at me before you and your partner showed up. Let me know if you ever need help with something, I kind of want to repay the favor." Sero spoke with a wider grin, it would seem grin was his default expression. Though, one couldn't mistake the gratitude that he was showing in his smaller body expressions.

Mina froze.

"Didn't know you were there, and I don't need anything." Naruto denied him with a wave of his hand. Mina stayed purposely silent, since Naruto had connections to the police through his uncle apparently. She didn't, so she could get in real trouble if people learned that she had done vigilante work with him. She would have loved to take credit for helping, and it irked her to stay silent, but she knew she had to. "Anyway, I'm just in the wrong place at the right time. When I see a person in need, I have to do something." Naruto turned to Momo and waved his hand.

Because of his fox-form's large size and muscular frame, people ȧssumed he was a fully grown ȧduŀt when he took that form, it was an easy mistake to make. Sero took his seat again, but he flipped his chair so that he was looking at Naruto.

Most everyone in the class were talking in small groups at the moment.

"Man, don't downplay it." Sero insisted on it. What Naruto did was noteworthy and deserving of praise, he needed to man up and accept what was coming to him, the praise of others. There was being humble, and then there was being awkward about it.

"I wish I could get noticed for doing awesome stuff." Toru pointed out to Naruto.

He twitched.

"Honestly, I don't go looking for people to save. I really just constantly find myself around when villains appear. It's just bad luck there is never a pro around when the villains nearby strike. Anyway, I hate that nickname the news gave me. My hero name is going to be something cooler than that." Naruto turned to Toru and gave her a glare for saying the news name for him. Seriously, Fox-Man was such an uncool name. He didn't care about being seen as cool so much as he at least wanted to be known by a cool name in general. Something that he picked out himself, that inspired people to feel safe with him.

Fox-Man just sounded like a big fluffy guy.

"That's wolves." Momo and Sero both turned to look at her, saying that in time with Naruto face palming. The girl didn't know her animals very well if she thought foxes howled at the moon.

"Revelry in the dark."

"Either way, the teacher should be showing up, so if you would please take your own seat." Momo looked at Toru, who was still sitting there and poking Naruto. You could see where her finger poked him by where his skin indented, and her sleeves drooped as she seemed depressed. It was hard to tell though, until a whɨnė escaped her. "Also, in the future, you might want to take more care not placing yourself in a position to be a vigilante." Momo turned her lecturing gaze to Naruto. Moments later she turned forward, before she coughed into her hand. "... Also... thank you... when that giant villain attacked... my mother was in a car nearby. If you hadn't been there..." Momo blushed when she realized her thanking him for his illegal actions went directly against what she told him not to do.

Naruto waved her off.

Toru poked him one last time before she went to her own desk.

"You don't-"

"I HAVE-" All Might, in his silver age costume, rammed his body through the door like an almost normal person. His old cape billowing behind him as he made a loud and rather 'epic' entrance for most of the students who had never seen him in person. Izuku instantly perked up, and many students were now paying rapt attention to the front of the classroom. "-COME THROUGH THE DOOR, LIKE NORMAL!"

Naruto looked at his silver age costume.

"It's really All Might, here to teach-!"

All Might instantly got down in seiza, shivering in what appeared to be fear.

'He's treating All Might like a child.'

"Seriously, this is your first day as a teacher! What happened to that custom fit suit that I had to go out of my way to pick up on the way to U.A. this morning, the suit that was for YOU to wear!? Why the hell am I picking up a suit for you, when you're just going to wear something completely different!?" Naruto loudly lectured his uncle, the grown man forced to sit down. If the class had been dead silent before, they were pale, shaking, and completely shocked to their collective cores when they saw how the number 1 hero was being treated.

Izuku was shocked, and he had seen this happen before!

"I just wanted to make a good first impression, surely my boy, you understand-"

"Texas Smash!" Naruto got All Might on the top of the head with a downward punch. The bump that formed was comical in appearance, and Naruto looked down at All Might with the look similar to a lecturing parent once more. "Don't 'my boy' me. You and I both know you just love attention, and making flashy entrances. Now, you are going to go change into that suit I was forced to bring for you, and then you are coming back like a normal human being!" Naruto pointed to the door with a strict finger.

'The BALLS on him!' Kirishima had NEVER seen Naruto do this to anyone, and he didn't know that his best friend knew All Might to this point. Even Mina, who knew that Naruto had connections to All Might through his uncle, was surprised to see the hero get treated like this.

All Might got up and left the room with drooped shoulders.

Even Bakugo as angry as he was, was not angry and simply shocked as Naruto went back to his seat and sat down with crossed arms.

He was already bad at teaching, why make that even more noticeable?

-5 Minutes Later-

'He's dressed in a suit now.' The entire class thought as All Might came through the door in a completely normal way and stood at the teacher's test, dressed in a stripped brown suit, ready for teaching. Everyone looked at Naruto, and then at All Might as the man looked at Naruto, before he took a breath of relief when Naruto nodded his head in approval. With that done, he gave a wide smile like always and laughed.

"Ignore that class! I'm friends with Naruto's uncle, so we've known each other for a long time!" All Might covered for his and Naruto's secret relationship, since it would be best if nobody asked questions.

Naruto blinked.

Oh right, he had just snapped without thinking about what others would think.

Everyone looked at Naruto.

"... What he said..."

"I'm going to be your teacher for your Hero Basic Training class. In this class, I'll be putting you through training to mold you into heroes. It might be the first day of school, but lets start off with a bang. So I've chosen Battle Training... In accordance with your personal requests and your Quirk Registry, we've put together costumes for all of you to wear." All Might looked at Naruto as he spoke calmly, and Naruto gave him a sly thumbs up. He was doing good and being professional, and as the wall next to him opened up and revealed costume boxed with their seat numbers (Izuku pulled out a backpack with his, and Naruto was wearing his under his uniform, with his capes, shoes, and gloves in his backpack as well.


The class was very excited.

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