Naruto In My Hero Academia

Chapter 23 - Love-Hate

Something was off.

Shota looked at his classroom, and right away, something was extremely off about it. He glanced around, before he noticed that several of his students... were not in their seats. Actually, it wasn't just that they were in their seats, it seemed they were gone altogether. He saw that Mina, Kirishima, Shoji, Toru, and Naruto were all not in their seats, which was odd that so many students were absent at the same time. Even worse considering that some of them were friends, and this would mean they were skipping school to hang out.

'If there reasons aren't good for this, I'll expel all of them.' Shota would tell All Might about this, but he wasn't going to go out of his way to track down a classroom of skipping teenagers.

They better be able to explain this.

-With Naruto-

"You're a monster... you didn't even break that kit-kat... you just took a bite out of the whole damn bar." Naruto moved his head around so that she wouldn't feed him her second-hand chocolate. She was in his clothes again, laying down next to him, and trying to feed him. Of course, he would rather starve than get an indirect or direct kiss from this psychotic bitch. She had a knife in her other hand, drawing crude lines down his arms, leaving thin cuts that just bȧrėly bled. She was sure enjoying herself, and she rolled on top of him and smiled.

When he got out of here, he was going to beat the shit out of this girl.

"Oh, don't be that way... you have to eat to keep your strength up. If I want to suck your blood, you need to not die, so you got to keep that strengthy strength up." Himiko tried to sound cute.

She was cute, but Naruto wasn't going to think it after what she did to him.

He jerked his forehead forward, and smashed his head into her nose. She yelped in pain and rolled off of the bed with a hard thump, slamming into the dresser on the way down. Naruto smirked at his small victory, he wasn't going to make it easy for her to have her fun with him. He frowned though when she hung over the side of the bed with a bleeding nose, and a wide smile. She was ŀɨċkɨnġ her own blood as it went over her lips, having actually enjoyed his violence against her. She enjoyed pain, she enjoyed pŀėȧsurė, she enjoyed hurting and being hurt. He didn't know how to handle her, other than beat her within an inch of her life and leave her to rot in prison. Honestly, that was his only answer for dealing with her.

-With the Naruto Rescue Squad (Hours Later)-

"This is the scene of the crime yesterday..." Kirishima whispered as they looked around the busy streets, that were busy once more. There was a construction crew that was filling in the holes blasted in the road from the villain fight. There were brown spots on the side of the building, spots that were dried up blood. Kirishima was worried for his friend, but he had to admire how far Naruto went to save lives. He had taken a super powerful explosion and contained it with his own body, which was the height of manly.

This was their only place where they could start looking for Naruto, the place where he was last seen.

"He's gotta be hurt really bad..." Mina slapped her cheeks as hard as she could to try and stay calm. Her pink cheeks turning bright red from her abusing them, but she was able to try and stay calm because of it.

Toru was looking in the trashcans in the alley for any clue.

"Shoji, can you make dog noses with your Quirk, and sniff Naruto out?" Kirishima asked his classmate.

Shoji shook his head.

"I'm limited to making copies of my own body parts. While I can make multiple eyes and ears to give myself better range, I can't modify the nose I would make to make it smell better than my own." Shoji explained his Quirk, even making an eye come from one of his arms.

"If Naruto was here, he could become a fox and track-" Toru stopped when she realized that if 'Naruto' was with them, they wouldn't be doing this in the first place. Mina looked upset at the reminder, but she got her phone out and called Naruto's phone.

Toru reached into the trash and pulled out Naruto's phone, and she answered the call.

"So... we can't track him by phone signal." Shoji whispered as he started to follow the trail of blood. He took the lead, with Kirishima following behind him closely. He had both of his arms raised up, ready to fight if the girl appeared. "We should have contacted a hero." Shoji pointed out with his mask shifting and showing he might be frowning underneath.

Mina shook her head, and so did Toru.

"Where were you two when Naruto got kidnapped?" Kirishima didn't want to come off as accusing, but it needed to be asked.

They were here when it went down.

"I was helping get people out of the area. When the fight ended, I was a few blocks away... I didn't know Naruto had been hurt until I saw the news. I thought he had just escaped so that he wasn't seen by the news." Toru spoke the absolute truth. Naruto had cemented himself as a hero in the eyes of much of the classroom, so it was easy to see him as somebody who was invincible.

That seemed to be further from the truth.

Mina just gripped Naruto's phone in her hands.

'... I should have helped him... It's Momo's fau...' Mina stopped herself.

No, it wasn't her fault. She chose to go along with what the group wanted to do, and help evacuate people. She could have went against the group, and helped Naruto fight. Then he might not have gotten so hurt in the first place. If she had thrown some acid at the villain, and hurt him, then maybe Naruto wouldn't have had to protect everyone from the big explosion.

It was her fault for not following her instincts, not Momo's fault, the girl had just been doing what a hero would have done, and helped evacuate those who were in need of help.

"... It's okay, we'll find him." Kirishima held back a little and put a hand on her shoulder. They continued following the blood trail as far as it was going to go, but the further they went, the less Naruto had been bleeding. His wounds having stopped bleeding as time went on. Kirishima pushed his fingers against his cheeks, and pushed his lips into a smile. "Come on, do what Naruto would do right now, and try and smile. Naruto told me that a hero smiles to protect people's hearts, and he told me your smile is his favorite." Kirishima tried to get her to smile again.

She never knew Naruto liked her smile so much. Naruto must talk about her behind her back with Kirishima, and from the looks of it, he said good things about her.

"I'll show him my brightest smile to!" Toru shouted.


"You do that... Shoji, the blood stops here." Kirishima commented when they were all forced to stop.

They didn't have a trail to follow.

"Lets split up... Kirishima, you go with Toru, and I'll go with Mina. If we find Naruto, we don't do anything until all of us are together. That girl wasn't very big, and her Quirk wasn't strength related... so she couldn't have carried Naruto super far." Shoji tried to think about everything that he had seen so far.

They needed more of a plan than that though.

"Wish there was a pro that we could turn to without getting in trouble." Kirishima whispered as he teamed up with Toru.

Mina blinked and looked at the phone in her hand.

"... Kirishima, Naruto changed his password on his phone... do you know it? Naruto knows some heroes that might help us." Mina pointed out as she gave him Naruto's phone. She didn't want to part with it right away, but Kirishima nodded.

"0730." Kirishima typed it in.

"July the 30th? Is that his birthday or something?" Toru wondered out loud, since that sounded like Naruto had picked that number for a reason. Mina took Naruto's phone back, and she found the password a little odd as well, and she felt like she recognized that number.

It didn't matter right now though.

She looked through Naruto's phone contacts, his uncle wasn't going to be any use here, so she continued scrolling down them. She didn't see All Might's number in Naruto's phone, so Naruto must know that number out of the top of his head. She tried to find a number for a hero that she could trust to help them, but also not get Naruto into a trouble.

She found it.

"Who are you calling?" Kirishima asked, not recognizing the name that Naruto had in his contacts.

Who the hell was his Ryuko Tatsuma?

-With Ryuko-

"Thanks for this, we're grateful."

"Just doing my job, no need to thank me." Ryuko in her hero outfit spoke as she looked down at two police officers. She was in full dragon form, holding two criminals in her hands. She had been called to take care of two villains who had attempted to rob a bank, they had flame Quirks, so her scales had been a very good protection against the fire. Not to say her hero clothes didn't have some burns on them.

They had put up a fight, and several Water Quirk heroes were putting out all of the fires that had sprung up.

She tossed them into the cop car, back seat, before she transformed back into a human form. She reached down and took her phone out the holder stabbed to her leg.

"A heroine's work is never done." The cop joked when she turned away and started to walk out of hearing range for those around.

It was Naruto, he should be in school right now for starters, so he shouldn't be calling her. Second, today wasn't her day off, and she was on duty. He knew not to call her when she was working. She was going to have to lecture him about time and place for this sort of thing, and make sure that he wasn't slacking off in class.

"Naruto, this isn't the time-"

"Naruto is in trouble, we need your help!"

"... Mina?" Ryuko stopped her lecture when Mina on the other end shouted over her. She was a little surprised Mina was calling her, and she mentally went over those words again. "Naruto, in trouble? He's always in trouble. Nothing is new about that. I'm working right now. So when Naruto is done handling the trouble, tell him to call me later." Ryuko had utmost confidence that Naruto could handle whatever situation he was involved in.

She had trained the boy herself, and he was stronger than the the average pro hero. He could handle himself just fine against most things.

"Naruto was kidnapped, and he might be dying!"

"Tell me everything." Ryuko spoke more harshly than she intended to. This was instantly more serious than she thought it to be. She doubted Mina would say those words lightly unless the situation was really serious.

This sounded bad.

"Yesterday, a villain appeared that used his body as a bomb. Before he could explode, Naruto used his body to contain the explosion. He was really hurt though, and before anyone could find him, he was kidnapped. We've been trying to find him, but his blood trail stopped."

"Blood trail..." Ryuko knew that leaving a blood trail, meant that a person had to be bleeding a lot. If Naruto passed out from bloodloss, and a villain took him, then he was in real danger. "... That..." Ryuko registered the rest of the story as well.

Naruto sacrificed his body to save others, and ended up extremely hurt because of it, that sounded like him.

"We're in an alley next to where the villain attacked... please help us."

"I'm on my way, and you should have contacted me the second you realized Naruto was in danger. I'm going to be talking with all of your teachers about this when this is over with." Ryuko sounded stern. This was something that students shouldn't be dealing with, this was hero work. It was one thing to do hero work when you were forced to, like Naruto usually was, but these students were skipping school to track down their friend.

They should have contacted the police, or talked with their pro hero teachers first thing, and not call a hero when they couldn't find Naruto.

Turning into a dragon, Ryuko flew up into the air.

-With Naruto-

"Ah, come on, you should at least scream a little... you look so angry. Here I am, making you look even sėxier." Himiko twisted the knife that she had in Naruto's shoulder. His face was pained, but he was refusing to so much as grunt in pain as he glared at her.

She just enjoyed his blood on her face.

"You twisted little-" Naruto stopped when the knife stabbed him again. Himiko got off of him, and grabbed a glass of water. She used a spoon and stirred it up, before she poured it on his wounds.

He wanted to shout.

"See, I'm taking care of you like a good girlfriend. I'm making you more handsome, and I'm pouring salt water on you to slow the bleeding." Himiko continued to pour salt water on his stab wounds. "I think that's all for today, I stabbed you a lot already, and you're still injured from mister bomb... lets pick this up again tomorrow?" Himiko told him as she put her knife away.

She looked at his bloody body, blew him a kiss.

Naruto bit his lip and held back a scream, before he glared at her when she tried to force him to eat again. His stomach was growling, but he kept his mouth shut when she tried to force feed him.

"The second I get this wire off my neck, your ȧss is grass."

He was going to kick her ȧss for this.

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