Naruto In My Hero Academia

Chapter 19 - Hidden feelings

"Man, I can't wait to see the girls in their hero costumes!"

Being in a room with a lot of half-dressed men was something Naruto didn't have experience with, but he didn't really care too much either. He was wearing his costume underneath his uniform, so all he needed to do was take off the top layer of his clothes, and add on the extra stuff. Most of the other guys had complicated suits to get into, or they had gear made to help them with their Quirks. In contrasts, Naruto didn't need the help with improving his Quirk that devices could get him, all he needed was clothes able handle the strain of his increase in size.

"Hey Naruto, why didn't you tell me you knew All Might that well?" Kirishima, in his undėrwėȧr, asked Naruto as the taller teen undressed. He showed the clothes that he was wearing underneath his uniform, and simply folded the clothes he took off.

Others were listening.

'No wonder that bastard is so strong... I'll prove I'm better than him... and you-' Bakugo glanced at Naruto, before glaring death at Izuku. Naruto raised an eyebrow when he noticed the glare, but didn't think anything of it. Izuku just shivered when a bad feeling went down his spine, and the source of it was obvious even if he didn't look for who was sending him negative vibes.

"How does your uncle even know All Might?" Shoji asked as he approached Naruto, curiousity in his visible eye, though his monotone voice didn't speak it for him. He spoke from a mouth that formed at the end of one of his tentacles. It was a question everyone wanted to know, but not a lot of people could think up a great answer for. Naruto took his shoes off and replaced them with his yellow boots, wiggling his toes, before he slid the gloves on over his hands. Naruto thought about how to answer that one for a moment, something that got him a look from Todoroki, surprisingly enough.

Why did he have to think about that if the answer was simple?

Naruto stood up and tied the red cape around his waist, before he slung the white cape over his shoulders and clicked it into place on the costume.

"My Uncle works as the senior supervisor for All Might's agency, so I've known All Might since I was little. My Uncle is always busy, so sometimes I work at the agency, and drop reports off." Naruto came up with the simple truth, since "Toshinori Yagi" was a registered worker at the All Might agency. He told the truth at least, so nobody could prove without a shadow of a doubt he was lying to them. "I'm done, hurry up all of you. The sooner you get dressed, the sooner the fun starts." Naruto stated as he glanced around at all of them.

His gaze lingered on Todoroki for a moment, and they had their eyes meet, before they both turned away from each other at the same time. Naruto simply walked out of the changing room, but not without growing in size as he took on his 1-Tail form. Naruto planned on keeping his identity a secret by always being in his 1-Tail form as a hero if he could help it. Though, if he ever needed to reveal who he was to get the job done, then he wouldn't hesitate to do that either. He would just like some privacy outside of being a hero once he became a pro.

Also, having fox ears meant he could hear danger from further away, and do his job better.



"Toru!? What the hell, this is the guy's changing room... Why the hell are you trying to sneak in... why are you nȧkėd!?" Naruto whispered urgently to her, since he had caught her trying to sneak into the boy's changing room. Toru covered her ċhėst with her arms, and Naruto could actually see her face change as the subtle distances between her face changed. Naruto closed his eyes, and he was actually able to get a much clearer image of her in his head, able to 'see' her body and her movements based on his super hearing, sense of smell, and his magnetic sense.

Toru realized Naruto could see her, and instantly her hands went to cover her brėȧsts and privates, seeing as for the first time in her life, she was actually exposed to somebody. She always felt embarrassed when she was nȧkėd or getting nȧkėd, but this was the first time that somebody had seen her nȧkėd. Judging by Naruto's reaction to her, it was pretty obvious he could see her... through some method.

"You can see me?"

"Yes, I can see you, Invisible Perv! Now go get changed in your hero costume, and I won't tell the guys what you planned on doing." Naruto grabbed her by the wrist and started to drag her with him towards the girl's changing room. He obviously didn't go in, and he didn't say anything else to Toru as he pulled her along. The both of them were far to embarrassed by their situation to say anything to the other.

-In the Girl's Changing Room: Minutes Later-

"Sorry everyone... I wasn't able to sneak in and see what the boys were talking about." Toru apologized to the rest of the girls who had been waiting for her to come back with the answers. They all knew that the boys were going to ask their local celebrity about All Might's private life, and had wanted to get Toru to spy on them for the information. It was obvious to send the invisible girl to go and get info after all.

Tsuyu made a ribbit sound as she placed a finger on her cheek, thinking on it.

She didn't want to make things awkward between them on their first day as friends.

"I was against this." Momo pointed out as she strapped a belt with a large book around her waist. Her costume did not leave very much to the imagination at all, though not that any of them were wearing clothes that failed to show off their figures. Most of them had skintight outfits, with the exceptions being Kyoka as the girl wore loose rocker clothes, and Toru as she put on gloves and boots for her costume.

Jiro tied the choker around her neck.

"How did you get caught anyway?" Jiro had heard a very deep voice lecturing Toru, but it had broken off into whispering she couldn't make out.

"Naruto saw me." Toru leaned forward and sighed.


"Saw you... you meant he heard you, right? Because you're nȧkėd and invisible, if he saw you-" Ochaco asked with a growing blush on her face. Several others blushed when they realized that they had sent their classmate to get spied on by a boy.

Mina frowned.

'I'm his girlfriend... I'm not going to get angry over this.' Mina thought as she took several calming breaths. She was not going to allow this to get to her anymore than it did by thinking on it. It wasn't like Toru meant for Naruto to see her nȧkėd, and it wasn't like he meant to see her nȧkėd either. It sounded like a complete accident, by Toru's voice at least.

Toru waved her hands wildly.

"Of course not! He grabbed my wrist and made me come back here, and told me he wouldn't tell the guys about what I did! He was just as surprised as me that he could see me!" Toru's arms weakened in how hard they were waving. "... It was kind of exciting... having a boy who could see me... I think I'll ask him out on a date! It would be nice to have a boyfriend that could see me!" Toru laughed at her own idea.

Mina suċkėd in her breath.

"You like he saw you nȧkėd... rather weird."

"I'm not happy he saw me nȧkėd... I'm just happy somebody saw me." Toru corrected Ochaco, since she wasn't the pervert people would imagine her to be. Nobody had ever complimented her looks before, because nobody knew what she looked like. Naruto was able to see her, so she could get his opinion on if she were pretty or not, and what kind of stuff looked good.

Momo thought on it.

"Foxes do have a magnetic sense that allows them to judge distances, so I wouldn't say that he saw you, as much as mapped out your body with said sense. So while he can see you with his brain, I don't think his eyes see you. Either way, it would be better if you wore more clothes." Momo explained the science behind why she had been seen. Of course, she didn't know if she was right, but she liked the chances that she was correct. "You should donate some of your hair to the company that makes our costumes, and have them make you an invisible leotard." Momo pulled out one of her own hairs to show. Since as it stood, as long as Naruto took a fox form, he was going to be able to see Toru nȧkėd.

Mina nodded at that suggestion.


So Naruto decided to take after him, that made his heart warm.

He had always hoped that Naruto would base his hero costume after his own, such was their bond, and he wanted to be looked up to by Naruto. So to see that Naruto had apparently taken his hero costumes to heart.

Sunlight shined on Naruto's costume.


"Ma... Master..." Toshinori said without thinking when he saw that familiar outfit make a new appearance with an updated, male, design to it. Naruto shrunk his body down to his humanoid form once more, and rubbed the side of his face without looking at Toshinori. '... Give him black hair... and you could say he was her son...' Toshinori almost lost his muscle form from shock as he looked at Naruto. He was unable to smile as he looked at Naruto, tears in his eyes.

Naruto looked down.

"... I wanted to tell you for a long time now... but I didn't know how to. My father... is Nana Shimura's first born son, before she married her husband... My father never told you, because he didn't want you to feel guilty over inheriting One for All... Nana Shimura is my grandmother... Are you okay?" Naruto looked at All Might as the man tried to clear away his own tears. He slapped his cheeks roughly, before he sent Naruto a thumbs up.

"I am NOT okay!" Toshinori shouted with a laugh, before he looked serious. "... If anything, this makes me happy... I've been raising my master's grandson, and I've raised him into a wonderful young man. Do her costume justice, okay?" Toshinori requested of Naruto, and Naruto nodded his head with a wide smile.

His uncle took that better than he thought he would.

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