Naruto In My Hero Academia

Chapter 22 - Bloody Yandere Mini Arc

Well, Naruto was in a pickle.

Waking up was fine and dandy, considering almost anyone else who had took explosions to the ċhėst and arms would have been dead. He still felt a massive amount of pain in his ċhėst and arms, and he couldn't move much either. Actually, he couldn't move at all. He flexed his arm, and he felt something tying both of his wrists down. His ankles were in a similar situation, and he had something thin wrapped around his neck.

"Na-chan, Na-chan, how happy you woke up."


"Who are you?" Naruto looked at the girl who walked in. He didn't recognize her off of the top of his head, but she seemed a little familiar to him. The frizzy bun hair, the blonde hair, and yellow eyes... and those fangs. Of course, he recognized her clothes more than anything.

She was wearing a super baggy orange hoodie, that was literally just like the one that he wore. She had it half unzipped like his, showing her moderately impressive cleavage. She wore super baggy black pants, that was only held onto her body with a tight belt, and the legs were rolled up to allow her to walk. She was literally wearing his clothes, and he meant literally.

He could smell himself on those clothes.

She stole his clothes!?

"Oh Na-chan Na-chan, don't you remember, I'm Himiko Toga. Our love started in that alley, and I just couldn't resist taking you." Himiko spoke with a love-struck voice.

Naruto deadpanned.

"First, I'm going to transform, break out of these bonds. Second, I'm going to rip my clothes off of you... Finally, I'm going to beat you up and drop you off at the police station." Naruto told her his step by step plan for what was about to happen to her. "Also..." Naruto glanced down, and saw he was wearing pants still. His ċhėst and arms were bandaged up, so she must have broken into his house and stolen his clothes.

He shivered.

That was even worse than if she just stripped him nȧkėd of his clothes.

"Sounds fun." Himiko jumped onto the bed with Naruto, and he yelped in pain when she landed on his ċhėst. She poked his neck, where something was wrapped around it. "If you transform though, your going to slit your handsome throat." Himiko pointed to the iron fibers that were wrapped around his neck. Durable enough to not snap when he transformed, meaning that if he upped his size, he would be slitting his throat in the process.

Naruto frowned, and he glanced at the ropes that were tied around his wrists, they weren't made of the same material, but they didn't have to be. The threat around his neck was good enough to keep him restrained.

Who was this freak?

"So you have me here... what do you want?" Naruto asked her as he tried to think of a way to get out of here. Wherever here was, he was going to escape, and take this girl down when he escaped.

Himiko traced the bandages on his ċhėst.

"First, going to let you heal... then I'm going to stabby stab you. When I saw you bloody that day, I just had to fall in love... and I've been following you ever since. Learning about you, watching your movements-" Her face twisted as a sick glee overcame her features. Her cheeks turned bright pink as she remembered what she had done, the things she had gotten to do in her pursuit of love. "-... watching you, learning to imitate you, taking your clothes, making myself dress like you, pretend to be you..." Himiko exclaimed to him as she scooted down so that she was sitting on his abs.

She was twitching and squirmimg like a school girl with a crush, and was more than happy to explain everything to him.


Sadly, now he remembered her.

'No windows... one door... and this room smells like blood.'

"There is no escape honey. I'm going to keep you here, but don't worry, you'll still have a social life... I'll go to school for you, as you. I'll break up with that sėxy girl you like... so-" Himiko layed down on top of him so that she was looking at at him eye to eye. She pushed her finger up against his wounds, and opened them up so that he started to bleed again.

Her smile widened even further, taking a far more perverse look to it as she lowered herself further on him, liking his bleeding ċhėst.

The fuċk!?

'Stay calm... surely, Mina will notice... somebody will notice this girl isn't me.' Naruto watched as she got off of him. She rolled off of the bed and onto the floor, before she hit the ground. He couldn't see her, but when she stood up, she looked just like he did. Down to the last detail, she was his exact clone. "You can turn into people like drinking their blood." Naruto pointed out.

That would explain the fangs to be honest.

He was disturbed when his voice came out as a response, out of a body that looked just like his. Her wearing his clothes just made it even worse.

"Don't worry, we're just one step closer to becoming one person. I love you so much Na-chan, and soon, we'll become one forever."

-Next Day U.A.-

"My boy Kirishima! Sorry I couldn't hang with you yesterday, I was with my uncle!" Himiko shouted as she ran over to Kirishima. She high fived Kirishima like it was nothing, before the two of them pro-fisted.

He gave her a thumbs up.

"Dude, saw the news, you were awesome. The way you took that explosion, and saved everyone was awesome. So manly!" Kirishima punched Himiko in the arm, and she wrapped her arm around his shoulder. They bumped fists again. "Man, you must be feeling great, you're so energetic this morning!" Kirishima hadn't seen Naruto this excited for school.


Toru jumped on Himiko's back and started to poke the whisker marks on her face.

"Toru?" Himiko asked with Naruto's confusion. She knew his expressions down to every last detail, she had been watching him for awhile now.

"I wanted to ask you on a date, but because you're with Mina, lets just stay friends." Toru was completely open with it. She was going to respect her friend by not being attracted to her boyfriend. She didn't have feelings for Naruto anyway, she just wanted to date him to see if any feelings developed.

Himiko smiled.

"Lets stay friends, sounds like a plan!" Himiko just let Toru keep poking her, and moments later the invisible girl got off on her own.

Mina showed up and grabbed ahold of Naruto's hand.

"Morning Naruto-" Mina leaned up to try and give him a kiss, but she blinked in shock when Himiko jerked out of her grip and walked several steps forward. She saw that annoyed look on her boyfriend's features. "-... well, somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Mina shrugged her shoulders and smiled moments later. "Well grumpy, no kisses for you today then."

Himiko turned.

"We're done... I don't want to be with you anymore, not after what you did." Himiko even imitated Naruto's serious voice too well.

'What did she do?' Toru and Kirishima looked at Mina, who was just stunned with wide eyes. She could tell when Naruto was being serious, and he wasn't joking around with her.

She watched as Himiko made a show of storming off.

Mina was frozen with wide eyes, she took a hesitant forward, but she stopped and placed her hand on her arm.

"You're not Naruto." Kirishima looked at Naruto with a frown. Himiko froze when she was outed already, surprised. "... Now that I think about it... I didn't feel any heart when you greeted me." Kirishima proclaimed with a bold step forward.

Himiko smiled.

Such good friends Naruto had.

"What do you mean, this has to be Naruto, it's not like somebody can just take his shape and... AH!" Toru realized what this meant. Several other students were listening in, though they didn't know what was going on, and just passed by them. A couple of students in their class joined in though.

"What's going on?" Shoji asked as he joined them, since they were making a scene.

"Naruto... took an explosion to the ċhėst... an explosion that the news reported left him... in visibly dire condition..." Mina remembered that she had evacuated civilians, and didn't see what happened in person. But when she watched the news, she remembered seeing Naruto in his giant fox form heavily injured.

"Where's my best friend you bastard!?" Kirishima roared, and the others got into a battle stance when there was a laugh.

It wasn't Naruto's voice anymore.

"A girl?" Shoji asked in surprise when he heard a soft voice. Part of the disguise had come undone, and half of Naruto's face turned into a girl's face. A girl none of them recognized to be honest.

She was grinning.

"Such good friends... and I'm Naruto, so don't I have such great friends. Don't worry, my love is safe... He's injured, and when he's better, I'm going to cut him some more, make him even more handsome..." Himiko was punched in the face by Mina, not surprising, and knocked out of Kirishima's grip. She had angry tears in her eyes.

Kirishima grinned and got ready for a fight.

They all turned to face the impersonator.

She was gone, somehow in the second that they looked away, she was gone again. They didn't know how she did it, but even looking around they couldn't find any trace of her. They all looked around, trying to find any trace of her, but nothing. Mina actually screamed in anger, actual anger, when she realized that now she knew Naruto was missing, and the only person who knew where he was and had him, had vanished right under their noses. She wasn't the only angry one, Kirishima and Toru were pretty angry too.

They had to find Naruto.

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