Naruto In My Hero Academia

Chapter 21 - Explosion Boy


'Been awhile since I've had a girl's day.' Mina thought as she suċkėd up her drink. She was sitting with her female classmates, at least a few of them, since Tsuyu had rejected the idea on the reason that she had to make lunch and dinner for her siblings today. It was their one day off of the week from school, and while she originally wanted to go on a date with Naruto today... he had actually turned her down. Apparently, today he and his uncle were going to be training together. 'I wonder what his uncle's Quirk is?' Mina didn't even know that Naruto's uncle had a strong Quirk, at least strong enough to hold his own against the freak of nature that was her training addicted boyfriend.

So here she was, with Ochaco, Toru, and Momo as the four of them sat in a family diner.

"It's a shame Jiro and Tsuyu are with their families today, it would have been nice to have all the girls together!" Toru's excited voice broke Mina from her thoughts, and she looked at the invisible girl... taking a bite of a sandwich. It vanished the second it entered her mouth, so it was amusing just watching her eat. They were all in their pretty casual clothes.

Ochaco just had a water, and a side of fries in front of her, preferring to snack instead of have a full meal.


"So Yaoyorozu, what was it like fighting alongside a pro?" Ochaco asked, who they believed, to be the only person in their group to fight alongside their local celebrity. Sure, Naruto wasn't an actual pro hero, but the fact that he knew All Might personally, combined with how many heroic feats he had under his belt, it was only a matter of time before he became a member of the Top 10 heroes himself one day. He had already been labelled as the strongest student in the class, with Momo being labelled as the smartest, and even Todoroki was given a firm number 2 in strength. The three of them had already cemented themselves as the strongest three in the class, with their high scores, and powerful Quirks.

Momo put a finger to her lips.

"I haven't thought on it, it seemed his mind was somewhere else during that training. He seemed like a good person though, and he was willing to play along with my plans." Momo had been the one who really wanted to get into character. He just went along with it, and with his appearance, it would seem that he was easily more villainous in appearance than she was.

Toru snickered.

"You really don't look like a villain." Toru's sleeves pointed at Momo, who puffed up her red cheeks in embarrassment. She had looked over the footage from her battle, and even she would admit she looked nothing like a villain. Her plan had worked against Sero, but putting a black cape on something, and making them smart didn't a villain make. In retrospect, Naruto with his threatening demeanor had been the better villain. Even the likes of Bakugo in the first battle had played the role of a villain far too easily, and Tenya had tried his hardest to act like a villain.

Mina nodded.

"Speaking of looking like a villain, I think Bakugo has some pretty bad attitude problems. What he did to poor Deku-" Mina had heard Ochaco start calling him that, and decided it was fitting. "-was just wrong. He seemed really angry at the guy for something." She had watched that fight, and Bakugo had just been vicious to Izuku. He had beaten his fellow student to a near pulp. It was only because Ochaco had done her part as a hero that allowed them to pass, and the building collapsing because of Bakugo's explosions helped her use her Quirk.

Said girl shivered.

Honestly, Bakugo and Naruto scared her a little.

How strong was a person to make All Might shiver like that?

-With Naruto-

"Come on Deku, get your shit together!" Naruto caught Izuku's fist with his hand. He had heard several people in class calling him Deku, and the nickname just stuck with him. Izuku had a black eye and a bloody lip, but he was trying his hardest to land a decent hit on Naruto. He was only able to bring out 7% of One for All, but that much wasn't enough to land a clean hit on Naruto in a straight up sparring match. 7% hadn't even been enough for him to defeat Bakugo in the battle training, so there was no way it was going to help him against a student who used almost solely hand to hand.

All Might watched in his shriveled form.

'He's trying his hardest, but he's thinking too much against Naruto. Against an opponent who fights using instinct, but still has a mind for battle, using just your mind won't be enough.' Toshinori thought as he watched his nephew and charge fight. So far, Izuku hadn't even been able to match Naruto use his Quirk.

The point of this training was for Izuku to land a hit on Naruto, that was it. This wasn't One for All training, this was martial arts training using One for All. Watching the boy, Toshinori could actually see where he was going wrong with his fighting style. He was trying to imitate the All Might fighting style of punches, when his body just wasn't built for lots of upper body martial arts. He needed his own fighting style until his body was capable of using 100% power all over, as it stood, he wasn't a fist fighter.

Naruto looked a little annoyed with Izuku.

Naruto used two fingers and grabbed a lock of Izuku's hair, before he yanked his head down with it. He punched him in the nose and knocked him off of his feet, before he grabbed his ankle and slammed him into the sand.

'I can't read his moves... it's like he has a dozen different fighting styles, and never sticks to a single way of combat.' Izuku, even in the sand, had the wind knocked out of him as Naruto put his hands in his pockets.

He liked observing others and how they fought, and used their Quirks, but everything he learned from watching Naruto was useless. The second he tried to fight Naruto's current fighting style, Naruto just switched into a different way of fighting and threw him for a loop. When he tried to adjust to the new style, Naruto switched into the old one, or a new one. No matter how much he tried to take control of the battle, Naruto didn't let him, and he had no way of predicting what Naruto was going to do next.

"Come on kid, get back up." Toshinori whispered as he encouraged Izuku.

This was his successor, he needed to support him right now, not Naruto.

"I'm done." Naruto turned and started to walk away.

"What? I thought we were suppose to be fighting all day!?" Izuku jerked up as quickly as he could, and he wobbled to his feet, before he ran at Naruto. Not to punch him, just to ask him why he was giving up. Naruto turned around and placed his palm on Izuku's head, before he pushed him onto his buŧŧ, right back in the sand.

"You're not ready to train with me... even if you could use 100% of that power you have. That body of yours isn't the only thing holding you back from making me take you seriously. I'll train with you again, when you understand what you're doing wrong." Naruto was done with Izuku.

Toshinori didn't say anything.

Izuku was far too predictable, because he thought out all of his moves. He was easy to trick into acting a certain way, and no amount of speed or power would change that right now. He needed to learn how to think on the fly better, and act on instinct more. As it stood, no amount of training with Naruto would help him with that.

-With the Girls-

"So what do we talk about now?" Mina asked as they all got their food. They had a full day of fun planned, but right now they were going to sit down, eat, and maybe gossip a little.

"... Boys?" Toru asked.

"I'm not interested, right now, I'm focused on becoming a hero." Momo rejected it. She wasn't going to be trying to get into a relationship with any boys until she had become a pro hero, and had gotten used to that harsh life. A relationship could wait until she was an ȧduŀt. "You can talk about it, I just won't have much to say." Momo did relent when she saw Ochaco blushing, and Mina seemingly uninterested. She was kind of interested in why the most tomboyish of them, Mina, seemed like she didn't care too much about this topic.

"Like what, who is the hottest in class, or boys we like?" Mina didn't really have much to say.

She was in a relationship, and in a couple months, she and Naruto were going to have been dating for a full year. The two of them were having a somewhat rocky patch in their relationship, but they would be out of it soon enough. They both had a lot on their plate right now, so they just weren't spending all the time together that they did when Naruto didn't go to school.

She did have opinions on the other boys though.

"Oh come on, think about it, we've got a lot of hotties in class. Todoroki, Naruto, and even Denki are all pretty good looking. I would include Bakugo, but his attitude..." Everyone could agree there, that with Bakugo's anger issues, he was taken off of any potential boyfriend lists. Of all of the boys in class, the hottest ones had to be Naruto, Todoroki, and Denki, with Kirishima being pretty good looking. There were other good lookers, but those four had to be highest on that list. Toru still planned on asking Naruto out, but not until she had seen more of his personality. "Oh, and I sent some of my hair to the company like you said. They're going to make me invisible tights." Toru sent a thumbs up, an unseen thumbs up, to Momo.

"In all honesty, the fact you only wore gloves and boots for a costume was very indecent. Even if nobody could see you." Making a young girl run around mostly nȧkėd was just horrible, it didn't matter if she was invisible. It wasn't appropriate, and it wasn't very smart when considering Toru was going to be a hero, and thus would have to work in both the hot and cold. It was just unhealthy for her to be nȧkėd in the winter months. "You're oddly silent, considering you're very enthusiastic." Momo pointed out, looking right at Mina.

The girl smiled awkwardly.

"Just been in thought... Naruto's with his uncle today, but knowing him, he's going to get into trouble somehow." Mina mentioned in passing, without meaning to. She got looks from the girls. "What?" Mina asked with a confused look.


"You're pretty concerned for him, considering you bȧrėly know him." Ochaco didn't want to sound rude, but she had never really seen Mina and Naruto interact with each other. The only ones she had really seen Naruto talk with was Momo, Toru, and Kirishima. He hadn't really talked to anyone else, he did talk to Mina a little. "Do you like him?" Ochaco asked with a smile.

Toru huffed.

"Hey, I called dibs!"

"You called dibs... on the boy I've been dating for nearly a year. Naruto and I eat lunch together on the roof, and we don't sit close together in class. Also, my boyfriend-" Mina sent a pointed look to Toru, who had the decency to shrink back into her seat. She didn't realize Naruto was taken, and she had made a fool of herself for trying to flirt with him during class the last few days. "-is too oblivious to notice a girl's feelings, so I was just going to let you confess your feelings, and let him be the one to let you down gently. Seriously girl, I've been waiting for you to ask him out, so I could tease Naruto about it." Mina pointed out with deadpan face.

She wasn't angry at Toru in the slightest, a little annoyed, but Toru was honestly innocent of any crime.

"As long as it doesn't interfere with your studies, I have no problem with it. Just try and think of your future before making rash choices." Momo didn't really care either way. She did mentally make note of the fact that she too hadn't really seen Naruto make any romantic advances on his own girlfriend. "Also, try not to-"


"What was that... in the streets, a villain just appeared! We need to go and find a hero!" Ochaco shouted as the dinner they were in shook. They all stood up and looked out the window, seeing traffic stop as a villain with what looked like bombs growing out of his body, screaming in pain and throwing his bombs everywhere.

"A real villain..." Momo looked in surprise, not excepting this today.

Mina looked surprised.

This only happened to her when Naruto was-

"It's Na... It's Fox-Man!" Toru corrected herself when she saw Naruto jump in front of a bomb that nearby hit a car, and take the explosion with his body. He rushed towards the next bomb thrown, and tossed it up into the air, before he used his body again to shield a small group of business men. He was in his 2-Tail form to give him the size to block the explosions, but they all knew it was him now.

"-... is around... seriously." Mina should have known Naruto was somewhere close by if there was a villain that was attacking out of nowhere.

"We should help him." Ochaco actually got ready to go outside and help. She was stopped by Momo though, as they watched Naruto rush towards the villain as he threw two bombs at the side time. Naruto grabbed both of them from the air, and tossed them high up where they could explode safely. "Why are you stopping me, he could get really hurt." Ochaco didn't want her classmate hurt, even if she was a little scared of him.

"Lets help evacuate the civilians." Momo pointed to all of the people Naruto was using his body to shield.

-With Naruto-

'Seriously, I was just here to get lunch... this guy has a black tongue, is this a Trigger addict?' Naruto wondered as he looked at the guy laughing his head off in pain, a strange situation if there ever was one. Naruto had taken explosions on his arms and ċhėst. 'There are too much people around...' Naruto would have already had this taken care of, but the guy just kept throwing bombs at civilians when Naruto was about to knock him out.

This situation suċkėd.

Thankfully, the guy only had 3 bombs left growing out of his arms, and he grabbed two of them. He threw them in opposite directions, so Naruto rushed towards one, grabbed it, and threw it up as he jumped towards the second one and landed on top of it. When it exploded, and he was sent flying into a car, a large bloody mark across his ċhėst.

That hurt.

"Hahahaha! Time for the boom boom!" The man ripped his shirt off, and showed his ċhėst was a bomb. He didn't just grow bombs from his arms, he was a living, breathing, suicide bomb.

Naruto increased his size, crushed the car he was above (nobody was in it anymore), and he kept growing until he was at his current limit. He grabbed the man, and pulled him into his ċhėst. Naruto curled up and wrapped his tails around himself, holding the man as close to his ċhėst as he was able. He didn't know how powerful this explosion was going to be, but it was going to hurt.


It hurt... a lot.

Naruto was sent flying into the side of a building, transforming back into his normal form, his ċhėst and arms now completely bloodied by the explosion he just contained. The bomber was still alive, his body immune to his own explosions, but his body was super skinny as he used up all of his bodies nutrients, leaving him in a severely malnourished state.

"Ooooow... fuċk... that's the news..." Naruto fell out of the building, and landed face first on the side walk. He glanced around, and he was surprised when there was nobody around to see him untransformed. Naruto ġrȯȧnėd in pain as he forced himself to transform back into his 1-Tail state, and got back up. As thankful as he was nobody saw him, he needed to get out of here before other heroes, the police, or the news arrived. "That suċkėd... so much... ȧsshole kept throwing bombs at innocents..." Naruto hated when villains played dirty like that.

Oh well, everyone was safe now.

Naruto wobbled into an alley out of view.

He then passed out.

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