Naruto In My Hero Academia

Chapter 20 - Brains and Brawn

Team training.

In actuality, Naruto would say this, for his first lesson his uncle had actually been placed in charge of a pretty unique and cool test. It was well thought out, nicely designed, and overall... there was no way his uncle actually made it up on his own. Naruto could tell this was a U.A. tradition of sorts, but all the same, it was a well designed first lesson. With 20 students in class, everyone was able to split up into even teams on 2, with 10 teams being formed. Half of the teams were playing the roles of villains who were guarding a nuclear bomb, and it was their job to defend the job, beat up the heroes, or just defend the weapon until time was up. Sadly, "All Might" had needed a cheat sheet on this test to explain it to the class, which had shown Naruto that he hadn't thought it up.

This placed all of the hero teams at a disadvantage, while giving every advantage to the villain teams, including the fact that they were inside of old buildings, which meant heavy combat on the hero part meant risking popping the bomb open.

Team C - Naruto and Momo

'Her costume... doesn't leave much to the imagination...' Naruto glanced at his partner as he sat on top of the nuclear bomb, it was a fake bomb obviously. If it weren't for the two large belts around her waist, and the large book on her behind, then there would have been too much exposure for most people. With her costume, she was sure to become a popular hero among teenage boys for sure. Not to mention she had a body that was far more mȧturė than it should be at her age, not that he could say anything to having a mȧturė body.

She was walking around the room, trying to think up a plan.

"After watching Midoriya and Bakugo, I have the gist of this-" Momo saw that Naruto raised an eyebrow. "-right, you designed to warm up instead of watching the others test." Momo realized that Naruto was among the few students who decided to do something different, instead of watch his classmates battle. Naruto didn't care to watch battles, when he needed to prepare for his own battle.

Naruto thought on it.

"Izuku won?"

"Bakugo went ballistic against Midoriya, and beat him up too harshly, but the heroes still won. I'm thinking we should barricade the doors." Momo stated as she turned away from Naruto and opened up the front of her leotard. Exposing herself to nobody, she didn't look at Naruto, a hammer and nails, as well as wooden planks started to form out of her stomach and ċhėst. She turned her head and looked back at Naruto as he seemed mostly uncaring about what she was doing. "My costume-"

"You need to have a lot of skin exposed to use your Quirk better, right?" Naruto asked her knowingly, and she blinked, before she nodded. Naruto jumped off of the bomb, and put his hands behind his head.

She seemed surprised.

Naruto hummed a small song to himself as he hammered the planks into place, and she was a little surprised at how willing he was to go along with her plan. Actually, he seemed to not be looking at her on purpose as well. He was showing her respect, so that she could expose herself and keep doing her role to the best of her ability. So, she got back to work and made more materials for them to work with.

She didn't know what else to say.

He broke the silence.

"We're versing Sero and Kirishima... Sero shoots tape from his elbows..." Naruto tried to remember everyones Quirks from what he had seen during the fitness tests. Naruto used all of the planks she made to board up one of the two doors into the room. He glanced at Momo when she closed her front again, and was able to turn to him without showing her goods.

He was thankful he was in fox form, because she was a very attractive girl.

She nodded.

"Right, his Quirk is good for capture, and with his range he just needs to have a straight line of sight on the bomb. Are you not worried about Kirishima?" Momo asked, since Naruto only mentioned Sero. He mentioned nothing of the red haired boy, which could mean he wad underestimating Kirishima.

Naruto nodded.

"We've been friends, and we train together. His Quirk is Hardening, but stamina is his weakness, and if you break his body, it's hard for him to get hard again. He's strong, but I have the advantage against him." Naruto knew him too well, and he knew his own strength as well. The problem was Sero, since Naruto didn't know how the teen fought, and if they were a good match or not. He walked over to the bomb, before he placed his hand on it. "Can you make a copy of this?" Naruto asked her.

Her Quirk allowed her to transform her fat cells into different objects by changing them at an atomic level, and while she could create more matter than fat, she still had a limit to how much she could make before she used up all of her fat cells and became malnourished. Thankfully, her body built back up fat cells easily because of her Quirk, and that had been a challenge in, in of itself since she had to stay physically fit to become a good hero. She had to keep her body healthy and athletic, while also maintaining a healthy body fat.

"I could, but I wouldn't be able to use my Quirk very much. Why?" Momo questioned, it would be a few minutes before the hero team made their way to them.

Naruto looked thoughtful.

"... Screw it, you come up with a plan. You seem really smart, so I'm going to trust you. Just tell me what you want me to do, and I'll do it." Naruto extended his hand to her with a smile. His plan was to make a fake bomb, and hide the real one. That way they could pretend to get beaten, and let the heroes take the fake bomb, before launching a surprise attack. They could capture both of them in one fell swoop without risking the bomb, but if she couldn't do it, then he wouldn't ask anymore of her.

Momo smiled a little.

"You're nicer than you look."

"... I look mean?" Naruto asked with some confusion and hurt as he pointed to himself. Regretfully, Momo had to nod to that, before she took his extended hand and gladly shook it.

"When I first saw you, you seemed like you like your mind was somewhere else. If you would like, I would be glad if we could become friends formally." Momo let go of his hand and bowed.

She would like a friend her own age.

"Fine by me... Now, I'm going to get into character." Naruto smiled back at her, before he transformed into his 2-Tail state and hopped back and forth. If he was going to play the role of a villain, then he was going to get into the role with all he had. Momo had almost literally sparkles in her eyes when she realized he was going to act like a villain, so he was going to have fun with this exam. Joining him, she created a black cape with her Quirk and pulled it over her shoulders.

-Observation Room-

"Communication is key between teammates, both hero and villain. While the last testers had no communication, it seems Team C and Team J are showing excellent teamwork. It's not perfect, but they are at a good starting point. Can anyone tell me where they can improve?" All Might asked the few students who were watching the cameras with him. A couple started to think on it, before Tsuyu raised her hand up quietly. "Yes?" He asked her.

She waited a moment.

"He was too willing to let her make the decisions, and she isn't asking for his help?" Tsuyu wasn't sure.

All Might surprisingly shook his head.

"No, some people are superior to others in some ways. Momo is perhaps one of the most intelligent girls at this school, and Naruto's battle prowess are not to be mocked. By allowing her to become the brain, and he become the brawn, they are splitting up the roles according to their skills." All Might started a lecture. This was a rather normal think that heroes overlooked, trying to become things they weren't. It was fine to improve areas they were lacking, but it was also good to rely on those who were superior to you in the areas who were lacking.

There was silence.

"They aren't covering their own weaknesses. They're only playing to their strengths." Tenya commented hopefully, and he was given a smile and thumbs up from the teacher.

-With Naruto and Momo-

The door burst open.

"Sero, quickly, the bomb!" Kirishima shouted as the two of them rushed into the room, his body being used to break down the door. Sero jumped in after him, and shot tape from both of his elbows towards the bomb. He grinned under his helmet when it looked like nothing was going to get in the way of their victory, before the tape hit something in front of the bomb.

A think glass barrier.

Momo spoke up.

"... Damn..." Kirishima grinned when he looked at the sight before him.

Momo was sitting on the ground, a black cape on her shoulders as she sat against Naruto's side as he layed on the ground next to her. She had a dark, but adorable, smile on her face as she looked at them from behind the glass wall.

"Myahahaha... MYAHAHAHA! Good luck heroes, but I predicted you would take this course of action. Now that your surprise attack has failed you, go, my loyal minion, go and turn these heroes into..." Momo placed both of her hands against her head as she tried to think of something threatening. She puffed up her cheeks when she couldn't think of anything, so Naruto stood up behind her and walked shattered the glass barrier.

"HERO... H is for Hearse, which you will be needing. E is for Eradicate, which I'm going to do to you-" Naruto pointed at Sero, who gulped when Naruto took a few steps towards him. "R is for Red, the stains I'm going to leave of you... Finally, O is for Off... because I'm about to off both of you... hero." Naruto spoke a soft, threatening poem towards the two men.

Momo created a cannon out of her stomach, and she fired a cannonball at the tape. Sero's tape caught the ball, and both the tape and Sero went flying as they were attached to the ball, and pulled along with it. Sero slammed into the wall, his body landing right next to the cannonball. He ġrȯȧnėd in some slight pain as Kirishima ran at Naruto to fight him.

"I've never fought you in this-" Kirishima was going to comment on having never fought Naruto in this form, before Naruto grabbed him by the face, and shoved him through the ceiling. Naruto then grabbed his ankle, yanked him out of the ceiling, before he slammed him into the floor. Without letting go of his ankle, Naruto slammed him all around the room as he turned Kirishima into a human stress toy. "-HELP! Sero, I need a hand man!" Kirishima wasn't going to win this fight.

Sero got out of the wall and nodded his head.

"I got-"

"That cannonball is actually hollow, and I filled it with a special material... and with the press of this buŧŧon-" Momo pressed the buŧŧon, and there was a small explosion that consumed Sero, launching him across the room and into the other wall. Sero saw that there were a ton of tiny bombs on the wall he landed on, and he watched as Momo pulled out another buŧŧon from her cape.

She smiled.

He gulped.


-Seconds Later-

In retrospect, it might have been unfair to put the smartest student with the most flexible Quirk, with the strongest student with an extremely powerful Quirk. In the future, All Might would have to make note that Naruto and Momo were not allowed to team up against students who weren't also in the Top 5 in the class. Kirishima and Sero really didn't stand a chance, but they had tried, and heroes that tried in the face of impossible odds were amazing in their own right.

Well, he would try and makes things a little more fair next time.

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